This place is no longer empty.

Instead, it is permanently inhabited by a chaos bubble.

As long as Leon's consciousness touches it, he will understand that the bubble represents the world of Resident Evil.

And this world has been permanently open to him, with unconditional access.

However, when he chose to travel back to the moment when he left Resident Evil.

The energy requirement reflected by the shuttle ability was as high as 30% of the physical strength.

It was 30 times that of his first time traveling!

Leon tried to postpone the time of traveling.

He found that with every day that passed, his physical strength would be reduced by 1%.

It was postponed until the 30th day after he left.

The physical strength required returned to the original 1%.

Pushing it back again, the 31st day, the 32nd day... the energy required did not change at all, it was all 1% of the physical strength.

"Tony is right!"Leon thought thoughtfully.

"To travel to a point in the past, you need to pay double the energy."

"If you travel to the future, the energy consumption will remain the same."

"That is to say, I have only been back for six hours, but thirty days have passed in the Resident Evil world?"

He tried to choose the time when he was still in the Resident Evil world, which was the night of September 28th.

He found that he could not choose that time.

Even going back to the time before the Resident Evil, he could not choose the time.

"In other words, based on the time when I appeared in that world, I cannot travel through the past, but I can choose the future at will?"

Leon thought thoughtfully.

He tried to use his ability to travel through time to select Tony, marking him as another life that would travel with him.

As a result, the energy required suddenly increased to 11%.

Leon then tried to mark the entire Stark villa as traveling with him.

However, he found that the energy requirement was still about 11% of his physical strength.

The extra energy required after traveling with the villa was about the same as the energy required to take a breath of cold air.

"The energy consumed by carrying life through time is extremely huge, but carrying matter does not consume much."

Lyon roughly understood the mechanism of the shuttle ability and stopped researching.

He reminded Tony:"Get ready, it's about to begin!"

""I've prepared it! Come on! I can't wait to try the cheeseburger from another world!" Tony shouted excitedly.

Finally, Leon confirmed in his consciousness that he had traveled to the time node thirty days after he left the world of Resident Evil.

The next moment, the two disappeared from the spot.


Resident Evil World, October 29th.

In a tropical rainforest.

Two figures that shouldn't belong here suddenly appeared, startling a flock of birds.

After Leon opened his eyes, he immediately looked at Tony who was wearing armor beside him.

He used his super vision to observe and confirmed that Tony's body was still the same as before, and he was relieved.

He waited there for a few seconds.

Suddenly, the iron armor shivered, the visor lit up, and Tony woke up.!!

When he opened his eyes, he saw unfamiliar woods and wetlands.

Tony subconsciously exclaimed:"Leon!"

"Awake? Your physical fitness needs to be improved. I've been waiting for a long time."Leon teased

"That long? But I do feel like I slept for a while. Tony patted his head through his visor.

"Where is this, the Amazon forest? Oh, my recorder!"

Tony slapped himself awake and said,"Jarvis, did the recorder record the process of crossing? Especially the empty area where Leon described that he couldn't open his eyes?"

"Shit! Why don't I have that feeling at all? It's as if I just took a nap and came here!" He was very annoyed.

Jarvis said:"Sir, just now in the garage, for unknown reasons, all the circuits of the armor were disconnected, and the equipment did not work properly."

"How could that be?" Tony looked disappointed."So we didn't record anything?"

"The circuit of the armor was actually disconnected at the beginning of the journey."Leon said,"It happened to me last time."

"I guess this is a protection mechanism."

"There is a saying that the amount of information outside the world is too vast for humans to handle, and just looking at it could cause brain death."

"So you slept soundly during the journey, which might be a kind of protection."

Tony shook his head:"Maybe... So where are we now?"

""You can ask Jarvis to connect to the Internet and search for it." Leon closed his eyes and began to listen to the voices of the world.

For a moment, explosions, screams, quarrels, cries, roars... countless negative information came to him.

Leon almost subconsciously suppressed his super hearing.

"How could this happen?" He was puzzled. He had solved the crisis in Raccoon City and arranged everything before leaving, leaving Jarvis behind.

Why did the sound he just heard sound like the whole world fell into the abyss?

——There was hardly a place on the entire earth that was not shrouded in gunpowder.

There were roars of gunfire and wailing and crying everywhere.

What happened in this world in thirty days?

As Leon was wondering, an invisible wave descended.

With a thought, he used his teleportation ability to connect to the wave.

All kinds of complex emotions of ecstasy, resentment, frustration, and relief suddenly rushed into his consciousness.

Leon was stunned for a moment and sorted out the information.

【Leave, evolve, lose control, gift, save! Gift! Save!!】

The world consciousness kept sending out the emotion of asking for help.

Leon realized that during the time he was away, the world consciousness might have done something to push the world to the edge of losing control.

"Another gift, you want me to clean up your mess, what are you going to give me this time?"Leon felt that he had to raise the price.

It would be best if his scientific research ability could be improved by one or two times. However, as soon as he passed his idea to the world consciousness, the other party immediately responded with a helpless emotion.

In other words, the previous improvement was already the highest level.

"Are you such a loser?"Leon couldn't help cursing.

The world consciousness suddenly felt timid, as if it was a trembling child.

"What else can you give me?"Leon sighed. As soon as he finished speaking, the ground around him suddenly appeared with dots of platinum light.

These lights were only visible to him.

They gathered together and condensed into a larger ball of light, then floated towards Leon, trying to merge into his body.

Leon knew that this was a [gift] and did not reject it.

However, the next moment, the ball of light had just merged into the body, but was bounced out again!

Leon was stunned.

Then the world consciousness sent him more information.

After analysis

, he understood. The ball of light in front of him can transform the human body into a physique that can perfectly adapt to all products of the Resident Evil series.

It can be said to be a positive reinforcement without any side effects.

However, just as the ball of light was about to begin to merge, it was spontaneously expelled by the immune system of the Iron Man.

Obviously, his immune system thinks that this useless thing is here to weaken his physique.

"This kind of thing is of no use to me.……"Lyon has a headache

"That's right!" He clapped his hands,"You can merge it into the person next to me, and it will be given to me."

The world consciousness obeyed.

Then the ball of light slowly merged into Tony's body.

At this time, Tony's mask popped open and he was looking at Leon like a fool.

"What are you doing? Synaptic collapse, epilepsy?" Tony said sharply.

"Something is melting into me, who are you talking to... Oh! What is this! Someone stuffed a hot water bottle into me!"

Tony suddenly jumped up scratching his head and cheeks, and his hands were randomly touching his body.

He even unbuttoned his armor, ran out and lifted his shirt to feel around carefully.

"You look more like a madman than you are now." Leon complained,"I was just communicating with the world consciousness, and it transformed your body."

"Is this warm feeling a transformation? It turned me into a Kryptonian too?"Tony was stunned.

"No, it allows you to stuff all kinds of native and unique biological factors in your body at will, and they can all be perfectly integrated."

"What kind of transformation is this?" Tony tilted his head back in disgust."It sounds like they're going to turn me into a Frankenstein."

"It's better to have a gift from the world consciousness than nothing, so be content."

Lyon spread his hands indifferently, and then he received another emotion shared by the world consciousness.

【Save! Evolve! More! 】

Okay, there are subsequent performance rewards.

"Let's understand the situation first."Leon flew up,"It seems that something bad has happened in this world."

Tony also put on his armor again and took off.

The two floated side by side, and suddenly Jarvis's different voice came from Tony's Mark IV.

"Master Lyon, you are finally back." Jarvis's tone was always full of mechanical feeling, but this time it seemed to be a little excited.

"Jarvis? Have you connected to the subsystem on the Super Mark I?"

Leon asked,"What happened during my absence? Why is the whole world at war?""

"Master Lyon, a lot of things happened after you left, I'm afraid it's hard to explain at once."

"It's okay, just keep it short and focus on the main points." Leon motioned Tony to fall back to the ground.

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