Wilson was a little puzzled.

What did Jiang Tiankuo mean just now?

He shook his head and said,"Mr. Wilson, the best chefs in our Dragon Country are all in the Imperial Hotel. You know how the food he cooked that day tasted."

Wilson didn't say anything.

The first time I went to the Imperial Hotel for dinner, I was really impressed by the superb cooking skills of the chefs there, but I felt a little tired of it after a long time.

Every dish they made was conventional, without any innovation at all, and it was not attractive enough to keep people eating for a long time.

But it is also undeniable that the chefs in the Imperial Hotel are generally of a high standard.

"Mr. Jiang, what do you want to say?"

Jiang Tiankuo said with a smile:"Mr. Wilson, I am not afraid of you laughing at me. The one who cooked for you this time is actually the chef in the prison."

"He used to be responsible for cooking for the prisoners and was my daughter's colleague. However, he was a good cook and even used his excellent cooking skills to help the police solve two cases."

"I think you are very interested in Longguo cuisine, so I asked him to cook a meal for you. I wonder if Mr. Wilson likes it?"


Wilson was stunned.

He was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

Oh my.

He finally understood what it meant that there are masters among the people.

In any case, Wilson didn't expect that the delicious roast duck just now was made by a chef in a prison.

The cooking skills are really amazing!

Whether it is the appearance, taste, color, or aroma of the roast duck, it is unique.

Especially the pine cone fragrance integrated into the roast duck meat is even more amazing, which is simply the finishing touch of the whole dish.

Delicious and amazing

"Mr. Jiang, are the chefs in your prison so skilled now?"

Seeing that Wilson was willing to talk to him, Jiang Tiankuo knew that his approach had worked. Now, if he wanted to sign a contract with him, it would only take a word.

"Mr. Wilson."

Jiang Tiankuo said:"If we have anything to talk about, we can talk while eating. What do you think, sir?"

""Okay, okay."

Wilson answered very straightforwardly.

He quickly said to Jiang Tiankuo:"Let's go without further delay. I can't wait to try the chef's cooking skills."


Jiang Tiankuo nodded in agreement in front of him.

Wilson, who was sitting in the car, was full of expectations for Jiang Chen's cooking skills. A most ordinary roast duck became the ultimate delicacy in the world in his hands.

Maybe he could make other dishes even better.

About half an hour later, Wilson arrived outside Jiang Tiankuo's villa.

As soon as he got out of the car, he smelled the fragrance in the air.

He was sure that he had eaten every dish before. The dishes made by Jiang Chen were not fancy, just the simplest home-cooked dishes.

But he just had such a level and magic that he could make home-cooked dishes with endless aftertaste, color, fragrance and taste, and people couldn't stop eating after eating.

Wilson didn't go in immediately. He stood in the yard, capturing every scent in the air.

For a person who really loves food, there is a lot of preparation to do before tasting food.

You must concentrate, focus, and have no distractions. This is The most basic respect for food. If you are not focused enough when eating, you will not only disappoint your stomach. Will you also disappoint the chef?

At the same time, you will also disappoint a dish.

Wilson is an entrepreneur, and in a sense, he is also a gourmet.

Regarding food, he not only has research, but also has his own unique insights.

In his opinion, any delicacy needs to be savored slowly, not just eaten. The more delicious the food is, the more you have to chew it slowly.

Let every pore and every nerve cell in your body be thoroughly baptized by the arrival of delicious food.

This is the highest realm of eating!

Wilson followed Jiang Tiankuo, and not long after, the two came into the house. After opening the door, he saw a large table of dishes.

Jiang Chen, Jiang Xue, and Jiang Xue's mother, the three of them were standing by the table. Seeing Wilson come in, Jiang Xue's mother took the initiative to step forward and say hello

"Hello, Mr. Wilson."

Wilson didn't say anything, just nodded gently, all his eyes and attention were focused on the food.

Just now, when he was savoring the aroma outside, he forgot everything else, and only the food on the table remained in his mind.

He took a deep breath and gradually walked towards the large table of dishes.

The dishes were quite rich, including spicy crayfish, red roast fish, mouth-watering chicken, roast duck, stir-fried pork, lean meatballs, steamed pork with rice flour, pork with preserved vegetables, stir-fried Chinese cabbage, and spicy and sour shredded potatoes.

Wilson had tasted these dishes before, and he would never look at the same dish more than twice or three times.

But the table of dishes in front of him made him want to make an exception.

This is what a truly great chef is like. The simplest food can also make the most extreme taste.

Wilson sat down at the table and poured himself a glass of red wine. Even though he was particularly greedy, his stomach had already been rumbling in protest and he felt very hungry. However

, Wilson still did not eat voraciously. He maintained his unique respect for food. He had to pay attention to his image at all times, especially when it came to food. Eating voraciously was simply an insult to him.

He first picked up a piece of steamed pork with rice flour, slowly put it into his mouth, closed his eyes, and chewed gently.

The moment his teeth touched the steamed pork with rice flour, the meat was torn in half.

After a long period of steaming, the steamed pork with rice flour was already very soft, glutinous and fragrant.

The layer of rice flour wrapped around it was full of juice and had a strong aroma that lasted for a long time.

After a while, the gravy that had been fully cooked was...

, diffused in the mouth, making his nerves and taste buds extremely relaxed, as if it was a great enjoyment. It was so delicious that he trembled all over!

It was great!

This was better than any steamed pork with rice flour he had eaten before.

Then he tasted the hot and sour shredded potatoes. The heat of the shredded potatoes was very good, just in the state of being raw, and the most important thing was that the starch was completely washed clean, and the shredded potatoes were neatly arranged one by one. The shredded potatoes were relatively crispy and did not seem to be too chewy. The fragrance of the green pepper itself had been perfectly integrated with the shredded potatoes under high heat.

Sour and spicy, the shredded potatoes themselves were very crispy, especially appetizing, and quite good with rice. He was already very hungry, but now he felt even more hungry. He quickly asked Jiang Tiankuo to help him get a bowl of rice.

Next Wilson tasted every dish very carefully. As a person who is very knowledgeable about food, his taste is of course very picky.

Originally, the highest-rated dish in Wilson's mind was only about 80 points.

But Jiang Chen's cooking skills are superb, and almost every dish he made can be rated above 90.

Not only is it very good with rice, but most importantly, each dish is slightly innovative. While maintaining the original taste, it will have some other flavors.

But this taste will not conflict with the original taste. The two are always inseparable, and sometimes it is even the added light scent that will become the finishing touch.

Make the whole dish more memorable!

There are more than ten dishes on the table. Wilson's eating speed is not very fast, quite elegant, but there is no sign of showing.

After an hour and a half, Wilson was surprised to find that everything on the table had been basically eaten clean by him.

Even the juice in the stir-fried cabbage, he poured it into the bowl and ate it with rice.

This taste is simply too good!

It's really beautiful!

How can his cooking skills be so superb?!

It was so delicious that it made me want to cry!

Wilson hadn't eaten so much in a long time. He leaned back in his chair and let out a long sigh, then put his chopsticks aside.

A look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

"Mr. Wilson'."

Jiang Tiankuo stepped forward and asked,"How is it? Do these dishes suit your taste?""

"Bring the contract here."

Wilson was particularly generous. He waved his right hand and said,"Last time we talked about an order worth several hundred million?"

Hearing Wilson's words, Jiang Tiankuo's eyes lit up. Of course, he understood what he meant.

It seemed that he wanted to increase the order volume?

"Mr. Wilson, the last time we discussed an order of 500 million yuan." (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Wilson thought for a moment and said,"Okay, I will add another 200 million yuan to the original amount."

"But I have a condition. I want to come over for another meal tomorrow night?"

"It’s still the same dish. Would you like it?"

"If it's inconvenient, I won't force you. I will definitely give you the 500 million order."

Jiang Tiankuo hesitated for a moment, then turned around and looked at Jiang Chen beside him. It was obvious that the decision on this matter was entirely in his hands.

Was it really necessary to look at Jiang Chen?


Cooking a meal costs hundreds of thousands, which seems to be quite cost-effective. Jiang Chen agreed readily. Jiang Tiankuo breathed a sigh of relief and said,"Mr. Wilson, if you have time tomorrow night, you can come anytime. We welcome you."

"Well, that's good."

Wilson said cheerfully,"I won't say anything else. I'll leave now."

"I'll bring a contract worth 700 million tomorrow!"

"You are very sincere. I have also read the plans you originally prepared for me. They are very much in line with my wishes. I feel relieved to leave it to you."

Jiang Tiankuo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Mr. Wilson, thank you!"

"You're welcome. I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation."

Seeing Wilson gradually leaving the room, Jiang Tiankuo was very excited. He rushed to Jiang Chen and hugged him tightly.

"Little brother! You are simply my God!"

"Awesome, you are awesome! If it weren't for you, our order would have been cancelled."

"I will transfer the money to you right away. Last time we agreed on 160,000, right? I will give you 320,000!"

With Jiang Chen's help, he got several hundred million orders at one time. It was nothing to give him 300,000. In Jiang Tiankuo's opinion, it was just a small amount.

What a bold move!

300,000 in one go!

"Thank you for your help, uncle."

Jiang Tiankuo said seriously,"How can you say it's a trouble? I should be the one thanking you. Everything I did was my duty."

"If it weren't for you, our company would never have gotten this order. Let's celebrate tonight!"


Jiang Xue, who was standing next to Jiang Chen, had little stars in her eyes. She stared at him motionlessly, her eyes full of admiration.

Jiang Chen was amazing!


At this moment, in an unknown place, it is dark at night.

Thunder roars. Lightning flashes and thunder roars.

""Boss, boss."

A one-eyed man stood in front of a strong man with a nervous look in his eyes.

He stammered,"Do we really want to do that?"

"Will the damage be too great?"

The strong man slammed the table and cursed,"Why, are you all scared now? What were you doing before? I'm telling you, I've buried the explosives in advance."

"The action will be launched on time at noon the day after tomorrow. Now we are all on the same boat. You have to agree to it whether you agree or not."

The one-eyed dragon said with some concern:"But those children are innocent, boss!"

"Besides, if we were to attack them, the harm we would cause would be too great, and the police could shoot us at any time."

"We are just trying to make a living, there is no need to take such a big risk, it will cost you your head."


The strong man slapped the other man in the face.���Pointing at his nose, he said,"I'm telling you, don't talk to me about conditions. Since I've decided to do this, then stop talking nonsense to me."

"Besides, those policemen would never dare to shoot me to death. If they did, there would be no way they could defuse the bomb."

The one-eyed man was a little surprised.

"Brother, are you kidding me?"

One-eyed Dragon said,"There are bomb disposal experts in the police station. They will definitely find a way when the time comes."

"You know nothing."

The strong man replied:"To be honest with you, they may be able to dismantle ordinary bombs, but they can't even think about dismantling this batch of bombs."

"I specially hired someone to research and make it. It is extremely powerful. No one except me and the person who developed it can dismantle it."

The one-eyed dragon was very curious.

"Boss, who developed it? What if they find the person who developed the bomb?"

The strong man leaned back in his chair leisurely.

"I tell you that the person who developed the bomb is a university professor. His last name is Miao and everyone calls him Professor Miao. Not long ago, he was arrested by the police for stealing cultural relics."

"He hated society just like me. He had suffered a lot since he was a child. Finally, he became a professor. However, because he had no status and no background, he was always targeted."

"He has no other hobbies, except ancient artifacts and bomb research."

"I met him by chance, and when we talked, we found that our fates were similar. I heard that he could research bombs, so I asked her to help me, and he didn't ask me what I was doing."

"A month later, the bombs were handed over to me."

"As a result, he was arrested shortly after I gave it to him. Unless something extremely serious happened, Lao Miao would not betray me, let alone come to defuse the bomb."

"I just want to let those policemen know what the consequences will be if they do something unfair and unjust."

Looking at the angry strong man, the one-eyed man didn't dare to speak and stood silently by the side.

He had already taken such an extreme measure, what else could he say?!


In prison

"Eat, why don’t you eat?"

Professor Miao pointed at the iron-like steamed bun in the bowl, grabbed Wu Qiang’s face and cursed:"Didn’t you tell me that the food in prison was delicious, so you betrayed me?"

"Is this what you call delicious?"

"Look at this bun. If I use it to hit your head, it can break you."

"Since you like it, we will give you all the buns now, why don't you eat them?"

Wu Qiang almost cried.

They committed serious crimes and were imprisoned in Prison No. 1. Of course, they had no chance to taste Jiang Chen's cooking skills.

The food they ate every day was very bad.

This made Wu Qiang regret and feel very wronged.

Those policemen were too much, they didn't keep their words!

They said that if he betrayed the boss, he would be given delicious food, but now he is still eating coarse food.


What a bunch of bastards!


At this moment, a man wearing glasses ran in at the door. He grabbed Professor Miao's right hand and said,"Wait a minute, Wu Qiang doesn't seem to be kidding us. There are really delicious foods in prison!"

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