He stood in front of the gate and pushed it gently, and the heavy iron gate collapsed.

Leon's swift and decisive action stunned Tony and Ethan.

Before they could come to their senses, someone suddenly shouted outside the iron gate.


With an order, dense gunshots rang out, and the bullets poured out like a torrential rain. There was so much noise in the cave before.

The terrorists had already noticed something was wrong.

Under the command of the leader, everyone lined up in the corridor in front of the cave with guns, waiting to empty the magazines of their rifles.

At this time, everyone fired without hesitation after receiving the order.

But Leon's reaction speed was faster than their shooting.

He glanced and stretched out his hand to protect Tony and Ethan behind him.

The next second, countless bullets came almost at the same time, and the crisp sound of impact sounded continuously, but it did not have the slightest killing effect.

The moment the bullets hit Leon, they were squeezed and deformed by the huge force, and then fell to the ground.

Even the bullet that hit Leon's retina was no exception.

At the same time, a large number of bullets hit the mountain wall and the ground, stirring up a large amount of dust and obscuring the sight.

In the dust, the terrorists fired for more than half a minute before the gunshots gradually stopped.


""Jili Gulu!"

The terrorists shouted, thinking that no one could survive such a crossfire.

The leader stood behind the corner of the corridor with his arms folded, and leaned his head out to stare at the dusty cave. After a few seconds, he waved his hand and sent people to check.

No one cared, thinking that there could be no living people inside. At most, the difference was that the body was broken into a few or dozens of pieces.

But at this moment.

Two scarlet spots of light rose in the smoke.

The light spots seemed to contain infinite murderous intent, which made people shudder.

"What is that? Bats?"Someone asked stupidly.

No one answered, but the next second everyone no longer had any questions.

The brightness of the two red lights rose rapidly, and then two fascinating heat rays were emitted.

The thick and long red rays were definitely the most terrifying laser weapons that the terrorists had ever seen in their lives.

Just by sweeping from left to right, all the people on the path were cut in half and died on the spot, and even the cut surface was burned to a bloody mess.

The speed of the ray was so fast that no one could react.

All the people blocking the corridor in front of the cave entrance were killed almost instantly, without even a wailing.

And the people blocking the other side of the corridor only saw a flash of red light, and then the people standing in front of them were all cut in half and died.

They stood there in shock, their minds were blank, and they had no time to react.

It was the bald leader in the crowd who came back to his senses first.

"That, that is the laser weapon developed by Tony Stark! ?"

He was extremely shocked and extremely sure.

"Damn it, he's been building this thing for months!"

"We were tricked by him!"

The leader's final verdict calmed everyone's blank minds a little, but they still looked at each other in bewilderment, not knowing what to do.

"As long as it is a weapon, it is used by people!"

The leader judged at this time:"Since someone has to use it, as long as we kill the people inside, the laser weapon will be ours!"

He ordered:"Everyone retreat, use grenades to bomb the cave, and kill Tony Stark for me!"

After saying that, the leader licked his lips, his eyes revealing greed that could not be concealed

"I just want that laser weapon. As for Stark, kill him and ask Obadiah Stani for money!"

The leader's order calmed everyone down.

It made so much sense!

No matter how powerful Stark's laser weapon was, as long as they killed him, the weapon would be theirs!

Almost everyone subconsciously forgot that the previous round of volleys had failed to kill the people in the cave.

The terrorists retreated together, took out grenades and prepared to throw them.

However, footsteps suddenly sounded on the other side of the cave corridor.

It sounded like only one person's footsteps, neither hurried nor slow, strolling leisurely.

""Wait!" The leader raised his fist, signaling everyone to stop the action.

Everyone slowly put down the grenades, raised their guns again, and stared at the corner of the corridor.

Click, click.

The footsteps were getting closer.

The leader grinned and threatened:"Tony Stark, do you think you can escape with weapons? You lied to me, but it doesn't matter, because you are dead today, and your laser weapon will become mine!"

""Oh? Really? But my name is not Tony." The man responded calmly.

The terrorists thought the person coming was Tony Stark.

However, when the man walked out of the corner, they were all shocked.

It was a handsome man wearing only a pair of trousers, barefoot, and revealing thick chest muscles.

Who is this? When did he enter the cave? Why haven't I seen him before?


A burst of unbelievable curses suddenly rang out in the corridor.

"Who are you? Where is Stark?" The leader's already dark face became even darker.

The cave was a familiar cave, but a person he had never seen before walked out.

He suddenly began to suspect that Tony Stark had been rescued without knowing it, and they were completely fooled.

Leon glanced at him:"I am also Stark"

"Are you Stark?" The leader gritted his teeth,"You are kidding... Fire, fire all of you!"

The combat skills of this group of terrorists are really good.

After the leader gave the order, the dense muzzles of their guns once again spewed out flames.

Leon did not dodge, letting the bullets hit him, and walked forward at a leisurely pace.

His super brain told him that he could relax here like at home.

However, the terrorists who were his enemies were in a completely different mood.

They all widened their eyes, and their hands kept pulling the trigger, but their minds were so confused that they could not think at all.

What kind of monster is this? Even the bullets from the rifle can't cause any harm to him.

Then���The two sides were getting closer and closer, but Leon remained unscathed.

Some people began to lose their minds, dropped their guns and turned to run away.

"Ah, ah! Monster!"

""Stop!" The leader pulled out his gun reflexively to kill the deserter.

But two blazing heat rays shot faster than the leader, instantly piercing the deserter to death.

The leader stared blankly at his men who died on the ground, then turned his head and looked at"Stark" with bloodshot eyes.

Those scarlet eyes seemed to come from hell.

"None of you who call yourself the Ten Rings will be able to escape." Leon's voice seemed to come from the abyss.

The next second, the heat ray swept across again, and the entire corridor was instantly cleared.

A second later, except for Leon, there was no other heartbeat here.

Before the leader died, he understood something, and looked at Leon with empty eyes of unwillingness and regret:"It turns out that was not... a laser weapon……"

After saying that, he completely lost his vitality.

Leon shook his head speechlessly and continued to walk out:"I've already said that I'm also Stark."

As soon as he left the cave, three rockets flew at him at the same time.

"These people from the Ten Rings Gang are really organized and have faith. They dare to fight back even though the casualty ratio is so exaggerated."

Lyon sighed and stretched out his right hand to block in front of him.

He blocked three rockets one after another, and the flames of the explosion instantly drowned him.

Then there were dense gunshots and countless grenades.

All the terrorists wanted to pour out all the firepower at hand in the shortest time.

Facing the monster coming out of the cave, it is not too cautious.

But their ferocious expressions soon stiffened.

I saw an intact figure leaping out of the fire, ignoring the bullets flying in the air.

Not to mention being injured, the figure didn't even have a tear in his trousers.

He glanced around, his figure suddenly disappeared, and then appeared again at the entrance of the cave in an instant.

Then, all the terrorists present broke their necks one after another and collapsed to the ground.

In a very short moment, Lyon solved everyone at a super high speed.

He clapped his hands and shouted to the cave:"Tony, Ethan, the terrorists are all solved, come out!"

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