Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1834: spike

Headshots are words that can instantly ignite an audience in that game, especially in a postseason like this. The stun and double damage directly interrupted Fang Rui's original skill.


Fang Rui, who was stunned by a shot in the air, was thrown straight to the ground in a very embarrassed manner, and because of his powerful impulse to pierce Changhong, he just lay on the ground and rubbed his face with sparks and lightning. .

Without giving him a chance to release the stun, the grenade had already landed on Fang Rui's side, and even if he tried to get out of the stun, it was too late.

Boom boom boom!

Three explosions sounded one after another, not at the same time, but in sequential order. The first explosive ammunition expert level 15 ordinary grenade, although the damage is average, and there is no special attribute attached, but it has a strong floating effect, directly blasting Fang Rui, who was afraid of being on the ground, directly into the air , followed by the second grenade bun, which exploded a piece of lightning. This is a grenade skill above level 20 of ammunition, a shock grenade. Not only will it cause light damage to the opponent, but it also has a chance to cause the opponent to enter a state of shock.

Entering the Shocked state will reduce the character's light resistance, and each time you receive an attack, you will receive an additional light damage.

"The First Minister of the Ming Dynasty"

The last grenade blasted out ice crystals. It was the freezing grenade. Needless to say, this grenade was designed to freeze Fang Rui, who was about to come out of a dizzy state. Before Tang Yin threw the three grenades, he was already rushing in the direction of Fang Rui.

When the grenade exploded, he directly used a sliding shovel. While sliding the shovel, he also used the skill silver bullet for himself. He could have 15 luminous attribute damage skills, but this was not over yet. It was not just a silver bullet, but a burst shot. The three skills of scattering, death and left were all completed in one sliding shovel under Tang Yin's extremely fast hand speed operation.

The sliding shovel stood up, and now Tang Yin and Fang Rui were only five to six physical distances away.

Crazy carnage!

Awakening was like responding to Fang Rui's response to directly attacking with his awakening skills, and Tang Yin also directly used the sharpshooter's awakening skills.

The silver bullets shot out of the flight path one after another, and there were scarlet ballistics like blood. The burst shot gave a huge crit damage bonus, and the scattering made the shot bullets split into multiple copies, making the attack more dense. Death Revolver greatly increases the sharpshooter's shooting damage.

All of this is combined with Tang Yin's direct speed of 500 to 600. For the audience at the scene, it is simply a visual feast of bullets!

At the beginning of the second stage of Tang Yin's mad slaughter, the whole picture seemed to be frozen by time. The next moment, Xiao Yaoyou, which was still spinning and shooting in the sky, had landed, and the original cool and gorgeous attack came to an abrupt end. The next moment the system is already announcing: Glory!

At the same time, there is also a sentence on the announcement channel: "You go back to rest first."

As a result, the chat record of the announcement channel was "The wind is blowing, you should go back to rest first." Although the tone was calm, it gave people an inexplicable arrogance. And no one can refute this arrogance, because now Tang has also won!

At this moment, the whole audience was dumbfounded.

To be fair, there was nothing surprising in itself for a character with a full state to defeat Fang Rui who only had more than 20% of his health remaining, but Tang Yin's choice was too surprising.

Tang Yin took Fang Rui away in a single wave!

It was said that Ye Xiu's behavior with the bait was very obscene, but what did he say with a wave of powerful spikes? Let's say Tang Yin's style of play is domineering, but he did it by tracking the self-destructing robot as a bait.

That's right, it's the bait. At the end of the game, the director started the replay directly, and the replay shots were all focused on Tang Yin.

I saw that after he entered the castle, he directly summoned a chasing and self-destructing robot. Although this robot was not moving fast because of low-level skills, he would attack the opponent no matter where he was.

And Tang Yin directly used the robot as a pathfinder, and the robot went in every room, and then he went in. All the way to the corridor, because this is the relationship between walking, the cautious Tang Yin did not rush to follow the robot, but waited in the camera in the corridor to see the robot's reaction. Steam also spews out of the robot's body, which is a precursor to the robot's self-destruction. This also means that the other party is nearby.

Tang Yin didn't hesitate, and set up the Barrett sniper rifle directly. When the robot is about to explode, its movement speed will increase significantly. Although it can't keep up with the character's running speed, it is not much slower, which makes it look at the radar. Fang Rui, who was listening to the news, didn't notice anything unusual. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Although Tang Yin's robot and Fang Rui are separated by a wall, after all, the robot is controlled by the artificial intelligence-level artificial intelligence of Honor, so why would they care about the wall in the middle? Now that it has entered its blast range, it will explode for you to see across the wall. As a result, Fang Rui refreshed himself and rushed out just before the robot exploded.

After that, everyone saw that Tang Yin took Fang Rui away in one wave. Fang Rui had no chance to move all the way, and he was fined to stand all the way.

First, the stun of the sniper rifle, and then the freezing of the freezing grenade. In the end, it was the stunned effect of Tang Yin’s intensive bullet rain. You must know that all the shooting attacks of the gunner series have a certain stun effect, but depending on the type of weapon, the stun time is different. The gunner’s hand cannon has the longest stun time. The weakest automatic pistols are the lowest.

During this time, Tang Yin used the revolver form, and the stiffness effect was second only to the hand cannon. Coupled with the intensive attack, Fang Rui spent the entire process in a state of rigidity. A game is just like this full stop.

But no matter what, Tang Yin won this game, and the victory was extremely clean, which directly brought back Fang Rui's advantage. If Tang Yin's appearance greatly eased the emotions of Happy's fans , that Tang Yinyi's incomparably powerful instant kill performance directly gave the fans a reassurance, and relieved the fans of Happy from the surprise and surprise, and once again resounded the excited shouts throughout the audience!

This is their vice team, the strongest rookie in the history of Glory, and the first player to win 1v3 this season. Many times, the strength of a strong one against two, before the playoffs, no one has ever scored a score in the arena in his hands, even a single point!

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