
The strange silence appeared in the room again.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

What did they hear?

The case is closed already?

Isn't it a little too fast?

Especially Director Ma, he just boasted, rubbing his hands, eager to try, and has long been prepared for hundreds of rounds of battle. He must perform well in front of Leader Huang to let him know how powerful their branch is.

He also said that he would catch the Bat Thief within a month, so that all his colleagues would understand that their branch, under his leadership, is no longer a Wuxia Amon and they should look at them with new eyes!

And in the blink of an eye, you give me this?

Case closed!

It's not even five days, and the Bat Thief has been caught?

Are you kidding me?

Director Ma's smile was a bit forced.

"Leader, is the news reliable? Please don't tell me it's fake news from someone else, or you will be disappointed!"

"Think about it carefully, is the Bat Thief an ordinary person? Can he be caught just like that? If he is just a petty thief, it would be fine."

"The key point is that over the past decade, our police station has mobilized so much manpower and resources, but has not been able to catch any evidence against him, and now it's exposed?"

"Isn't it too fast?"

Leader Huang replied:"The person who called just now was Meng Haiyang. You should know his personality."

"He never lies to me. Since he said that the person has been caught, then he must have been caught. He doesn't have the guts to fill in the gaps and find a petty thief to take his place!"

People were stunned again.


Is he so awesome?

When did their Public Security Bureau become so strong?

Can anyone tell him what is going on?

They just solved the cultural relic theft case not long ago, but now it has only been a few days, or only a week.

They solved such a big case again?

Do they want to let people live?

Are they too awesome?

Director Ma still couldn't accept this fact.

He felt his face burning, as if he had been slapped hard.

Not long ago, he boasted and repeatedly assured in front of everyone that he would complete the task before Meng Haiyang.

As a result, he got there first?

You know, he and Meng Haiyang have always been in competition.

It feels bad to be slapped in the face!

He forced a smile and continued to ask:"Leader Huang, how did they catch him? The speed is too fast, I feel a little weird"

"It's really abnormal!"

The other two directors also agreed with this. One month was quite urgent to catch the bat thief, which was a resolute challenge in their eyes.

But Meng Haiyang and his Public Security Bureau didn't need that much time at all. They easily accomplished the task that seemed unattainable to them.

Could it be that there was a master behind the scenes to help?

Leader Huang didn't say anything.

After a brief excitement, he regained his sanity. The analysis of everyone just now was reasonable, and there were indeed some things behind it that made him feel incredible.

Leader Huang turned and came to the window

"Your analysis is all reasonable."

He looked at the sunset outside and said,"Let's go to the Public Security Bureau under Meng Haiyang's jurisdiction early tomorrow morning to see what's going on."


Director Ma stepped forward and said,"I definitely don't mean to be jealous of them. I think if they really catch the Bat Thief, there are only two possibilities. The first is that there may be a master behind the scenes!"

"Of course, this possibility is not very high. The second possibility is... they may find someone to take the blame so that they can get away with it."

"I know Meng Haiyang used to be a pragmatic person, but this time you put a lot of pressure on him, and he might do something radical."

"Of course, I just said that. I don't have any bad intentions. I just simply said what I think in my heart. Leader, don't take it too seriously~'.

In fact, even if Director Ma didn't say it, Leader Huang would have some doubts.

Whether it is true or not, we have to go and see it tomorrow.

What is the truth? Won't it be clear when we go there?

"Forget it, let's go back and rest early. We'll go check it out early tomorrow morning."


Everyone nodded in agreement and left the room.

Leader Huang's face became more serious. He hoped that Meng Haiyang had really caught the culprit and was not just fooling around to get the job done.

He had to make his own judgment!


It was late at night.

In the kitchen

"Old classmates."

Standing beside Jiang Chen, Jiang Xue's eyes were full of expectation, and she couldn't help asking,"What delicious food shall we make tonight?""

This time they solved another big case!

It's a huge case!

It's said that all the public security bureaus in Tianlong City are trying to catch the bat thief, but they succeeded first.

Everything is thanks to Jiang Chen!

Now Jiang Xue likes Jiang Chen more and more.

If she can marry a man like this in the future, she will definitely be happy for the rest of her life!

There are almost no flaws in him!

"Make braised spareribs."

After work this afternoon, Jiang Xue went to the market with Jiang Chen and bought spareribs and the necessary seasonings.

Catching the Bat Thief in such a short time made Jiang Chen feel much better.

The most important thing is that it took them less than a day to make the Bat Thief confess.

No violence was used.

Of course.

He meant that the police were not allowed to use violence.

As for Lao Qiang... that was completely his own will. It had nothing to do with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Xue's eyes lit up and she was very excited. She grabbed Jiang Chen's right arm and subconsciously wanted to lean her head against it.

Jiang Chen stretched out his right hand and touched her forehead.���He said in a serious tone:"How many times have I told you that men and women should not touch each other?"

"Old classmate, are you the roundworm in my stomach? How do you know that I want to eat braised spareribs recently?"

""Hurry up and tell me, have you specifically asked others about my preferences? So you want to cook for me? You must not have a crush on me! If you have a crush on me... I will be very happy!"


Looking at the innocent smile on Jiang Xue's beautiful face, Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He really couldn't imagine that this girl in front of him could have scored more than 600 points in the college entrance examination?

"Stop talking nonsense and help cook! How about we go for a ride by the river after dinner?"

Jiang Xue agreed readily,"Okay, of course no problem. Let's go for a ride by the river, and when we get to your house, you can give me some food, right?"

"I haven't eaten noodles for a long time."

Looking at Jiang Xue's willow-like waist, Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh. This girl eats more than anyone else, and she doesn't move much on weekdays, so why can't she gain weight?

But... to be honest, she is still fat where she should be fat, which is particularly proud, not thin at all

"Okay, no problem."

Jiang Chen said:"Old rules, you just do whatever I tell you to do later."


Now when Jiang Chen is cooking, Jiang Xue will spend most of her time by his side, helping him with chores and doing things within her ability.

Jiang Chen has gradually gotten used to letting Jiang Xue do things that she can do beside him.

Jiang Chen cleaned the ribs first, then added an appropriate amount of water to the large pot next to him. Turn the fire to the maximum, and after more than ten minutes, the water boiled, and white mist came to his face. Jiang Chen put the ribs in the water and boiled them for about twenty minutes, then took them out and drained them, and put them aside for later use.

Pour out the water in the pot and wash it, then add an appropriate amount of oil, and after the oil temperature comes up, put in rock sugar and stir-fry the sugar color.

This step is very important, and the control of the heat is particularly knowledgeable and absolutely must. You can use high heat, otherwise the sugar color will easily get burnt and turn from the original dark brown to black.

Not only will it look ugly, but it will also taste bitter in your mouth.

After completing this step, quickly put the ribs in. The moment the ribs enter the pot, a rich aroma will immediately burst out of the pot.

Jiang Chen's spatula stirs it up and down. The originally pink ribs are evenly coated with dark brown sugar juice, which looks particularly appetizing. After about five or six minutes, each piece of ribs inside is evenly and bright in color.

It's time to reach the final finishing stage. (To read the exciting novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Then add an appropriate amount of water to the pot. The water does not need to be too much, just enough to cover the ribs.

"Give me those spices."

Jiang Xue, who was standing aside in a trance, nodded gently, then handed the prepared seasonings to Jiang Chen, put them into the pot, and then covered the pot.


After washing his hands, Jiang Chen said,"Let's wait for about 40 minutes, and it should be ready. Call the people in your group when it's almost ready."

""No, no problem."

While answering the question, Jiang Xue closed her eyes tightly, as if greedily catching every wisp of the fresh aroma of pork ribs in the air.

Even though the meal was not ready yet, it smelled particularly good.

"Old classmate!"

Jiang Xue said with a smile:"I have great news to tell you. I tell you that our team leader has applied to the higher-ups and will strive for a third-class merit for you no matter what."

"Fight for a third-class merit for me?"

Jiang Chen was somewhat amused and replied,"I'm just a cook. The credit for arresting people lies more with you guys."

"It's not difficult to arrest someone."

Jiang Xue said seriously,"The trouble is knowing who to arrest. We already know that the Bat Thief did it, but we can't find out his identity. What's the point?"

"Strictly speaking, your contribution is the greatest, and you cannot be ignored!"

If this is the case, then it is not bad. Jiang Chen touched his chin with his hand, thought for a moment, and nodded:"Okay." The two leaned back in their chairs and chatted casually. As time passed, the fragrance in the room became stronger and stronger.

The lid of the pot where the ribs were cooked began to bounce slightly on the edge of the pot, making a clear sound of"ping-pong", and the fragrance inside seemed to be unable to be covered up.

Jiang Xue jumped up quickly and ran to the pot impatiently. He tried his best to control himself and couldn't help asking:"Old classmate, can we eat now?"

"Wait a few more minutes, you can now call them and ask them to come over!"

""Okay, okay, no problem!"

Jiang Xue quickly took out her cell phone and dialed Captain Luo Yong's number.


Inside the office.

Carefully reading the case report in his hand, Meng Haiyang looked serious. He glanced at the members of the Criminal Division 3.

"Are you sure you want to give the greatest credit for the case to a cook?"

Everyone nodded in agreement, without even thinking about it, without any hesitation at all.

"You have to think it through. This case has attracted the attention of Leader Huang. He will definitely read your case report when he comes."

"Whoever makes the first contribution will have a bright future and receive his high praise?"

"In the end, you gave such a good opportunity to a cook for nothing? No matter how good his cooking skills are, he is still just a cook!"

"Besides, although he provided the information indirectly, it was you who arrested the man, right?"

Everyone looked at Meng Haiyang in silence. It seemed that he was still too naive. He had never tasted Jiang Chen's cooking.

That's why he had such doubts just now!


Wang said,"Let me tell you, if we don't give the greatest credit to Chef Xiao Jiang, then none of us will have any credit."

"I know you are doing this for our own good, putting yourself in my shoes.���consider!"

"But please rest assured, we (Li Zhaohao) know exactly what we are doing"

"Why don't you stop trying to persuade us? Anyway, the case has been determined. When Leader Huang comes to review it, you can just show him the report we wrote."

The others also nodded vigorously.

"Yes, yes, yes, nothing else, we are going to eat"

"Jiang Xue called us just now and said that he was cooking braised pork ribs today."

"I like braised spareribs the most!"

Everyone seemed not very interested in discussing the case, but more concerned about the meal Jiang Chen cooked today.

This made Meng Haiyang feel itchy!

He was even said to be greedy.

Was Jiang Chen's food really that delicious?

They talked about it almost every other sentence.

"Director, we're leaving first. Call us if you need anything."

Captain Wang rushed out without saying anything as soon as he finished speaking. Of course, the others would not waste time following him.

They all knew very well that whoever ran in front would be the first to eat the delicious braised pork ribs.

Looking at the case report and their backs, Meng Haiyang didn't know how to react for a moment.


Are they really too outrageous?

No, he must go over and see today.

Is there really such an awesome chef in the world?

Can he make such delicious meals?

The most important thing is that he is still the chef in the prison.

Nothing can be more outrageous than this!

Putting the case report in the drawer, Meng Haiyang followed behind them.

About ten minutes later, he also came to the corridor outside the cafeteria of Prison No. 2.

As soon as he stepped in, the fragrance of braised pork ribs floating in the corridor came one after another, which doubled his appetite and whetted his appetite.

It smells so good!

This, this smells too good, right?!.

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