Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1355: Du Ming plays

Because of this, although Sun Xiang failed because of his health, it was only a matter of time, but being defeated by the opponent with better health still surprised everyone.

Sun Xiang walked out of the competition seat and slowly walked towards his player's seat.

If he had said goodbye in a humiliating way before, and he still lost to a newcomer, then Sun Xiang would definitely feel extremely ashamed, even furious. But now it's completely different. Now Sun Xiang's face doesn't show any shame at all, and of course he doesn't look happy. Instead, he has a thoughtful look on his face. Think about the problem in your mind.

Although he finally discovered Mo Fan's flaws, but after all, there was no time for him to practice, so he was not too sure about Mo Fan's style of play. So Sun Xiang thought about it and returned to the player seat.

"It's a good fight!" When he returned to the Samsara team, Sun Xiang naturally received a round of applause from his teammates. After all, the first match against Zhang Jiale was really exciting, and he also helped everyone to try out one thing, that is Zhang Jiale's grenades are not as perverted as Tang Yin's. This is important information for each major team.

"This Mo Fan..." Sun Xiang was still thinking about some of the things he found at the end, but he couldn't explain it for a while.

"It's alright, we'll slowly review the game after we go back, and discuss it together." Jiang Botao patted Sun Xiang on the shoulder and said. He also saw that Sun Xiang still had some doubts about the game.

"That's right, leave the rest to me!" At this moment, Du Ming got up and said. There was also a look of anticipation on his face.

He is a player who yearns for the game very much. Before Sun Xiang joined their team, he still had a lot of opportunities to play, but after Sun Xiang's transfer, he directly occupied an absolute main position, and it was a tactical strategy. one of the cores. This made his existence marginalized at once.

If it was said that Du Ming wasn't depressed in his heart, he wouldn't believe it. But Sun Xiang's strength is really not bad. If he were ranked according to his strength, Sun Xiang would have secured the second place, and he could even make some threats to Zhou Zekai sometimes. So his addition is definitely a strong improvement for Samsara, which can also be seen from their team's results this season.

On the other hand, Du Ming couldn't bring much improvement to his team, so he had no choice but to accept,

Du Ming also has some personal plans for his future. After all, he still hopes to get more competition opportunities. But this season, he is still a member of the Samsara team. This is still not shaken in the slightest. After he wins another championship with these partners he gets along with day and night, he will leave and fight for his own selfishness. Such an ending just perfect.

This is also the reason why Du Ming has worked harder than ever this season, even though his current situation is already on the edge.

As a champion team, there was no parallel in their team. Although Du Ming had already planned to leave Samsara, his pride and pride towards the team as a member of Samsara remained unchanged.

"Come on!" Samsara's teammates also shouted for Du Ming.

"Don't worry!" Du Ming waved his arm very neatly behind him, and finally raised his arm to give his teammates a thumbs up. That style is simply not too imposing.

"This guy, how can he be the biggest in our team," Wu Qi cursed, turning his head to Zhou Zekai and said, "Captain, this is not my picky eater, it's just this guy's arrogance, if it were me, I absolutely can't stand it."

"Haha." Zhou Zekai smiled and said nothing.

In this regard, the "big name" player Du Ming of Samsara came on the stage, and the role was loaded. Du Ming characters: Swordsman, Feather Mark.

Whoosh whoosh.

As soon as the character here entered the map, Du Ming manipulated the character and waved the sharp sword in his hand, releasing some direct and somewhat excited emotions.

"Come on!" Du Ming said on the public channel after wielding some sharp swords.

But Mo Fan is obviously not someone who will pay attention to these words, and continues to move forward with his own plan.

Du Ming didn't care, and he didn't have any tactical moves. After showing off his swordsmanship, he directly killed the opponent.

As if the scene of the previous round was re-engraved, the role opportunities of both sides appeared in each other's field of vision at the same time.

This time, no ditch was drilled. The two met, and when they came out, they saw each other and paused for a while, and then the two rushed towards each other without any hesitation.


It was still Mo Fan who relied on his own long-range advantage and took the lead in launching the attack.

However, such low-level attack skills were not only no threat to Sun Xiang, but also to Du Ming.

Seeing the sword light swaying in Du Ming's hand, he directly knocked all the shuriken into the air. Then cut off his hands in three paragraphs.

Du Ming directly chose to attack with the same attack as Sun Xiang, but Sun Xiang used the dragon to break the army, while he used the three-stage slash. Of course, in terms of momentum, damage, and judgment, the three-stage slash can't be compared to the Dragon Breaker. uukanshu.com But the three-stage slash also has the advantage of the three-stage slash, which is flexibility.

The sword was born, and Du Ming quickly approached Mo Fan, while also paying attention to Mo Fan's reaction. He still remembered the reflexive fight between Mo Fan and Sun Xiang after the two sides exchanged positions.

Mo Fan's action at that time, the reaction was really amazing, and anyone who saw that scene would put himself in it. A cold sweat followed. Of course Du Ming did the same, so now he just wanted to give it a try to see if he could do what Mo Fan just did.

One cut, two cuts...

The two swords were cut out, but Mo Fan still didn't respond. The third sword was about to be cut out again. Du Ming and Mo Fan were now very close, but Mo Fan still didn't use the arc flash like the previous one. , and the other party to spell a little meaning.

What is he trying to do? Du Ming wondered in his heart, just when Du Ming was about to make the third cut, Du Ming, who didn't think of the opponent's purpose, subconsciously made a bottom-up perspective. After all, the last time Mo Fan's geocentric decapitation was really amazing. Du Ming was also worried that it was fans who were in front of him, and that he would be directly plotted against him.

As a result, when he lowered his head, he found some faintly flickering cold stars on the ground in front of Ruren Tire.



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