Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1354: Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's worries


With the loud noise of the spear landing, the surging Dou Qi magic roared out, directly blasting Mo Fan out of this piece of purple smoke like boiling water.

Destroyer Tireless could only jump out of Ziyan again, but this time, his figure was somewhat embarrassed. Though Sun Xiang's attack just didn't hit him right now, the shock wave still hit him. An obvious drop, this is Sun Xiang, using the most arrogant and strongest way to break all the tricks in front of him.

The dragon goes out to sea!

Seeing that because he was blown up by the Douba Mountains and Rivers just now, in the thin purple mist, Sun Xiang waved evilly in his hand. As the tip of his hair trembled, a wave of magic fighting energy rolled away to the outside, directly sweeping away the purple mist. Rip open a hole. This also made Hui Mo Fan's figure completely exposed to Sun Xiang's field of vision once again.

How Long Breaks the Army!

It's still a big move and rushes directly!

In the blink of an eye, the same qiu had already enshrouded this powerful fighting qi magic, killing Mo Fan's magic. Sun Xiang didn't expect this blow to hit the opponent directly.

Arc Flash!

But in the face of Sun Xiang's strong attack, Mo Fan did not retreat but advanced, which was unexpected. The arc flash was a low-level skill, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't want it to be a skill that could be judged in a match against the giant dragon.

Obviously Mo Fan also has this in the team, so he did not directly kill Sun Xiang, but passed by him.

Sequentially looked at Mo Fan, who flashed by directly beside him, without guessing, this guy definitely has some conspiracy. Sun Xiang immediately began to adjust, but his hand turned evil, and he was about to block in front of him. But it was still too late. Mo Fan's attack had already arrived. This is the advantage of small skills. It is much more flexible to change moves than other big moves.

But Sun Xiang's god-level strength is here. Although he is a backhand move, he still hits a dragon tooth!

The roles of the two people exchanged positions in an instant, and at the moment of passing by, both players canceled their skills and played skills to the other side. And Sun Xiang relied on the advantage of the but evil war spear and long-handled weapon to hit Mo Fan first!

hit! But the next moment I heard a "bang", and Mo Fan, who was hit, had turned into a puff of smoke. It is shadow clone technique.

However, a group of smoke bubbles appeared, and it was a shadow clone technique.

Seeing this scene, Sun Xiang didn't stop for the slightest bit. The spear turned around and swept backward, throwing out a Broken Tyrant with an attack range of at least 270 degrees.

But... none of this makes sense because...

Geocentric beheading!

That's right, Mo Fan's Geocentric Beheading Technique! Mo Fan jumped out of the bottom one at a time, picked up the knife in his hand, and hit Sun Xiang in the jaw again.

Forbearance? Kong Chan double kill!

The ninja sword and the scabbard staggered and hit Sun Xiang again. Sun Xiang knew the danger when he discovered the decapitation technique, but in the face of Mo Fan's next pursuit, he still couldn't find the flaws and opportunities to fight back.


Wind shuriken, ninja? Shadow dance!

The five skills once again, this time Mo Fan is really holding on to the belief that he must take Sun Xiang away in one wave. At the same time, they are also challenging their own limits.

Of course, the audience didn't know about the limits of Mo Fan's style of play, but they only applauded when they saw this beautiful combo, which might have taken away the opponent's climax.

But Xinxin's players in the audience were a little worried, after all, they knew that Mo Fan also had limits, and now he was still pushing himself to the limit!

"It's still a bit reluctant!" Wei Chen said regretfully.

"Indeed, if you don't take the big move, but a common skill, this wave will be perfect." Zhang Jiale also said.

"But Mo Fan doesn't have any plans to pick up small skills if he wants to." Mu Cheng said, as Mo Fan's owner in the team. She is the one who communicates with Mo Fan the most in the team. After all, every time she feeds, she will say a word or two. But it doesn't stop there.

"That's right, he still wants to try to break through. After all, actual combat is the best place to force himself. It's a pity that he is in a hurry." Tang Yin said, but it was like responding to Tang Yin's words, facing the attacks of several clones of Mo Fan. , Sun Xiang slapped him after drinking!


Hearing a loud bang, Mo Fan's figure was directly blasted out, but at this time One Autumn Leaf, after shooting down the flower palm, the blood volume was also cleared!

"Five skills are now Mo Fan's limit. If he is the last to pick up a big move that requires frequent manipulations like Awakening, it will be a little difficult for him." Ye Xiu said regretfully.

He is also very clear that Mo Fan wants to rely on actual combat to break through his own limits, but the limit is always broken little by little. If he can really break through a lot at one time, it means that the previous achievements are not the limit.

And now Mo Fan's step is a bit big. As a result, his ultimate move was discovered by the opponent just after he started, and he hit back at the last trace of blood.

This also shows that the current Sun Xiang is slightly used to Mo Fan's style of play. If he has more health, it is hard to say who will win this game.

Of course, the audience can't see the various mysteries, but they also had a very exciting last confrontation with the team. The lovers exchanged a few big moves when you came to me. They were very happy to see it, especially Sun Xiang's last battle The shot that knocked down the flower palm just before the temp was even more amazing.

Under such an intensive attack from the opponent, and the direct blood volume is so lost, he still observes the opponent calmly, UU reading www.uukanshu. com and looked for an opportunity to attack, and he finally found it!

The on-site commentator also spoke highly of Sun Xiang. Of course, Mo Fan was the one who spoke the most. After all, Mo Fan surprised them too much in this game. This person directly competed with Sun Xiang in terms of skills, and more importantly, they were on a par with each other, which was quite remarkable.

Hearing the commentator's comments on Mo Fan, Happy fans cheered again. However, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu on Happy's side showed some concern. After all, they challenged their own limits one after another. Will Mo Fan get too excited this time? This...a little bit out of control The feeling ah......

However, worrying about it, Mo Fan's victory this time is still very worthy of recognition. With 8% of his health, he destroyed 15% of Sun Xiang's health. This result is already very good.

After all, Sun Xiang's strength is obvious to all. Don't look at him staying in the Challenger Tournament for a season with Excellent Era, and finally being defeated by them, but just from the fact that he can be invited by a championship team like Samsara, we know that everyone is right. The affirmation of his strength. After all, Sun Xiang's strength was already a deeply ingrained basic perception in the league, and the two failed seasons did not affect everyone's trust in his strength at all.


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