The man who just spoke was Zhang Lei, a good friend of Professor Miao. He was also one of the core planners of the cultural relic theft case.

Hearing him say that, Professor Miao was a little skeptical.

He looked at him and asked,"Really? How can there be delicious food in a prison like this?""

"It's ok that Wu Qiang lied to me, but you are making fun of me too?"

After he was thrown into prison after his crime was exposed, there were two things that Professor Miao could not stand.

The first was that the food in prison was too bad.

Three meals a day, clear soup and water, the steamed buns in the morning were like iron blocks, the fried dough sticks were like wooden sticks, and the rice at noon was no different from sand.

His stomach was already very bad, and after eating the food in prison, his physical condition deteriorated further.

Of course.

Professor Miao could still tolerate the problem of food, anyway, he didn't pay much attention to eating, drinking, defecating and urinating.

What really made him suffer was that he would never have the opportunity to touch his favorite cultural relics in prison.

When Professor Miao was studying for a master's degree and a doctorate, he chose the field of engineering explosives and tackled bomb manufacturing.

However, in the later period, he found that he was not very interested in it.

Instead, he had an extraordinary love for ancient cultural relics..

After graduating with a doctorate, he ignored everyone's dissuasion and devoted himself to the study of cultural relics again.

He is a great genius with a high IQ. Coupled with his tireless diligence, he has made considerable progress in the field of cultural relics research.

He originally thought that with his enthusiasm and achievements in the field of cultural relics research, he would definitely be recognized by senior management.

In the future, he will be very successful in related fields and become an authoritative expert.

But... one time when he was buying a related magazine, he was surprised to find that the article he had worked so hard to write appeared on it, but it was signed by someone else.

At that moment, he was like a bolt from the blue.

He quickly found the people above to ask the reason, but the explanation they gave made him very disappointed.

The reason was that Professor Miao changed his career later, and his original research field had nothing to do with archaeology. , if the research results were published under his name, it might arouse suspicion from others.

So, the results he worked so hard to write were used to make wedding dresses for others.

That article caused a huge shock in the archaeological community.

Professor Miao watched the person who plagiarized his article become more and more successful. No matter where he went, he was always surrounded by people and often appeared on TV and newspapers.

He also thought about reporting it to the relevant people, but he had no identity or background, and that big guy had someone backing him up.

No one was willing to uphold justice for a person without a backer.

He had no choice but to swallow his anger.

After this incident, Professor Miao's enthusiasm suffered a great blow.

But he still loves ancient cultural relics.

Until later, he was 100% surprised to find that many people who studied ancient cultural relics did not have much ink in their stomachs..

They had no respect for those cultural relics, and simply regarded them as tools to gain their own future and reputation.

Professor Miao was very angry!

At the same time, he was also desperate!


It shouldn't be what he imagined! The hit Professor Miao's mentality gradually changed. He no longer wanted to become a big boss in the field of cultural relics and archaeology.

What he loved was the cultural relics themselves.

He was not very interested in fame, wealth and social status.

Later, he thought of a way to join others to transport the cultural relics in the museum back home.

He would not think of selling them for money.

That is the greatest blasphemy to the cultural relics themselves.

It is a great comfort to open his eyes every morning and see his favorite things in front of him.

The plan was perfect, but unfortunately he met Wu Qiang in the end.

He betrayed him.

After coming to prison, he even dreamed of those cultural relics every night.

Thinking of this, Professor Miao sighed and said,"I know the food in prison is very bad, and you all hope that the people above can improve it. But don't forget that we are here to reform ourselves, not to go on vacation."

"What delicious food can he give us?"

Seeing that Professor Miao didn't believe him, Zhang Lei said anxiously:"Miao, I didn't lie to you. What I said just now is the truth."

"The people in Prison No. 2 worked very hard. They completed their work ahead of time every day and then lined up."

"I was very curious and didn't understand why they did this, so I asked someone. They said that the chef in their prison was very skilled and the food he made was even better than the Manchu Han Banquet."

"Although I haven't eaten it, the way he mentioned the chef doesn't seem to be joking."

Wu Qiang beside him nodded quickly

"Yes, yes, yes, he was telling the truth, the chef's cooking skills were amazing. Now when I think of the grilled fish he made, I can't help but drool. I just don't understand, they are all in prison, why are they treated so well?"

"Our lives are worse than dogs'."

"There is such a thing?!"

Even if Professor Miao had no interest in food, he still couldn't stand eating black noodles for three meals a day.

His requirements were not high, as long as he could barely fill his stomach.

But the food in the prison was really not good enough!

"Of course."

Wu Qiang stood up with a sense of grievance.

He originally thought that the food in the prison was all the same. When he learned that he would be locked up, Wu Qiang was actually happy for a while.

Being able to eat delicious food every day, even if he was locked up in prison, it seemed that it was no big deal?

However... later reality slapped him in the face.

Damn it...

The food in their No. 1 prison was definitely the worst among the three prisons. Stones could often be seen in the steamed buns in the morning, and the rice at noon was simply inedible.

They often had their stomachs rumbling in the evening, like thunder, and they tossed and turned in hunger and couldn't sleep.

But they were powerless.

There was nothing they could do!

They had to eat even if they didn't want to. Even if they were hungry, it was better than starving to death, right?

"Otherwise, when will we���Go to Prison No. 2 as well?"

Professor Miao touched his chin and said,"See what their food is like?"

Looking at the black steamed buns on the table, Professor Miao really couldn't muster up an appetite. His stomach disease had become more and more serious recently, and he woke up from the pain several times at night.


Wu Qiang next to him quickly said:"If you ask me, should we go there tonight?"

"Do you think the prison is your home, where you can go wherever you want and whenever you want?"

Zhang Lei couldn't help but say,"There are inscriptions inside that prohibit you from visiting the prison without permission!"

"If you are discovered by the superiors, you will be put in solitary confinement in a matter of minutes."

Professor Miao smiled and said,"I have an idea."

"What can we do?"

Professor Miao replied,"Money makes the world go round. While we're working today, let's find a few people from Prison No. 2 and ask them to be flexible and see if they can exchange one night's work with us.""

""I'll do it."

Zhang Lei said quickly,"Just do as you said. No matter whether what they said is true or not, we need to go and have a look. I don't believe there is any other prison with worse food than our No. 1 prison."

Several people looked at the food on the plate and smiled bitterly. It was really hard to swallow.

At noon.

While working, Professor Miao carefully observed the performance of the prisoners in the No. 2 prison and found that it was exactly as they described. They worked very fast, very seriously, and very actively.

The most important thing is that they have a good posture when standing and sitting. They don't look like prisoners in prison at all, but more like soldiers.

Professor Miao was a little puzzled.

Is the management model of the No. 2 prison different from that of their other prisons?

Professor Miao came to Wang Xiaolong quietly and asked,"Little brother, can I ask you a question?"

"What's the problem?"

Professor Miao said,"Well, how does the food in your prison No. 2 taste?"

"It’s delicious!"

Wang Xiaolong answered firmly.

Thinking of Jiang Chen’s cooking skills, he became more energetic and said excitedly:"I tell you, I have never eaten a better meal than this. If we don’t obey and work hard now, we will feel a little sorry for Chef Jiang."

"He is simply the god of all our prisoners!"

Seeing Wang Xiaolong's exaggerated words, full of excitement, Professor Miao became even more curious.

Is it really as exaggerated as he said?

"Professor Miao smiled and said,"Well, I have a few hundred dollars on hand, how about doing me a favor? Let me go to Prison No. 2 tonight,……"

"Not very good." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He barely gave Professor Miao a chance to finish his words and continued to work, working even faster than before.

"Please don't bother me."

He said impatiently,"Just now, because of talking to you, my work progress was delayed. They are all rushing ahead of me."

"Just do what you have to do. No matter how much money you give me, I will not make friends with you.���"

""Do you think you can buy the cooking skills of our chef Xiao Jiang with money?" Professor Miao was completely stunned.

The food cooked by Jiang Chen was really so delicious.

Faced with the temptation of a few hundred dollars, they were unmoved.

A few hundred dollars is indeed not much outside, but it is different in prison.

Most people can spend a few hundred dollars for a month or two.

Using a month or two's money to buy a meal is a more cost-effective deal no matter how you look at it.

But others don't do it.

This made Professor Miao more interested in the food in Prison No.



He must go and see.

No matter what, he must try the cooking skills of the chef in Prison No.

2 to see if it is really as exaggerated as they say.

At this moment, no one in the prison and the police station would have thought that in a school somewhere, a shocking change was brewing.


In the abandoned house, a strong man knelt on the ground and lit two incense sticks on the photo hanging on the wall.

His name is Miao Wenlong

"Wife, daughter."

Miao Wenlong clenched his fist and said,"Don't worry, I will definitely avenge you today."

He was originally a firefighter, and his wife was a teacher. She was beautiful and gentle, and was a famous beauty in their school.

They gave birth to a daughter together.

Life was not particularly rich, but peaceful and happy.

Miao Wenlong felt happiest when he could eat meals cooked by his wife after work every day, and watch TV with his daughter and her family of three. He went to bed around eight or nine o'clock.

This day-to-day dullness made Miao Wenlong feel unprecedented peace of mind.

His parents died very early, and his wife and daughter were his whole world.

It was also the two of them who made him feel the warmth of home for the first time.

But all this was completely shattered on a dark night six years ago.

Because his wife had to complete the task assigned by the school, she came home very late from work that night, and his daughter was in the same school as her. , just thinking about waiting for her together.

If he was given another chance, he would definitely go to the school to pick up the mother and daughter that night.

He would not rush to put out the fire!

When he returned home after putting out the fire, he still did not see his wife come back, and no one answered her phone when he called her.

Some kind of ominous premonition came to his mind, and he quickly ran towards his wife's school.

When he arrived at the school gate, he found several police cars parked outside the grove on the campus.

He suddenly felt his blood boiling and his mind went blank.

Miao Wenlong pushed the crowd away, and the moment he rushed forward, he felt that all the blood in his body had coagulated and all the strength in his body had been drained. His wife and daughter were all lying on the ground!

There was no breath of life.

Both of them were in dishevel, and it seemed that they must have suffered inhuman torture before they died!

Looking at the spots on his daughter's legs Seeing the bloodstains, Miao Wenlong was heartbroken and extremely grief-stricken.

At that time, he felt as if the sky was falling and the earth was collapsing!

At that moment, his whole world was ruined.

The case caused quite a huge sensation, and all the police in Tianlong City came out in full force to investigate the matter.

It didn't take long before they set their sights on Yang Kai, the son of the local richest man.

It is said that Yang Kai's daughter also studies in a local school. Once, when he came to pick up his daughter from school, he saw his beautiful wife. Being lustful by nature, he was attracted to his wife at the time. He also verbally harassed her.

At that time, his wife told Miao Wenlong about this, but he didn't take it to heart.

Many clues left at the scene showed that Yang Kai might have done it all!

The police were very efficient in handling the case, and it didn't take long for Yang Kai to be arrested.

A criminal interrogation was conducted immediately.

Just when many people When everyone thought that the case had been settled and the murderer would be brought to justice, something unexpected happened.

A middle-aged man in his thirties actually came forward and surrendered himself, saying that he had killed Miao Wenlong's wife.

The police compared the DNA left at the scene with that of the middle-aged man and found that they were exactly the same.

So Yang Kai was released and the middle-aged man was locked up.

At that time, he was condemned by all social opinions.

The Internet was full of abuse about the middle-aged man.

Everyone stepped on him and made him unworthy of mention.

Only Miao Wenlong felt that things were not that simple.

He was sure that the middle-aged man was not the murderer.

There must be something fishy behind it.

Miao Wenlong petitioned several times, hoping that the police could help investigate the truth.

But... in the end, nothing came of it.

The case has been determined and there is no possibility of overturning the case.

Moreover, they also found the figure of the middle-aged man in the surveillance, and all the evidence left at the scene also showed that he was the culprit.

Yang Kai was just a misunderstanding caused by a combination of circumstances.

Miao Wenlong, who could not accept this fact, had been investigating for several years. He secretly monitored Yang Kai.

But the other party never revealed any flaws.

Until a few years ago, Yang Kai discovered that Miao Wenlong was secretly investigating him.

He asked someone to beat him up and directly crippled one of his legs.

Of course, these were not the most important. What really made him angry was...

Yang Kai took him to watch a videotape.

Until now, Miao Wenlong still clearly remembered the despair in his heart when he saw the videotape.

Yang Kai, that beast, actually filmed the whole process of humiliating his wife and daughter.

At the age of innocence and romance, the eleven-year-old daughter was ruined by Yang Kai, that bastard.

Moreover, from beginning to end, they did not allow Miao Wenlong to close his eyes.

Seeing his wife and daughter struggling and screaming, begging for mercy in pain, Miao Wenlong was powerless.

He hated it so much.

When the videotape was finished, Yang Kai took his things and left, leaving him alone with a lame leg lying in the dark.

From that day on, he made up his mind to take revenge at all costs.

Since revenge could not be taken through formal means.

Then he would seek justice with his own hands.

Today was his chance for revenge.

He believed that his actions would alarm the entire Tianlong City.

No one could stop him.

He asked Professor Miao to make a special bomb, and no one could dismantle it unless he came in person.

But Professor Miao had been arrested..

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