
The office was completely silent.

Even a pin drop to the ground could be heard clearly by everyone.

When answering the phone just now, Guo Mengmeng turned on the speakerphone, so everyone could hear what they were talking about.

Originally, a police officer had already stepped out of the door with his right foot, but after hearing what Xiao Ma said over there, his body froze there and didn't move.

Everyone looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes.

What did they just hear?!

Is this serious?

Xiao Ma called them to hurry over!


The reason they asked Xiao Ma to follow Team Leader Wang was to inquire about supervision, or even to prevent him from eating food in the prison.

After all, the chefs in the cafeteria may not have good cooking skills, but their means of harming people are extraordinary.

What if the stomach is damaged?

But Xiao Ma was turned against like this?

It's really puzzling!"710" didn't know how long he was stunned, and Guo Mengmeng finally reacted. She hurriedly said:"Xiao Ma, are you okay?"

"I... woooo... I'm okay. You guys come over quickly. We have spicy crayfish, stir-fried beef and grilled fish, and Huadiao drunken chicken!"

"If you come late... there will be no more."

Before Guo Mengmeng could speak, she heard Jiang Xue's voice on the other end of the phone.

"Sister Mengmeng, come over and eat! I prepared a lot of food especially for you today?"

"You will regret it if you don't come!"

Everyone's expression became extremely strange.

The room was eerily quiet.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, stunned, and couldn't be more confused.

What kind of world is this?

Jiang Xue also went to the prison cafeteria?

Everyone remembered that they seemed to have not seen Jiang Xue in the police station cafeteria for a long time.

Originally, everyone thought that she must have eaten outside. After all, with Jiang Xue's identity and background, as well as her family income, it was normal for her to solve three meals a day outside.

But... now think about it carefully, maybe she... filled her stomach in the prison cafeteria?

"We are waiting for you here, please come quickly!"

"Really! Don't miss it if you pass by, you deserve the food in the No. 2 prison cafeteria!"

After hanging up the phone, Guo Mengmeng was still confused.


Who am I? Where am I? What did I hear?

Wasn't that hallucination?!

Am I having an illusion?

One is a policewoman in the police station, and the other is the captain of their team. They are actually vying for the prison chef's meal!

And warmly invite them to come over?

Even enthusiastically advertise!

Everything that has happened recently has exceeded their expectations?!


Gao Fei at the side asked:"How about we go to the cafeteria of Prison No. 2 to take a look?"

"I think what Gao Fei said makes sense."

Before Guo Mengmeng could answer, another police officer said,"If the captain was the only one who recommended him, there might be something fishy going on. Was he stimulated by something?"

"But the key point is that you all heard it, Xiaoxue and Xiaoma, they both said that the chef’s cooking skills are great, maybe you can really give it a try!"

"That's fine."

Guo Mengmeng also nodded and agreed, saying:"Let's not go to the police station cafeteria, let's go directly to Prison No. 2"


With curiosity and suspicion, everyone packed up the office and set off for Prison No. 2. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) When the other members of the police station saw this scene, they all had deep curiosity in their eyes. Everyone else walked into the cafeteria. Why did they have to go to prison?

"What happened to the people in Criminal Investigation Team 3? Aren’t they going to eat?"

"I guess he couldn't eat it. The case was about to be closed, and they only arrested Wu Qiang, and none of his accomplices were revealed."

"That's true. When I think about it, I feel quite sympathetic towards them. This case has such a huge impact. If they fail to give the public a satisfactory explanation, the people above them probably won't let them go."

"I am really glad now that the higher-ups handed the case over to the Criminal Division 3, but I was not convinced. Now I think about it, I am sorry that I didn't get it, otherwise we would have suffered."

"Yes, yes, that makes sense!"


About ten minutes passed.

Guo Mengmeng and the others arrived at Prison No. 2. The moment they stepped into the corridor, everyone's body suddenly tensed up.

They had not eaten well during this period of time. Everyone was concentrating on investigating the case, and everyone was very tired.

Even if they ate, they only had a few bites in the police station, and sometimes they even forgot to eat.

Therefore, everyone was in a state of half-hungry, and suddenly they smelled the impact of the rich aroma, and they couldn't react for a while. They were stunned for a full half minute, and then they began to secrete saliva belatedly. Everyone kept swallowing their saliva, and there was a gurgling sound in their throats.....

My eyes are filled with excitement!

This smell... it smells so good!

"It seems... sizzling... there is a smell of spicy lobster!"

Guo Mengmeng had just finished speaking when Gao Fei, who was standing next to her, wiped the corner of his mouth and said,"Not only spicy lobster, I also smell stir-fried beef!"

"No, no, I can't resist the smell. I have to try it quickly!"

Everyone was immediately full of energy. The unhappiness of not collecting clues to the case was swept away.

Everyone rushed to the kitchen. Five or six people rushed to the kitchen door together, and their bodies were tightly squeezed together, but no one was willing to give in. When they saw the pots of food, their appetite was aroused even more fiercely.

"Could you please stop pushing and let me go in first?"

"Why should I let you go in first? We are doing similar work, why should I eat first?"

"Spicy crayfish, such delicious spicy crayfish!"

Their stomachs were churning, and even twitching slightly, making a sound like thunder. Everyone was trying their best to rush in.

In the end, it was the tall and strong Gao Xiaofei who rushed to the front. He hurried to the basin and used a large bowl to quickly fill a small bowl of beef.

Then he put white rice on it. The spicy and fresh aroma made his mouth water, and he couldn't wait to take a big bite.

The beef soup was even and delicate, perfectly wrapped around the rice in the bowl. When he ate it, the freshness and numbness were completely released, satisfying almost every cell in his body.

5.6 Holy crap!

This is so delicious!!!

Gao Xiaofei was stunned at the time, and the whole person was almost turned into a puppet as if struck by lightning. He just stood there blankly, unable to say a word.

This stir-fried beef is so delicious that it makes people want to cry.

How can Jiang Chen's cooking skills be so awesome?!

This dish is definitely the most delicious dish he has eaten in the past few decades.

The beef is tender and firm, smooth and refreshing, fresh and spicy, with bright colors. It tastes delicious and has an endless aftertaste. It is especially good with rice.

When the others rushed in, they were not polite either. They had long forgotten what they said before.

No one in the world can escape the law of true fragrance!

Spicy crayfish, Huadiao drunken chicken, grilled fish, and stir-fried beef, each dish is different, but no matter which dish tastes, it tastes great. It is many times better than the chefs in the hotels outside..

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