From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 800 The Troubled Triangulum Galaxy

Two hours later, Ye Ming walked into the brain-computer center and opened the office door. He Mo, who had been notified by him, had already been waiting in his office for a long time.

"I suggest you go to Frost Star in person." After entering the house, Ye Ming said straight to the point.

"No problem, but there are already two teams in charge over there... Do I need to go there?" Although He Mo nodded quickly, he also expressed his doubts.

The CNY department is a comprehensive intelligence department, and they are definitely indispensable for Frost Star, the number one star in the enemy's circle of influence.

"Yes." Ye Ming sat across from He Mo, his expression gradually becoming serious: "The space city of Frost Star should have a backup system host terminal."

"Where?" He Mo's eyes widened as soon as he heard this: "Didn't the enemy also master long-distance communication? And why didn't those Simba people say anything?"

"The enemy's long-distance communication is different from ours... well, it lags behind a lot. They can only transmit limited data, and the real large amounts of data and instructions are stored locally - the enemy is in a hurry, so they only have time to shut down the system, and the data I didn’t even have time to clean it up.”

" do you know?" He Mo took a deep breath. She immediately realized that if the data center could be found in the Frost Star Space City, it would obviously be of great help to humans to master the planet and understand the enemy. Benefits.

"I asked it from a barmaid."

He Mo: "..."

"Moreover, there is another important situation..." Ye Ming waited for two seconds and said: "Gloria and Lianna have lived in Frost Star for a long time. According to the waitress's description, the two have a very close relationship. good."

He Mo nodded: "According to previous intelligence, she has indeed won the trust of the female empire prophet."

"Well..." Ye Ming paused for another two seconds and then said softly: "At the same time, that Liana... has always advocated contacting us."

He Mo's eyes flashed. What Ye Ming said, CNY had already made a judgment through various signs. At this time, Ye Ming raised it... Obviously it was not because he thought CNY had omitted something.

After pondering for a few seconds, He Mo tentatively said: "You mean, we continue to try to maintain contact with the enemy? But the enemy has suffered so much and is so angry that it will be difficult to contact..."

"What I mean is, if possible, try to keep Gloria safe."

He Mo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

She knew that the Blue Planet people had made huge sacrifices to save their compatriots, and that little girl Gloria had also made a huge contribution.

If there are still sacrifices...then even if you win in the future, you will inevitably leave regrets.

"In this way, I will send you the previous communication between me and the Himba waitress, and you can think about it yourself." Ye Ming said, grabbing the tablet, and after a few operations, he passed the retained communication file to He Mo.

"Then I'll withdraw first." He Mo stood up and looked at his watch again: "If I want to go there, I have to ask Lao Niu for permission."

"No problem, Lao Niu knows the importance."

After watching He Mo leave, Ye Ming also returned to his desk and sat down.

He did not turn on the monitor immediately, but frowned and thought for a while.

——Although Gloria's safety is important, what he really cares about is the "portrait" of Liana drawn from the description of the Simba girl named Nina.

According to the Simba girls, Lianna is an imperial prophet with very excellent qualities. She is gentle and cares about their servant races. She has never been condescending. She is also very good to Gloria. She trusts her without saying anything and often teaches her. All kinds of knowledge.

Ye Ming believes that the Himba people who "turned to the Ming Dynasty" have no reason to praise a former ruler so much.

Since there are "good people" among the Imperial people, then... we can fight for it.

In silence, Ye Ming slowly lowered his eyebrows and began to turn on the monitor to check out the latest theoretical modeling of "soil soil".

This brand-new "material" has infinite possibilities - its current positioning is a material that can be extended "infinitely" by directly projecting high-dimensional matter into low-dimensional space.

Of course, whether it is true infinity or false infinity is not yet known due to the lack of observational means and the imperfection of the theory, but at least it is so in terms of performance.

The most mainstream speculation at present is that after the material is two-dimensional, it will also follow the Planck scale, that is, the smallest particles that make up the material are limited and cannot be infinitely subdivided.

And if this guess is true, it means that quantum mechanics is also applicable in high-dimensional space, at least to a certain extent. Then this creates a favorable condition for the unified dimension and the four major forces.

The next days passed quickly.

He Mo went to Frost Star the next day and personally presided over the search for the entire Frost Star Space City. At the same time, with the assistance of Nina, she gained the true surrender of a group of Simba engineers.

With the help of Simba engineers, the technical team quickly found the hidden data center in the space city and began data recovery.

Through the interpretation of the data, humans have obtained all the spacecraft manufacturing conditions and even manufacturing processes of Frost Star over the years.

Frankly speaking, these data, especially the spacecraft manufacturing process, are not of much use to mankind. They can only be said to give mankind a reassurance that the enemy's manufacturing capabilities have indeed been compared to the industrial behemoth of the earth. More than a dimension behind.

And when humans showed the industrial miracles of humans to those Simba engineers, a large number of engineers sincerely joined humans out of admiration. So naturally, Zhou Xiangnan's experimental base was quickly built.

One month later, on Qingming Festival, the first experimental report was released.

"Mr. Ye, happy Qingming Festival."

"... As long as you are happy." Listening to Zhou Xiangnan's slightly hoarse but extremely excited voice on the phone, Ye Ming smiled and let go of his daughter, and walked to the balcony at the same time: "No holiday?"

Standing on the balcony of the villa, Ye Ming looked up into the distance.

Now the first circle of residential areas in the provincial capital has taken shape. As far as the eye can see, there are dozens of high-rise buildings. The brain-computer center located in the central core area is as rare and precious as the grass in the forest.


"...Mr. Ye, it will make me sad if you say that."

Ye Ming laughed: "Hahaha, stop talking nonsense, what was the result of the experiment?"

"Would you be surprised if I said it was naturally superconducting?"

Ye Ming's smile froze in an instant, his eyes shrank instantly, and he said in a deep voice: "Is there a Meissner effect?"

"Unfortunately, there is no Meissner effect."

Ye Ming took a long breath and fell into thinking.

Natural superconductivity...that means there are electrons, and it also means that it is within the scope of human understanding.

But...if it is just a brand new room temperature superconducting material...obviously, it cannot meet Ye Ming's expectations.

Let’s put it this way, room temperature superconductivity is no longer a rare thing. Human beings can at least achieve room temperature superconductivity at two lower costs.

In comparison, the cost of crashing strange matter into "atoms" and then "colliding" into a two-dimensional space membrane is simply ridiculously high, and it is completely impossible to have any application scenarios.

After a few seconds of silence, Ye Ming continued to ask: "What else? I don't believe you only measured the resistance."

"It's absolutely evenly distributed."

Ye Ming nodded, which was what he expected: "Then what? Is there anything else?"

"Also, it has excellent integration."

Ye Ming's eyes narrowed: "Your word is unprofessional - what is fusion?"

"I made it up, you can understand that it can carry anything currently known - for example, although it is conductive as a whole, if we embed insulating materials in it, then it can form an insulating island. In other words, , you can realize the logic gate you predicted - and the circuit of this logic gate is naturally superconducting and will not trigger the quantum tunneling effect."

"Even put it this way... we can understand it as a blank map in a map making tool, and we can add any materials to it to form everything we want."

Zhou Xiangnan's voice was filled with enthusiasm: "Mr. Ye, this is an infinitely large real canvas!"

Ye Ming took a gentle breath, and then slowly exhaled. After a moment, a smile slowly rose from his face.

He hummed slightly.

Such properties were originally one of his predictions, but he didn't expect that this thing was naturally superconducting.

"What's your next experimental idea?"

"I want to experiment and see if I can create internal force field constraints for it. If so...then we can control it. But to do this, we need to use a super accelerator."

Ye Ming looked up at the sky, and for just a second, he agreed: "I'll arrange it right away."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Ming turned around and saw Qi and Mo coming to the balcony. He immediately held her arm: "Be careful."

"...How can it be so expensive?" Qi Yumo lowered his head and glanced. It was only three months ago and he couldn't tell anything at all: "You won't be on a business trip again, right?"

"No, it's just that Lao Zhou made a phone call and said that the properties of the new material have been revealed."

"Oh? Is it that Xi soil?" Qi Yumo looked curious: "Can such a material really exist in this world?"

"Haha..." Ye Ming laughed. He knew that Qi Yumo was also deeply influenced by science, and he was very suspicious of something that obviously violated the existing scientific system. He immediately gave Qi Yumo a brief introduction to the current scientific system. guess.

As a result... Qi and Mo were confused and shook their heads.

"Forget it, the more you talk, the more confused you become." Qi and Mo leaned on Ye Ming, looking at the steel jungle in the distance with him.

The two of them leaned on each other until Egwene, the light bulb, shouted at the top of her voice from downstairs.

"Teacher, I want to go to the Triangulum Galaxy!"

Sitting on the sofa in the small living room on the second floor, Ewen stood straight and put her hands on her knees. She changed her usual playful smile, and her whole face was filled with solemnity and formality.

Ye Ming frowned slightly and said nothing. He just stared at her with his eyes, waiting for her reasons and explanations.

Ewen's identity determines that she cannot run around like ordinary people - from this point of view, she is very similar to Ye Ming, and so does Ye Ming. So far, he has not been able to get approval to go to Frost Star.

After all... Frost Star was an enemy territory that had just been conquered.

Even the reception work on the planet's surface is done by robots. If humans want to go down, they will be protected like heads of state.

Although the Triangulum Galaxy is nominally safe... but in fact, with the pressure from humans on the Kodo people, the Kodo people currently have very strong opinions against humans... and even several fierce quarrels have broken out between the two sides.

To put it in the words of Director Xia of the Foreign Affairs Department, if the Kodo people had not known the power of the human fleet, they would have rebelled long ago.

Of course, Ye Ming can understand - any person or any group, when they find that they are about to lose power, they will definitely fall into a crazy struggle and not let go. Not to mention the Kodo people, a race that has dominated the Triangulum Galaxy and been gods for thousands of years.

Therefore, when Egwene proposes to go to the Triangulum Galaxy at this juncture, it is obvious... that it cannot be passed in principle.

"I have made an appointment with Shivata. I want to go over and try Zhinao." Ai Wen took a deep breath and looked at Ye Ming with a determined look on her face.

"Then do you know that Shivata has been protected?" Ye Ming stared at her and said softly: "The Triangulum Galaxy is now in a troubled time."

"I know...but I can't wait any longer." Ewen bit her lip and exhaled heavily: "Teacher, I think that if you want to truly understand the brain, you must face it head-on - we just rely on modeling, You can’t really understand it just by conjecture, just by simulation.”

Ye Ming lowered his eyes and fell into silence.

He had no way to refute Ai Wen's words. terms of intelligence, he knows it better than Egwene or even Uda.

Because he has determined that the so-called main brain space connected to the intelligent brain is highly similar to his super simulation space.

If there is any difference between the two, it is that the super simulation space has faster speed and a more complete database.

But he really couldn't tell Egwene this.

In silence, Ai Wen clenched her fists: "Teacher, if you are thinking about my safety, then there is no need."

"Nonsense, what do you mean it's unnecessary?" Ye Ming immediately glared at her: "You also know what the bear people are like under the rule of the Kodo clan. Now we and the Kra clan have been putting pressure on the Kodo clan. They are Refuse to hand over power... If you want to go over, what if they kidnap you?"

"Teacher, just take revenge for me."

Ye Ming: "..."

"Actually, I have already discussed it with my mother." Egwene pursed her lips and said softly: "My mother said that compared with power, the most important thing for a civilization and an ethnic group is continuity. Therefore, she believes that the Kodo people will not A dog jumps over the wall in a hurry."

"As long as... humans take a stronger stance, that's fine."

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