Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1833: Fang Rui's plan

Li Yibo was not in a hurry to match his partner's statement. He is still observing Fang Rui's character's direction very carefully, but in this direction, he has not found anything suitable for a sneak attack, but if Fang Rui's purpose is not a sneak attack , why are you going this way?


While Li Yibo was still confused, Fang Rui had already stopped. And the point of view on his radar is still very clear. Looking at the point of view moving on the radar, he can see that Fang Rui is slightly lower, his palms are placed on his side, and he poses as a turtle-style qigong, starting to accumulate luck.


This time, because I didn't want to keep the attack rhythm in the last match, many skills didn't charge up. This time, Fang Rui directly pulled the charge to the maximum value. The golden and white thoughts surrounded him, and then he was attracted to Fang Rui's two. Gather between palms.


And seeing Fang Rui making such a fuss with a single charge, no one could see the name of this skill.


"This is... Qi penetrating Changhong?" Pan Sen, who saw the skill for the first time, said in surprise. He wasn't surprised by his skills, but Fang Rui's determination to start directly. Wouldn't this be too much?


That's right, qi penetrating Changhong is the awakening and cleaning of qigong masters. He gathers his thoughts and qi throughout his body, and when his thoughts rush, Fang Rui's robes like a training robe are whistling and fluttering incessantly. And his whole foot seemed to be on fire.


"What is Fang Rui planning to do? Where is he going to attack? Since he starts with an awakening skill." Pan Sen said unexpectedly now. After all, there is a wall in front of him now.


Right here it was, but Li Yibo, Pan Sen's partner, moved his thoughts. Immediately said: "Director, the camera is getting closer."


Thinking of something, Li Yibo immediately said to the director.


And the director who received Li Yibo's words immediately began to adjust his perspective. Originally, from the moment he entered the castle, his perspective was always on Fang Rui, who was in a state of continuous explosion. Now it's as simple as zooming in.


As the director's picture got closer, the director's picture was no longer on Fang Rui's body, but passed over him and placed it on the wall in front of him, and the wall in front of him was obviously a persecution in the previous game. Pass. The walls are covered with various cracks.


However, it is not surprising that this wall is like this, or it can be said that there is no wall on this floor that has been completed without damage. You must know that in the last two minutes of Mo Fan's escape, Fang Rui had already used his skills to destroy this wall. The walls on the first floor were all slammed, and the degree of damage on the only edge was different.


However, because of the previous battle with Ye Xiu, when did the wall in front of Fang Rui fall like this, even the two commentators can't recall it for a while, but these are not important in themselves. The important thing is that the wall is now approaching the limit of his durability, that is, any skill may knock it down. In this way, Fang Rui's sneak attack made sense.


Because as long as his skills are explosive enough, it will be a devastating blow to the existence on the other side of the wall.


At this time, everyone's attention was focused on the radar in Fang Rui's perspective, because the small dots on it were constantly moving in Fang Rui's direction. The distance between the two sides is getting closer.


Fang Rui was obviously prepared for this. After these two games, he also had a clear understanding of the layout of this floor. The opposite of the wall in front of him was an aisle. That is to say, as long as Tang Yin's position is in place, it is impossible for him to escape his attack.


And the next attack, Fang Rui, was also very clear. The attack of Qi penetrating Changhong blasted not only the energy of thought, but also the qigong master himself. That is to say, he can not only kill Tang Yin in an instant, but also get close. And after getting close, the qigong master's first big move to damage directly: qigong blasting.

This is a mere ability that needs to inject a powerful mental energy into the opponent's body, and then blast it from the inside out. If nothing else, in his current state, with this wave of combos, it is directly destroyed. Tang Yin's more than 20% HP is definitely not a problem. It would be even better if he could use the Qigong Master's seventy-five skills to cut his pulse to Tang Yin.


Pulse cutting: There are various methods, the main damage is not the life of the target, but the surrounding of the target. Once the pulse is successfully intercepted, the state will be generated, and the corresponding attributes of the target character will be deducted, and related attributes will be affected at the same time. : There are various methods, the main damage is not the life of the target, but the surrounding of the target. Once the pulse is successfully intercepted, the state will be generated, and the corresponding attributes of the target character will be deducted, and related attributes will be affected at the same time.


If this skill is supplemented before the qigong explosion, the output can go up even higher.


Here Fang Rui was thinking about the combo, and soon he heard footsteps coming from the other side of the wall.




Fang Rui focused his eyes on the radar, and watched the light spot reach the closest distance between the two sides after a flash. The gap between the two points is now the wall in front of him.


Without any hesitation, the breath penetrated Changhong!


Fang Rui played this skill amidst the exclamations of everyone. The powerful thoughts wrapped around him and pushed him out with a palm. The whole body followed the momentum of the palm and slammed into the wall. The wall hit by Fang Rui's skill didn't even lift. At any point of obstruction, the moment he touched Fang Rui's skills, it collapsed directly.




A loud bang.


But this loud noise was not only Fang Rui's figure that pierced through the wall with an imposing move, but also a figure that exploded, and it was a robot that exploded. That's right. The mechanic's low-level skills track the self-destructing robot!


The audience and Fang Rui who saw the scene were stunned. What about Tang Yinren? Fang Rui, who was bombed by the robot, was still a little confused, but after all, Qi Guan Changhong was an awakening skill, and the powerful judgment could be interrupted by a low-level final self-destructing robot?


It was precisely because of this that Fang Rui saw Tang Yin's figure.


In the current scene of Tang Yin in this corridor, his feet are squatting on the ground, and a Barrett sniper rifle has been aimed in this direction, and now Tang Yin's position is far from the testing range of his skill, Cloud Body Style.


"High in the Sky"




But now Fang Rui found out that it was too late. The moment he found Tang Yin's figure, Tang Yin's Barrett had already opened fire.


Don't say that Fang Rui is still releasing his awakening skills, even if he is free now, he is not sure to avoid Tang Yin's sniping. To be precise, it is not only him, but the professional alliance has one and one, and he will take it all. No one can guarantee that they will absolutely escape Tang Yin's sniper rifle!


A sniper rifle bullet instantly slid across the direct distance between Tang Yin and Fang Rui.


head shot!


Then the audience boiled over!


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