Zhang Xiaoyu's favorite dish is grilled fish. The fish itself is golden in appearance, tender and smooth inside.

It can reach the point of melting in the mouth, but it does not lose its own taste.

Spicy and refreshing, fresh and tender, golden and crispy, especially good with rice, the most important thing is that the side dishes inside are also very good!

Whether it is potatoes, green vegetables, baby cabbage, or wide noodles, wrapped in the red soup inside, it is spicy and spicy when eaten, and it is first-class before it goes with rice.

They have different tastes, and naturally there are differences in the dishes that everyone likes to eat. Some like Huadiao drunken chicken, and some like stir-fried beef. The most popular one is grilled fish.

At least half of the people choose to use the side dishes inside to eat rice. Everyone's chopsticks fell like raindrops, and they never stopped. They ate and praised it!

At first, the members of the group thought that Captain Wang was fooling them. How good can the chef's skills in the prison be? It was not until the moment they tasted it that they found that Lao Wang's performance was not exaggerated at all.

He didn't even use words to clearly express one tenth of Jiang Chen's cooking skills.

Sure enough, sometimes words are so pale. The dishes he cooked are so delicious that they are beyond description!

Everyone ate happily, and delicious food can make people feel better.

Originally, everyone was worried and gloomy. When they thought that the case was about to be closed, but they had not yet obtained a definite clue, they lost their appetite.

But the food cooked by Jiang Chen swept away their gloomy mood.

If they could eat such delicious food every day, no matter how late they worked overtime or how hard they worked, it would not be a problem. Although

Jiang Chen had prepared a lot, enough for at least 20 or 30 people, because the taste was so good, it didn't take long for several basins to be empty.

Several police officers were so full that they could hardly walk, but they were still greedy.

Being hungry and being greedy are two different things!

In the case of extreme hunger, as long as the taste of a food is not very bad, it can be used to fill the stomach.

However, if the food itself tastes very good, even if your stomach is already full, you still have the urge to have a full meal.

This is greed!

Only when the cooking skills are superb enough can people want to continue eating even when they are full. After eating ordinary things, you will feel nauseous and want to vomit if you smell them again.

However, this will not happen with the several delicious dishes made by Jiang Chen. They are about to be unable to eat anymore, and they even hate themselves, why do they eat so little?!

No matter what time, Jiang Xue is always the most beautiful girl.

It is best for her figure to be quite well-proportioned. If she eats more, she will be fat, and if she eats less, she will be too thin.

However, when she eats, people are stunned. She obviously has five or six bowls of rice in one breath, but there is no sign of stopping.

There is a happy look on her beautiful and lovely face.

After about half an hour, everyone really can't eat anymore. There are still some dishes left in the bowl, but the quantity is not much.

Everyone leaned back in the chair, with a satisfied and comfortable look on their faces.

In the more than one month of handling the case, today is definitely the most beautiful, refreshing and full meal they have eaten!

Really, it made them want to stay in jail for a few days.

It was a great pleasure for prisoners to have such food!

"Comrade Xiao Jiang, let out a long sigh, and Lao Wang gave Jiang Chen a thumbs up, and couldn't help but exclaimed:"Your cooking skills are really top-notch! To be honest, I, Lao Wang, have traveled all over the country for more than ten years and have eaten some delicacies from land and sea."

"Those five-star hotel chefs are just famous, but in terms of cooking skills, they can't compare to you at all."

The others also nodded.

There was a burst of praise in the kitchen.

"Chef Xiao Jiang, your cooking skills are so great, why do you want to be a chef in prison?"

"How about going to our police station? Cooking for our police station will earn you a higher salary. Maybe you can find a way to become a member of the system in the future?"

"Yes, yes, yes, if our police officers could eat the meals you cook every day, they would probably be more motivated!"


Facing the chattering and discussions of the crowd, as well as the sincere suggestions from the heart,���, Jiang Chen did not express his opinion clearly.

There are more prisoners in the prison. If he wants to exchange the praise points he has accumulated now into cash, it is estimated that there are hundreds of millions.

But at the moment, he really has no shortage of money!

If he wants, he can just develop a new dish and cheat thousands or tens of thousands from Jiang Xue, the rich woman!

Besides, cooking in the police station does not give him more freedom than in prison.

He cooks one or two meals here every day, and someone washes the dishes and mops the floor, and even the dishes can be done by the police officers. He works two or three hours a day, and spends the rest of the time in the lounge reading novels, playing games, watching TV series, etc., leisurely and happy.

You may not have such freedom in the police station.

"Forget it."

Jiang Xue stood beside Jiang Chen and said,"My old classmate can cook wherever he wants. Remember, this is the secret of our group. Everyone must find a way to keep it secret."

"If everyone knew that our prison had such a great chef, they would probably come here every day to eat for free."

"We won’t have the time or opportunity to eat it in the future."

"So, in order to enjoy the quiet time, you must not let anyone know about this."

Everyone agreed readily.

"Don't worry, no problem!"

"Definitely not, it will be kept a secret!"

"Right, right, we promise not to say anything!" (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Team Leader Wang stood up and walked to the bowl of vegetables. He found that there was still some left of each dish. He said to Jiang Chen,"Chef Jiang, bring me a few lunch boxes and pack up the vegetables in the bowl."

When the other police officers heard this, they stood up one by one and quickly surrounded Team Leader Wang.

"Captain, you can't take it all by yourself, you have to leave some for us to take back?"

"Yes, yes, yes. We finally have such a good meal, I can’t let you eat it all by yourself, right?"

"We know you've been very busy during this period, but we've all been busy too. To be fair, let's divide the remaining dishes among us and take some home for midnight snacks."

Captain Wang turned around and glanced at everyone. He regained his dignity and said with a gloomy expression,"All you do is eat every day. Do you think I packed these dishes so I can take them back?"

"I tell you, I am here to do something serious."

Everyone was stunned.

There was confusion in their eyes.

To do something serious?!

What serious things can these dishes be used for?

What, are you planning to use these delicacies to lure out the snakes and catch the criminals?

After a moment, Captain Wang touched his chin with his hand, showing a mysterious smile, and said mysteriously:"Everyone, it's time to tell you about the great plan of Comrade Jiang Xue and me... and Comrade Xiao Jiang."

"To be precise, it was the idea of my old classmate alone."

Jiang Xue raised her right hand to interrupt Captain Wang and said,"This idea was all his!"

Everyone didn't understand what they were talking about at all, and just looked at them with confused but clear eyes.

Captain Wang felt���A little embarrassed, he coughed twice and smiled and said:"It doesn't matter who is the main person who came up with this idea. What matters is that we can achieve our goal in the end."

"Do you really think that I have only been eating recently and not trying to solve this case?"

"I tell you, if you think so, you are totally wrong!"

"Think about Wu Qiang now. He has been hungry for two days and two nights for more than 40 hours, almost 50 hours. His body can no longer bear it. His will is at its weakest."

"If we take out the dishes made by Chef Xiao Jiang at this time, what do you think will happen?"

Suddenly, everyone in the room was stunned.

They stared at Jiang Chen in amazement!

Did he come up with this idea?!

Oh my god!

He looks handsome and quiet, how could he come up with such a cruel and inhumane method?!

Everyone was horrified!

This is too cruel, isn't it?!

Such delicious food, even if your stomach is full and it is placed in front of you, you can't help it. If you don't eat a few bites, you can't control it at all.

What's more, you are in a state of extreme hunger!


I didn't expect that food can be so Use?!

If used well, it can even be used to gain merit!

Everyone was horrified just thinking about such a scene.

Who knows what Wu Qiang will think when he sees the scene in front of him?!

Too brutal, too fierce, too vicious!

But... they still think it's exciting and they like it!

There's nothing they can do, who made Wu Qiang so rampant?!

Thinking about his unruly and arrogant look, they felt very unhappy.

Seeing that no one was talking, Captain Wang continued,"Don't stand there, let's go quickly and bring Wu Qiang some delicious food."

"no problem!"

"I really want to see how he would react when he sees these delicacies?"

"After being hungry for two days and two nights, I guess even the steamed buns would have to be wolfed down!"

"We are really too cruel!"


Why does this sound so good?".

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