Half a month later, a huge fleet of sixty warships of various types, including six anti-matter warships, appeared in the Triangulum Galaxy from the jump point of the human base.

After arriving in the Triangulum Galaxy, the fleet did not set off immediately. Instead, it waited for the battleships from the space factory in the Triangulum Galaxy to join the fleet and provide supplies.

Like all human fleets, this fleet is also named after the galaxy - Boötes.

At the same time, its flagship is also the standard Daqin-class battleship, named Li Jing.

The commander of the Boötes fleet is Tang Zhiwen, the commander who was with Yang Wenzhi and others.

"Director Xia, Your Highness Ai Wen." Tang Zhiwen welcomed the two of them into the living room with a smile on his face: "We will take a rest here first, and then we will arrange a place for you to stay."

"No problem." Director Xia nodded with a smile: "It's just a little troublesome for you."

"No trouble, no trouble." Tang Zhiwen laughed loudly: "I'm just afraid that I might neglect you if I don't greet you well."

The Li Jing was a brand new battleship that rolled off the production line. Many arrangements were not made before it was incorporated into the fleet. This is mainly due to the fact that with the approval of the Community Military Council, two combat groups have now been established.

The first cluster is naturally the former enemy headquarters headed by Yang Wenzhi. This cluster is currently the absolute main force of mankind. In addition to the eight fleets, it also has a super battleship and aircraft carrier, totaling more than a thousand battleships. They are heading towards the Aila star where the enemy's base 31 is located along the main star road.

The second cluster is commanded by Zeng Yuanhai, who has been resisting enemies in the LY galaxy. Currently, in addition to Zeng Yuanhai's Auriga fleet, this cluster also includes Mikaro's Hydra fleet, plus the Bootes fleet. This will result in nearly 400 warships.

According to humanity's current production capacity of two hundred warships a month, these numbers will continue to grow in the future.

But now, in the early days of adaptation, everything is not so particular.

The reason why the Bootes fleet stayed in the Triangulum galaxy was not only to integrate the warships from the Triangulum into the fleet, but also the other biggest task... was to "protect" Director Xia and Ewen.

That's right, this time, mankind is going to completely solve the historical problems of the Triangulum Galaxy - the Triangulum Galaxy with billions of Ursines, which is really mouth-watering. However, due to the control of the Kodo people, the marketization of humans here is extremely slow... and according to the Kodo people's ideas, they just want humans to help the poor.

As a result, although several groups of companies came to inspect it a few years ago, in the end, due to various harsh conditions and unpredictable factors, the market did not achieve the development it deserved.

This... is obviously not possible.

Not long after sitting in the lounge, Tang Zhiwen received news that the spaceship of the bear-man Shivata was approaching and the connection was in progress.

"I'll pick him up." Ai Wen looked around and stood up first.

Under the leadership of two soldiers, Egwene quickly arrived at the landing port. Soon, she saw Shivata, a tall man in a suit.

Compared with a year ago, Shivata's figure has not changed much, but his whole temperament is completely different, and his movements reveal a sense of maturity and stability.

Seeing Egwene, Shivata smiled naturally, and then stretched out her hand: "Hello, Your Royal Highness."

"Oh? Then what should I call you? Da Lisi?" Ai Wen tilted her head and reached out to shake the other person's hand.

Taking back her hand, Shivata laughed: "It was considered a formal greeting before."

As Shivata put away his businesslike demeanor, he suddenly showed a bit of shyness: "Are Academician Ye and Sister's Wife in good health?"

"Well, very good." Egwene put her hands behind her back. As she walked, she glanced up at Shivata and burst into laughter: "You ask this, why do you give people the feeling that the teacher is already in his 70s?" ?”

"Um... if you don't greet your body, what should you greet me with?"

"Greetings to the body are for the elderly, at least for humans - don't you think so?" Ai Wen asked the female soldier behind her.

The female soldier pursed her lips and smiled: "Indeed, Academician Ye is not yet forty, isn't he? He is not old enough to ask about his body, so he usually asks if he is busy."

"Well...then there's no need to ask, he must be very busy."

"Yeah..." Ai Wen sighed faintly: "Teacher has been focusing on experiments and developing theories recently, and he has no time to sleep every day - so I came here to find you."

Egwene paused as she spoke: "Where is your main brain access device? What does it look like?"

"It's a big pile on the spaceship. I'll have people move it over later."

Ewen immediately stopped: "A lump? Is that... equivalent to a personal computer?"

"To be precise... it's equivalent to a personal workstation." Sivata thought for a while and gave a description that was familiar to both of them: "A personal workstation without a monitor, only a host computer, even the size is similar."

Egwene led Shivata to the living room and left first. She knew that Director Xia wanted to discuss the governance and various policy issues of the Triangulum Galaxy with Shivata. As the future queen, she knew these things very well. It's political.

Director Xia came with her this time just to get in touch with Shivata first, and then call the two groups of people from Blue Star over, and finally complete a peaceful transfer of power.

As the future ruler of the Karatu Galaxy, she obviously has no need to participate in these matters.

Back in the guest room, Egwene focused all her attention on the next "experimental" step.

Two hours later, Shivata, accompanied by a robot guard, knocked on Egwene's door.

"Have you finished talking?" Egwene stood up.

"We're done talking." Shivata nodded naturally and looked around the room: "Is it right here?"

"Can it fit in?" Ai Wen glanced at the small space.

"Okay, except that it's a little bulky, it doesn't really have a lot of space."

Egwene nodded, she tidied up the chair, sat on the edge of the bed, and began to wait curiously for what this so-called master brain device was.

Soon, two young bear men appeared at the door pushing a huge metal box one meter square.

Shivata opened the metal box and took out a device that looked like a hood and handed it to Egwene.

When Egwene took it, his expression became serious: "Your Highness, the teachers say you are very smart, but... you must not try randomly. Because it is directly connected to the nerves."

"I know." Ai Wen also looked solemn. She put on her hood, straightened out the connection cables, looked at the metal box and asked curiously: "Is this Slanzi substance inside this box?"


Uda had already provided the structure of the main brain to Ye Ming when he decided to fully embrace Aita. So naturally, since Egwene wanted to study this, she also obtained the corresponding structure.

The so-called master brain actually encapsulates the Slanzi substance, and then uses a complex circuit to stimulate information and connect it to human brain signals.

From the perspective of facing unknown fields, the genius of this design has exceeded that of human quantum computers. After all, this is the direct utilization of high-dimensional matter, and it can also produce high-dimensional matter - this is something that even the most powerful and technologically advanced humans cannot do.

But it also has a fatal flaw, that is, the computing power is extremely dependent on the connected terminal.

Now, due to the obstruction of the Kodo people, the Bear People have not been able to access the Intelligent Brain on a large scale. Therefore, the computing power of this main brain... is really worrying.

It becomes clear when you describe it this way - it is equivalent to realizing artificial intelligence on an old Pentium computer, and it is also strong artificial intelligence.

"Are you ready? I'll start it when I'm ready."

"Okay - wait! I'll open the video for the teacher." Ai Wen raised her wrist and was about to ask Ye Ming to take a look in person, but unexpectedly, Ye Ming's voice came out from the speaker in the corner first. sound.

"I'm looking."

"Teacher...you are spying on me!"

"Who cares..." Ye Ming's voice was full of disdain: "Sivata, pay attention to her situation, and cut it off immediately if the situation goes wrong."

"Okay teacher!" Shivata said, reached out and activated the switch, and then began to stare at Egwene without blinking.

He saw that Egwene closed her eyes for a moment, and then her whole body fell into calmness.

Gradually, Egwene frowned, and then her eyes began to move.

Shivata knew that Egwene had completely entered the mastermind's space.

If we describe it in terms of human virtual technology, it is like entering a scene similar to a holographic simulation, except that this simulation scene is more...realistic and more like a dream.

As the master brain that controls this intelligent brain system, the first thing to master is to stay awake in this "dream".

Time passed minute by minute, and Egwene's eyelashes blinked rapidly. Shivata didn't know what Egwene was trying now, but he knew that this behavior was normal - if the impact on the brain nerves was too great , then the entire person's brain will have a violent discharge reaction, and the person's performance will be similar to an epileptic seizure.

Now it seems that everything is normal for Egwene.

As a result, Shivata gradually felt relieved. He looked up at the camera in the corner and asked, "Teacher, are you still there?"

Ye Ming's voice came calmly: "I'm here."

Shivata looked back at the closed door, hesitated for a moment and then whispered softly: "Director Xia said... that we will plan and build housing like the provincial capital for us in the future. Is it true?"

Ye Ming waited for two seconds before humming: "It's true."

"Then...how long will it take?" A trace of worry appeared in Shivata's eyes.

He is just twenty-two years old this year, and will be responsible for the future of the entire Bear Tribe, with a population of over two billion...

Frankly speaking, this burden is too heavy for his age.

It would be okay if he had never seen the human world...he could slowly learn to become a leader - the simple tribesmen would not have any objections to him.

But after seeing the human world, he realized that in order to completely change a race... I'm afraid it's not just about imparting knowledge.

According to human terms, the Kodo people, who have ruled the Triangulum Galaxy as gods for thousands of years, are the largest mountain pressing on the heads of the Ursines.

This mountain...if it is not completely overthrown, then it is impossible for the entire Bear Tribe to awaken, let alone rise.

He didn't know how long it would take, let alone how to do it.

He only knows that the only person he can trust now is the teacher, the human being.

"Soon." Ye Ming's voice contained a rare gentleness and smile, as if he knew the uneasiness in Siwata's heart, and comforted him: "Don't think so much now, just listen to Director Xia's arrangements. .”

"Yes! I understand." Shivata nodded, and then took a deep breath: "But... what if the Kodo people are unwilling to hand over their power?"

Ye Ming laughed: "Where are you now?"

Shivata looked around and said: "On the Li Jing."

"So, do you think... the Li Jing is a sightseeing ship? What do you think of Ewen's situation now?"

Following Ye Ming's voice, Shivata immediately looked at Ai Wen.

He only saw that Egwene's long hair had all flowed up at some point.

Shivata, who has learned a lot of human knowledge, immediately realized that this should be a large amount of static electricity generated on Egwene's body.

Thinking again that Egwene was connecting to the mastermind at this time, he immediately reached for the switch while staring at Egwene's expression.

I saw that Ai Wen's expression remained the same, and there was not much pain.

Shivata's hand reached for the switch and stopped.

At this time, Ye Ming's voice came again.

"It should be static electricity. Let's take a closer look - Egwene, can you hear it now?"

Egwene didn't answer.

Suddenly, her body suddenly froze, her whole body began to tremble involuntarily, and sweat instantly broke out from her forehead.

Seeing this, Shivata immediately pressed the connection switch without hesitation. At the same time, he strode towards Egwene, intending to forcefully awaken Egwene according to Uda's original method.

And just when he stretched his palm towards Ai Wen's forehead, Ai Wen suddenly opened her eyes.

Shivata's hand stopped in mid-air.

Egwene breathed heavily, her eyes filled with indescribable emotions.

She ripped off the access device she wore on her head, not caring that her hair was being torn out.


"Say!" Ye Ming's voice came in a low voice.

"I saw it." Egwene's chest rose and fell, looking at the camera in the corner.

"What did you see?"

"My consciousness passed through the singularity and saw..."

"If I had to describe it, it was a... paradise."

Egwene held her hands tightly, her face full of disbelief.

There was a long silence in the room.

Egwene did not make any more descriptions. She believed that one word "heaven" was enough to express all the meanings.

After a long time, Ye Ming hummed softly.

"Heaven...the promised land?"

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