Finally Come

Chapter 701

Chapter 702 The Long Time No See Meeting Three【gogo! come on! 】

Chapter 702 The Long Time No See Meeting Three [gogo! come on! 】

Hum 1……..

Hinata’s brain became a bit exploded after it got close to the chest. Hinata suddenly felt that the whole person was dizzy and his face was about to smoke, but because of this, it was relying on the dragon key to rely on it even more.

“Huh? How did Hinata have this symptom? Isn’t this a symptom that only appears when you mention or see the picture or name of the princess?” Toga and Shino looked at Hinata curiously, and Hinata admired and liked it very much. They all know about Princess Rain Shinobi Village. Whenever you mention the name Hinata, you will blush. Seeing the photo will almost make Hinata faint, but what’s going on.

Long Yao’s body was a little stiff at this time, and he showed a smirk when he looked at Hong next to him. Only then did Long Yao realize that after so many years, Hong’s weird girl’s heart has not changed, but 1….

Long Yao looked down at Hinata in his arms…

Can I say that I have been cute again because of Loli Hinata? The dragon key seems to be killed…

“Little Hinata, do you like the rain shadows of Rain Shinobi Village?” Long Yao said in amazement when the other two little ghosts had said something.

Seeing this handsome elder brother’s face so close to him, little Hinata said to himself that he couldn’t blush to anyone other than His Royal Highness, but his face became even hotter involuntarily, and it took a long time to light up his hair. There was a soft hum sound like a mosquito.

Seeing Hinata nodding his head, Long Key couldn’t help feeling that he was even more fucked.

Should I say that I have too much charm, even such a lovely Loli who is so small and far away in Konoha was attracted? But isn’t the eldest lady a woman? What a fuck… Long Yao’s forehead involuntarily showed black lines.

“What’s so good about that girl?” Long Key looked at Hinata a little puzzled, causing the red beside him to laugh. Hong had met the princess Loli many years ago, but now Hong still thinks that Rain The princess of Shinobi Village is Long Yao’s younger sister.

“No.. You are not allowed to say that, even if you are Teacher Hong’s husband.” Who knows, after hearing Long Key’s words, Hinata, who has always been shy, raised his head firmly and retorted Long Key.

However, Hong who laughed aside became shy. Husband or something, little Hinata, good job! Sister didn’t hurt you for nothing!

The girl’s heart seemed to start toss in Hong’s heart again.And when Long Yao saw Hinata’s decisive look, he felt even more fucked. He couldn’t say how bad he was, right? It’s all done by yourself, the identity of the eldest lady.

“I’m her brother, my brother.”

“Even if you are a real brother, you can’t…Ah?!” “What?!” “???!!!!!!”

Little Hinata said half-stopped with a pair of lovely eyes and looked up at Long Key with wide open eyes. It was almost adorable, and Shino Kazuya also looked at the man in front of him with an incredulous expression.

What I said… it looks real… After hearing what Long Yao said, several people associate the appearance of the man in front of him with the appearance of Miss Rain Shinobi Village, and suddenly I found….. This man is absolutely right! The face of the eldest lady is unique and beautiful, and so is this man, so stunningly beautiful that she is not a relative.

Hinata looked at the dragon key in front of him, and realized that the man in front of him was her favorite elder brother of the eldest, suddenly became obsessed, not knowing whether it was because of the eldest lady, because of the appearance of the dragon key, admiration, or all three. Bar.

Next, little Hinata seemed to gradually adapt to being held by Long Yao. The last lunch was finished happily. The three children were very, very satisfied with the teacher’s husband.

When Hinata was finally sent home, Long Key still kissed Hinata on the cheek, making Hinata blush, but to Long Key’s surprise, little Hinata watched Long Key for a long, long time, and seemed to have decided something. As determined as he was, he quickly slapped Long Yao’s cheek, and then ran away quickly.

Long Yao touched his cheek, and when he was a little surprised, he felt a sense of guilt for abducting Loli, and then Long Yao immediately eliminated the guilt.

Just kidding, isn’t it enough to abduct Loli himself? Bai, Kushina, Hong and Xiaonan were also eaten by themselves when Loli was acting as a girl, Tsunade and Terumi Mei were also good when they were girls, huh! Abduct Loli in a mere way.

“Yao, do you seem to be very happy…you wouldn’t do anything to Hinata…she’s still just a child.” Hong suddenly tilted his head and leaned against Long Yao’s shoulder, seeing Long Yao’s triumphant look recalled the scene of’obscene’ Loli just now, and Hong suddenly thought of some bad aspects.

“Idiot, what do you think, I must be attacking you if I want to start.” Long Yao’s face turned dark. He was too embarrassed to say what he had just thought of no matter how thick he was. Under the look of expectation, the lips of the two slowly converged.

Red’s fragrant little tongue is swimming in Long Key’s mouth from time to time, and his hands cling to Long Key’s back tightly. )

“Um… Hong, although I’m not very good at saying that, but now someone seems to be watching us.” Long Key had noticed since the kiss just now, and someone happened to pass by and saw him, but Long Key didn’t stop. , He just wants to show it to that person.

Otherwise, Hong looked forward. Asuma, Kakashi, and Guy didn’t know when they were standing around the corner. There were nine little ghosts behind the second, and the girls looked at Long Key with flushed faces. The second group of men pretended to look like I hadn’t seen it, while Asuma had a gray face, and the roses in his back were better hidden.

“Red, is he the one you always said to be waiting for?” Kakashi touched his head, looked at Asuma with some sympathy, and then at Hong.

“Well, yes, it’s him, okay, I won’t tell you, let’s go first.” Hong seemed a little shy. The scene just now was seen by a group of children and acquaintances, and he hurriedly pulled Long Key. After leaving, Long Key pretended not to know them. Before leaving, I apologized and smiled at Kakashi. He gave them a look of embarrassment and made everyone have a very good impression of this angel-like man. . ..

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