Leon finally agreed to Tony's request to go with him.

After all, the Resident Evil world is really not a threat to the two brothers.

Even if they are accidentally infected with the virus, there are already developed vaccines and serums just in case.

Just think of it as taking Tony on vacation.

I remember the last family trip was when I graduated from junior high school.

Tony, Pepper and the other three went to Dubai together.

It was supposed to be a trip, but in the end, they had a three-day party in a villa in Dubai.

He had just graduated from junior high school and almost graduated there again.

This time, going to the Resident Evil together was just to make up for the high school graduation trip.

Leon called Natasha in his bedroom.

Because Tony had to install some recording equipment on his armor before leaving to record the process of crossing.

So he had to wait for a few hours.

While waiting, he suddenly remembered that there was a virus in the Iron Man movie.

It was called the Extremis virus.

This virus can give the host super regeneration ability, super strength, speed and other extraordinary abilities.

Some hosts can also have the ability to create fire and electricity.

This virus may be obtained as a reference for the development of the S virus.

So Leon immediately contacted Natasha

"What's the mission?" As soon as the call was connected, Natasha got straight to the point.

"Why are you so straightforward? Can't I just care about the living conditions of my dear subordinates?" Leon said stubbornly.

"It's not even eight in the morning yet. I can't imagine what else the man who refused to pay me four days ago would do by calling me at this time, except to arrange a task."

"this……"Leon didn't expect Natasha to have such deep resentment,"Well, there is a mission."

"You said, I'm in an office building in New York, and the surrounding area is safe now." Natasha said no one was eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Do we have a widow undercover at Avant-garde? I need a virus they are researching called Extremis."Leon stated his intention.

Natasha was silent for a few seconds, as if she was looking up information.

"The widow codenamed Tracy used to work there as a mid-level researcher.

She quickly replied

"You can pick up the virus test kit in Tennessee in three hours, or I can deliver it to you in Los Angeles at 2 pm."

Natasha's work efficiency is so high that it breaks through the sky.

"Let me go over there, it will be faster this way." Leon couldn't help but smack his lips,"I have to say, the sisters are really amazing!"

"Then you can spend more time drinking with them. They have been thinking about you for a long time. That's it. Hang up."Natasha hung up the phone directly.

Leon was stunned, threw the phone on the table, and curled his lips:"It's not right for a subordinate to talk back to his superior."

Three hours later.

Leon was taken into the"former" red house safe house in Tennessee by Natasha.

This is a cabin in the woods.

From the outside, it looks like a traditional Western-style pastoral wooden house.

It is only two stories high and can accommodate a family of five at most.

But when Leon walked into the underground darkroom of the wooden house, he saw a modern base with a full four-story underground building.

There were not many people in the base, only a few widows who had drunk with him twice.

After seeing him, they all greeted him cordially and continued to do their own things.

Natasha took Leon into the innermost command room.

She took out a reagent and a USB flash drive from the safe.

"This was stolen by me and a few sisters outside with the help of Tracy. You want to use it for research?"

Natasha said:"I took a quick look at the research records, and it seems that there are still big problems with it."

"Thank you for your hard work, Nata." Leon took the reagent and observed it in front of his eyes,"I know there is something wrong with it"

"I'm just researching a virus that can give humans super regenerative abilities. The Extremis virus might give me some inspiration."

"regeneration……"Natasha's eyes wavered slightly,"Can physical defects be cured?"

"Yes, but the virus still has serious side effects and cannot be used directly."

Leon patted Natasha's arm and said,"But I am confident that I can solve its defects and quickly."

"Then I'll wait." Natasha put her arm around Leon and stroked his hard chest muscles,"So, this boss who doesn't care about anything, can you pay me today?"

"Here?"Lyon glanced around and saw that there was only one desk in the command room.

Natasha followed his gaze, sat on the desk with a cat-like step, and crossed her legs:"Right here, now"


An hour and a half later.

Leon helped Natasha put her clothes in order. She had fallen on the chair and couldn't stand up.

"My evaluation is that if you are not good at it, it is better not to have a strong addiction."Leon pinched Natasha's cheek with his fingers and deformed it.

Natasha rolled her eyes:"Can't you be gentler?"

"You are slandering me. I have been obeying your demands." Leon straightened the damaged version of Natasha on the chair.

He turned and left:"After the salary is paid, I will leave first. You continue the task of liberating other widows. Remember to pay attention to safety and contact me if you have any problems."

""Leon!" Natasha suddenly shouted again,"Do you know that Pioneer Technology is kidnapping beggars for human experiments?"

Leon was stunned:"They are starting to do this now? What do you want to do?"

"If you agree, it can become Stark's property in two days." Natasha said.

Leon raised his eyebrows:"Great, of course I agree, but you have to pay attention to safety, and……"

"I'll contact you if I have anything. I understand." Natasha smiled.

"Good to know, I'm leaving!" Leon pulled up his trousers and left without taking a cloud.

Of course, he didn't forget to take the desperate virus and the USB flash drive with him.


1:00 PM.

Stark Mansion Basement

"Where did you go just now? I couldn't find you at home, and Jarvis couldn't locate you either."Tony put his hands on his waist in his armor.

God knows how excited he was about traveling through the world!

He had already modified the armor at the fastest speed in his life.

But his stinky brother disappeared at the critical moment.

For him, this was like not being able to find a toilet when he had diarrhea!

"I asked Natasha to help me get a copy of the Extremis virus, which will be helpful for my research in another world."

Leon gestured to the metal box in his hand.

"What is the Extremis virus? Tony was curious

"It's a biochemical virus developed by an old acquaintance of yours, Killian.……"Lyon briefly introduced the origin of the virus

"It sounds like a good idea, although the possibility of achieving stable injection is not great." Tony nodded,"But who is Killian? I know him?"

He urged impatiently:"Let's not talk about these irrelevant people now, hurry up, let's start traveling now!"

""Okay, no problem." Leon put his hands on Tony's armor's shoulders and enveloped him with a biological force field.

Then he closed his eyes.

His consciousness sank into the dark space of the search world again.

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