Meng Haiyang had just eaten not long ago, so he wasn't particularly hungry.

But when he smelled the ribs in the air, his appetite was immediately aroused. No wonder Captain Wang and Luo Yong kept emphasizing Jiang Chen's cooking skills!

Now it doesn't seem to be groundless.

Any dish must be delicious and tasty. Now he hasn't entered the kitchen yet and can't see the color of the ribs, but just by smelling the aroma, he knows that this meal is definitely extraordinary.

Long aftertaste, the taste is unparalleled!

A cook in a prison can have such skills?

It's amazing!

He quickly quickened his pace, rushed to the kitchen door, and suddenly pushed it open.

After close contact, he felt that the sweet and sour ribs tasted even better than before!

His eyes fell, and a large pot of ribs was filled in the pot. The color was crystal clear and bright red, shining under the light, perfect like a work of art, and like a gem. The rich soup was evenly wrapped on the ribs, and the white sesame seeds dotted on it were simply the finishing touch. The red was transparent with white, making the food in the pot look better and more fragrant!

He couldn't wait to taste it.

No, no.

He had to eat two pieces!

"Director, you are here?"

Captain Wang greeted Meng Haiyang warmly when he saw him coming. He made way for him while eating, and Director Meng rushed forward.

He first picked up a piece of ribs with chopsticks and slowly put it into his mouth. When the ribs went in, the delicious taste passed through the tip of his tongue.

He took a bite gently, and the soup inside burst out. The fragrance of the ribs themselves, the faint fragrance of green onions, and the faint sesame fragrance contained in them spread in his mouth in an orderly and rich manner.

The ribs were tender and stewed very soft and rotten. The meat wrapped around the bones and slid into his mouth with a light bite.

After he swallowed the meat, he also took a bite of the bones. The taste of the soup was really satisfying. There was even richer gravy in the ribs, with an indescribable comfort. It was so delicious that it made people salivate and secretly admired it.

He felt that his whole stomach was warmed up a lot, and every nerve in his body was particularly comfortable!

"How is this... made?"

Meng Haiyang looked at the large bowl in front of him, his eyes full of shock and disbelief.

It was indeed hard to believe that there was such delicious food in the world.

He originally thought that Captain Wang and his team were exaggerating, but now that he had tasted it himself, he realized that words were actually quite inadequate.

No matter how rich his vocabulary was, it was impossible to describe the deliciousness of Jiang Chen's braised spareribs, even one tenth of it.

It was awesome!

"Give me a bowl of rice for 590!"

Jiang Xue handed the rice to Meng Haiyang. He added several pieces of bones and ate it with relish, his face full of enjoyment.

No wonder the prisoners in Prison No. 3 were willing to provide information after eating Jiang Chen's meal.

To be honest, isn't he just a mouth?

But from now on, he can eat such delicious food, which is a very cost-effective deal!

If it were me, I would definitely sell it out in a minute!

Hero, Jiang Chen is a great hero!

It's a pity. Why does such an awesome chef come to cook for prisoners?

If he goes all over the world, he can probably become a first-class chef!

Meng Haiyang doesn't usually eat a lot, but today he ate three or four bowls of rice in one breath, and then he was reluctant to leave and put down his chopsticks.

Although his stomach couldn't hold it anymore, but... his mouth was still greedy!

After eating, Meng Haiyang took a deep breath, looked at Jiang Chen with excitement, and couldn't help saying:"Chef Jiang! Who did you learn this cooking skill from?"

"Can you tell me why it's so great? Isn't it awesome?"

Although the description is not very pleasant, he really can't think of any other words other than awesome to summarize Jiang Chen's superb cooking skills.


Jiang Chen smiled and replied:"It's just barely okay, it can't be considered delicious!"



As expected, a genius is a genius.

It can't be judged by ordinary people.

But think about it carefully, Meng Haiyang has participated in so many dinners, eaten in five-star hotels, and tasted the meals of Michelin three-star chefs.

Some of the food is indeed delicious!

But compared with Jiang Chen's cooking skills, the gap is obvious.

He was looking at the other party, seeing that he was young, handsome, and good at cooking, he couldn't help but have a desire to love his talent!

To be honest, with his cooking skills, if he didn't want to stay here to cook, he could go to any hotel and have a lot of potential. Even if he opened a restaurant, the business would be very hot!

"Xiao Jiang!"

Meng Haiyang patted his shoulder and said,"We have already discussed it this time. We must apply for a third-class merit for you. It's an individual third-class merit!"

"After all, you played a big role in both cases."

Now Jiang Chen finally understood what it meant to plant flowers intentionally but not to bloom, and to plant willows by accident but to grow a forest!

In fact, he never thought that the food he cooked could help solve the case.

He came to the prison to be a chef, just to accumulate more points, which he could exchange for anything, such as a house, a car, or even money!

His system was awesome!

But who would have thought that by accident, he would actually get himself a third-class merit?

Jiang Chen was probably the first prison chef to be awarded a third-class merit!

Others had no objection to this. In their opinion, everything was what Jiang Chen deserved.

"Then I'll trouble you, Director Meng."

Meng Haiyang smiled and said,"What's the trouble? I see you are very handsome and young. I wonder if you have a girlfriend?"

��After hearing this, Jiang Xue immediately understood what Meng Haiyang meant. He had a daughter who was pretty and well educated.

But she was still single!

Maybe he wanted to introduce her to Jiang Chen?

Meng Haiyang's idea was really too much!

He actually wanted Jiang Chen to be his son-in-law so that he could cook for him every day?

Jiang Xue would definitely be the first one to disagree!

She hurried to Jiang Chen's side, subconsciously held his right hand, smiled gently and said,"Director Meng, he already has a girlfriend!"

Jiang Chen wanted to pull his right hand out, but seeing Jiang Xue's happy and smiling face, he finally decided to hold back.

There were so many people watching. If he really denied it directly, wouldn't it hurt Jiang Xue's face?

No matter how thick she was, she would probably be very sad if she was treated like this in public.

He didn't say anything.

As for Guo Mengmeng and others, they looked like they didn't feel that much surprise.

After all, Jiang Xue and Jiang Chen went to work together and often worked in the kitchen, so it wasn't strange to cultivate feelings.

Meng Haiyang nodded and said,"Okay, okay, Xiaoxue, you have a really good eye, don't you?"

"Of course."

Jiang Xue said:"My old classmate not only cooks delicious food, but he is also handsome and gentle. He is a good man that is hard to find even in the hottest days!"

Looking at Jiang Xue's expression and tone of voice, even Jiang Chen was a little skeptical. Did he really regard her as his boyfriend?

"That's right."

Meng Haiyang hesitated for a moment and said,"I received a call from Leader Huang not long ago. He said he would come to inspect tomorrow."

"We have caught the bat thief in such a short time. He is somewhat skeptical about the authenticity of the information. You all should understand. To be honest, when I first heard the news, I didn’t believe it either."

Everyone stopped talking and nodded gently.

What he said just now makes sense!

Meng Haiyang continued:"Tomorrow, when Leader Huang comes over, I will ask Chef Xiao Jiang to prepare a good meal to entertain them?"

"Let them taste what is really delicious!"

"Don't worry, I won't treat you unfairly. I'll give you a red envelope of 680 yuan for this meal tomorrow. Is that ok?"


Jiang Chen nodded in agreement.

After a hearty meal, Meng Haiyang felt refreshed and couldn't help but sigh:"God really favors our bureau and sent us a chef god!"

Everyone was not opposed to such a title.

Jiang Chen's cooking skills were worthy of this title!

It was late at night.

Jiang Chen and Jiang Xue came to the river.

Today she was wearing a miniskirt and a white short-sleeved shirt, exuding infinite youthfulness. The river breeze blew in her face, and her long black hair, like a waterfall, danced under the starlight, very beautiful.

The two found a big rock to sit on. Jiang Xue held her chin with both hands, looking at the lights of thousands of houses in front of her, reflected in the river, with her gorgeous eyes full of infinite contemplation.

"What are you thinking about?

Jiang Chen asked:"Why do you feel���Looks like something serious?"

"I don’t have any worries."

Jiang Xue said with emotion:"I’m just curious!"

"What are you curious about?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What kind of girls do you like?"

Jiang Xue had asked before, but Jiang Chen could clearly feel that her attitude today was different from before, and she was obviously more serious.

"Why are you asking this?"

Jiang Xue said,"Nothing, can you answer me?"

"I... really don't know clearly."

Jiang Chen said:"After all, the girl I like doesn't seem to appear yet? I definitely can't describe it!"

"So what do you think of me?"

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Chen with her bright eyes wide open, full of expectation. Her beautiful face showed an expression of infinite yearning, which was particularly moving.


Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment. He didn't know how to answer.

"Why don't you speak?"

Jiang Xue suddenly moved closer to Jiang Chen, their foreheads were only one centimeter apart, if they moved a little closer, their faces would be close together.

"Answer me?"

Jiang Xue asked,"Do you think I'm not pretty enough? Or do you think I'm not rich enough?"

"No, it's not……"

Jiang Xue continued to smile and said,"I understand. You think I'm good? If you think I'm good, then you will definitely like me!"

"Then I'll wait a little longer, maybe you'll confess to me one day!"

Jiang Xue stood up and returned to the car anxiously.

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

This girl... it seems that there is really no obvious flaw. She

's just a little bit thick-skinned!

You can say she's fair, rich and beautiful, or you can say she's silly and sweet. She

's beautiful and rich, and most importantly, she's willing to spend money on you!

It's simply an ideal in the world!

"What are you still doing standing there? Get in the car and let's go home."



The next day, when Huang came out, he was surprised to find that the directors of other branches were also there, and everyone was standing with their heads held high and ready to fight.

This made him curious?

He had important things to do, so why did they join in the fun?

"What are you doing?"

Director Ma stepped forward and said,"Leader Huang, we are also a little curious. What method did Meng Haiyang use? He caught the bat thief in such a short time."

"I just want to go with you to take a look. If we find out that he is deceiving you, we can detect it immediately with our rich criminal investigation experience."

"Make sure he has nowhere to hide from you!"

"What if he didn't lie to you and everything he said is true? We are all in the same industry, so we can learn from him, don't you think?"

Leader Huang thought for a moment and said,"Okay, let's all get in the car."

Leader Huang was indeed very happy when he first received Meng Haiyang's call yesterday. He didn't even have lunch!

But after he calmed down, he felt that there were too many suspicious points in this matter.

The Bat Thief not only committed crimes in their Tianlong City, but also often roamed in other cities, but... he could get away with it in other places, why was he caught by them as soon as he came here?

The most important thing is that it took such a short time?

Could it be that... their guess is right?

In order to report to the higher-ups, Meng Haiyang directly made up a sham to fill the number?

He just caught someone casually to be the scapegoat!

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't make sense!

Meng Haiyang should not be such a person.

Forget it, Never mind for now.

If we go over and take a look, we will know what is going on.

They sat in the car without saying a word, and the atmosphere seemed a little heavy.

The other directors understood the importance of the Bat Thief very well.

Meng Haiyang was already highly appreciated by his superiors. If he really caught the Bat Thief , wouldn’t he be able to take off in the future? No one had ever seen the Bat Thief before, so they had to go over and confirm it again and again! They had to find out the ins and outs of everything and not miss any details.

Half an hour later.

Their car arrived at the destination.

As soon as he got off the car, Meng Haiyang walked up with a smile on his face and shook Leader Huang’s hand

"Leader, you are finally here!"

Leader Huang frowned slightly and said,"Did you really catch the bat thief?"

"Xiaohai, you are the one I admire most among so many police officers. Please don't play tricks in front of me."

"If that happens, I will be very sad."

Meng Haiyang said quickly:"Leader, no matter how brave you are, I dare not joke with you about this matter."

"I guarantee in front of you that the person we caught is definitely the Bat Thief!"

"We have found all the things he stole! We also compared his hair with the DNA left at the scene."

"You don't have to doubt the truth of the story?!"

Director Ma on the side said a little sourly:"It took only a few days to catch the bat thief? I remember that your public security bureau didn't have such a powerful talent before?"

"What? Could it be that he got some advice from a master recently and suddenly got enlightened?"

That's the Bat Thief!

A wanted criminal of great importance.

What does a wanted criminal mean?

If a public security bureau can catch one in a year, it can add a lot of points in the annual evaluation!

The other directors also looked at Meng Haiyang.

Meng Haiyang smiled and nodded very vigorously.

"Brothers, I won’t hide it from you. Recently, a great man has indeed come to our Public Security Bureau!"

"He is the cook in our prison! If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be able to solve the case!"

"No, no, no, I shouldn't call him a cook. I think I should call him the God of Cooking!"

He wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and couldn't suppress the smile on his face. Later, he laughed out loud. Since Jiang

Chen came, good things have happened to their Public Security Bureau one after another!.

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