ten minutes later

"How about it, Tony? How does it feel to be leaving your temporary residence for the past few months? Do you feel reluctant to leave?"

Leon held Tony and Ethan in each hand and floated above the cave.

He joked:"This is a wonderful experience that ordinary people will hardly encounter once in their lifetime. Don't you want to talk about your feelings?"

Tony's hair was messed up by the wind:"You call this a wonderful experience? Damn, Leon, if you hadn't become Superman, I would have asked someone to arrange such a wonderful experience for you when I go back."

""Okay, okay, it seems that you are in a bad mood. It's my fault. I won't say anything." Leon shut up.

Ethan interrupted at the right time:"Well... Mr. Leon, may I ask, what are you going to do with this base below? Are you going to leave it to the US?"

Ethan has no good feelings towards the US officials.

He believes that these terrorists are so rampant, and there must be reasons from the US side.

Before Leon answered, Tony said:"Destroy it, destroy all these... Stark things.��"

He looked at the boxes of weapons and ammunition with the"Stark" logo printed on them, his face as gloomy as water.

"No problem."Leon agreed and took the two of them to a higher place.

When they were far enough away, he shot out heat rays from his eyes, instantly detonating the gunpowder in the entire base.


Boxes of ammunition in the base exploded one after another.

All the explosions intertwined, producing a chain reaction. The flames enveloped the entire area, and a mushroom cloud more than ten meters high rose up with a bang, and the smoke quickly filled the air.

This terrorist organization base, which was not small in size, became a thing of the past.

"It's so scary... It's all over." Ethan's cheeks were burned by the high temperature of the explosion, and he muttered in a low voice.

"It's over. Your bad memories have finally come to an end." Leon nodded.

"Next, I will take you to the military base in Afghanistan."

"Tony's old friend is there, he will send you to America."

Leon turned around and flew out of the base:"But I won't go with you, after all, my strength is not suitable for my identity for the time being."

Ethan seemed to have some other ideas, but looking at the ground a few hundred meters below, he chose to obey the arrangement from the bottom of his heart.

Tony heard the words, and his dull expression, which had been gloomy since he got out of trouble, paused.

He hesitated and said:"You said it's not suitable for the time being, which means, what are you going to do later, Leon?"

"That's right," Leon admitted,"There are some things I wanted to do a long time ago, but I didn't take action because I didn't have enough strength."

He said calmly:"After I go back, I can show my strength to all parties while dealing with these things."

"This way, even if my true identity is discovered in the future, those annoying flies won't easily take action"

"We'll talk about the details after we get back."

Superman is so strong, but Lex Luthor is still causing trouble.

Not to mention a young man like him who has only been in the sun for half a year.

Leon has no doubt that once his physique and strength are exposed, the covetousness of all parties will come immediately.

Unless he shows his invincible strength and his attitude of never showing mercy in advance.

Otherwise, there will be constant trouble.

Most people in the world fear power but not virtue, there is no doubt about this.

"Why, do you want to persuade me not to make too much noise?" Leon asked

"No," Tony immediately denied,"I just……"

He paused for a long time before he let out a long breath and spoke awkwardly.

""Leon, I, I want to say... I'm sorry that I didn't listen to your advice and shut down Stark's weapons department."

Tony's face showed deep guilt.

This guilt was not for Leon, but for the ordinary people who were harmed by the arms sold by Stark.

More than a year ago, when the Stark Group's electronic products business spread all over the world,

Leon proposed to cut and shut down the arms business.

But Tony didn't care at the time. He just thought that Leon had just become an adult and had not seen the world and was too sad, so he perfunctorily passed it over with a few words.

Thinking about it now, Tony only felt extremely remorseful and guilty.

"There's no need to apologize.……"Leon was a little surprised, but not too surprised.

He knew Tony would shut down the weapons department, but he didn't expect Tony to apologize.

God knows, Tony has never apologized more than ten times in his life.

In the past, even if this guy made a mistake, he would only try to make up for it in other ways, never admitting his mistakes.

It seems that during the time he was kidnapped, Tony has indeed"grown" a lot.

"The past cannot be undone. It is never too late to mend the rift after a sheep is lost."

"Make up for your mistakes later, Tony."

Leon comforted him gently,"And the small arc generator you developed this time can be popularized as a basic energy source to benefit the world, right?"

"I believe that the whole world will change and become better because of you in the future, so you should feel guilty, but you can't stay on the guilt."

Tony listened to Leon's words quietly. It was rare for him not to interrupt others' long speeches.

After Leon finished speaking, Tony smiled and said,"Maybe you are right... Well, there is also the matter of Obie.……"

"There is definitely something wrong with Obadiah." Leon interrupted directly,"You will hesitate even if I tell you now, so I will wait for you in Los Angeles, and then we will go directly to him to settle it."

Tony subconsciously wanted to persuade him again, after all, he still had some hope for his uncle.

However, he opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Instead, he nodded in a muffled voice.���"I'll listen to you."

Hearing this, Leon couldn't help but curl up his lips.

It seems that this experience has improved his voice in Tony's eyes.

It is said that people can never teach people, but things can teach people once.

It is indeed true.

After flying for a while, Leon landed in the desert with the two of them.

"Okay, I'll take you here. The military base is eight kilometers ahead. Here, this is a signal gun. After I leave, you can shoot into the sky and someone will come to find you."

Leon handed the signal gun he had taken from the terrorist base to Tony, and then took off and prepared to leave.

""Wait!" Tony hurriedly called out again,"I forgot to tell you, remember to bring my armor back home, and if the blueprints haven't been burned, bring them back too!"

"Holy shit! Why didn't you tell me when we were in the cave?"

"I think you can't hold more with your hands, so now"

"Tony, you've got it!"

Leon gave a middle finger and soared into the sky, breaking the sound barrier in the air and leaving.

The two people left on the ground blinked their eyes, watching Leon leave a trail in the clouds, and shrugged at each other.

"" Won't your brother be discovered flying like this near the military base?" Ethan asked.

Tony raised his eyebrows:"What do you mean my brother? Didn't a guy who called himself Superman just rescue us and then leave? We didn't even see his face clearly."

Ethan suddenly realized:"So this is how we should have escaped? That Superman is really a kind and enthusiastic person!"

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