Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 757 Demon List

There are battles happening all the time in the Dragon Mystery Realm, not just Su Long, as long as there are treasures, there will be battles, and they will be more bloody and violent. Google search reading

A battle atmosphere broke out in a mountain range in the Dragon Mystery Realm.

"Run quickly, the thirty-sixth evil sword on the demon list."

"Damn it, why did you encounter the evil sword? Why is he here? Shouldn't he go deeper?"

"Run quickly, or you will die if you don't."

Outside a cave in the mountains, everyone was running away quickly. Some even harmed themselves and took pills with extremely side effects, just to increase their escape speed.

What caused all this was that there was a powerful evil sword behind them. The evil sword was very powerful, but he was also very domineering and would kill anyone who disagreed.

And they are now the target of the evil sword. Although they are all supreme level strong men, they are like ants in front of the evil sword. To deal with them, the evil sword does not need a second sword at all.

"Since everyone is here, why bother leaving in a hurry? It's fate to be together, so come back."

The evil sword dressed in black walked out of the cave, smiled evilly, and raised the magic sword in his hand. Everyone felt that their bodies were being suppressed, and some people were still retreating.

"No, run quickly, don't fall into the hands of the evil sword."

This scene did not make them stop, but instead they ran away even harder.

"How dare you run away? It seems that my evil sword's reputation is not that important. If that's the case, then you can just go and die."

The evil sword's face didn't change much. Instead, it still looked regretful. He waved the magic sword lightly in his hand. There was no raging sword energy, nor was there much of a threat. It was just silent.

But it was such silence that everyone fell silent. The heads of those who ran the fastest fell off quietly, without any blood flowing out. The corpses became shriveled up, and all the blood disappeared.

"It's too strong. Is this the strength of the top fifty on the demon list? There is no blood in one blow, no blood, no blood, it's too evil."

Everyone stopped in place, not daring to move. If they moved, they would die. If they didn't move, they would die 90% of the time. In order to fight for a small chance of survival, they all endured it.

Seeing them all stop, Xie Dao had an evil smile on his lips: "Don't you want to run if you stop? Unfortunately, I'm already angry, and my Xie Dao is also hungry, so I'll use you as a tooth sacrifice." "

"No, Master Xie Dao, spare your life, ah..."

At the same time, by a lake not far from the mountains, everyone stood there quietly, but there was only one person who made them unable to move.

Dressed in blood-red clothes, the steel claws on his hands were still dripping with blood, and beside him were more than twenty corpses.

"King Eagle Claw, what do you mean? Although you are the 42nd on the demon list, our senior brother is the 37th on the demon list. You are no match for our senior brother. You dare to kill us, senior brother. I won’t let you go.”

Hearing their trembling threats, the Eagle Claw King smiled even more strangely: "Master Iron Fan? He alone can't protect you. No one I, the Eagle Claw King, wants to kill can save you."

Their pupils shrank suddenly. They didn’t expect that the Eagle Claw King would not even give him the respect of their senior brother. They were already ready to escape. It would be unwise to fight the Eagle Claw King. There was no way they could belong to the Eagle Claw King. Opponents, they know very well the power of those who enter the demon list.

The strength of their senior brother, Mr. Iron Fan, and the Eagle Claw King are not much different. The senior brother can easily knock them down by himself, let alone the Eagle Claw King.

"As soon as the Eagle Claw King takes action, you should run away quickly, find Senior Brother, and ask him to avenge us. I will help you buy two breaths of time."

He felt that he couldn't hold back for two breaths. The pressure from the Eagle Claw King was too great. No one except the people on the Demon Ranking could suppress them.

"Are you ready to escape? Are you planning to use your death to hold me back?" The Eagle Claw King directly saw through their thoughts, with a disdainful smile on his lips: "Originally, I wanted to kill you all, but Mr. Iron Fan I still have to give you face, I will give you a chance, five breaths, if anyone can escape from my hands, I will let him go."

The Eagle Claw King had a morbid smile on his face. He liked this feeling very much, the feeling of controlling other people's life and death, allowing them to live and die.

"Five breaths, one breath for five hundred meters, five breaths is enough to run a long distance. Even the Eagle Claw King cannot capture so many people."

"After a while, everyone ran away as far apart as possible. He can't catch so many people by himself."

"Then the game begins." The Eagle Claw King didn't pay attention to them running away separately, and just watched them quietly.


Hundreds of people ran in different directions, covering a long distance in five breaths.

Seeing that they had run a long distance, the Eagle Claw King finally started to take action.

"The eagle soul is destroyed."

The Eagle Claw King shouted, and hundreds of black eagles flew out from his body. They were extremely fast and chased towards the fleeing people. He caught up with them in an instant without harming them. Directly entered their bodies.

Everyone froze there, and then their bodies shriveled up quickly. Everyone lost their lives under the blow of the Eagle Claw King, and no one could escape at all.

"Do you really think I will let you go? No one can escape from the hands of my Eagle Claw King."

After killing everyone, the Eagle Claw King got into the lake to look for the treasure, but soon the Eagle Claw King escaped and lost an arm. Even so, the Eagle Claw King was running away quickly.

"Little Eagle, where do you want to go? Come back to me." A fishhook flew out of the lake and directly hooked the Eagle Claw King, and hooked the Eagle Claw King back.

"Let me go, old man. I don't want the treasure inside. Let me go. I owe you a favor."

The Eagle Claw King couldn't break free from the old man's fishhook, so he could only keep begging for mercy.

"For a little person who is ranked thirty or below on the Demon Ranking, your favors are worthless to me. I prefer your fresh blood."

The old man, ranked fifteen on the demon list, is very powerful. Few people can resist the fishhook in his hand. Even the Eagle Claw King can only escape in the old man's hand.

"Old man, don't go too far. I, the Eagle Claw King, am not a vegetarian. At worst, both sides will suffer."

The face of the Eagle Claw King was very ugly. The old man put too much pressure on him and he was no match at all. He now seemed to be experiencing the feelings of those he killed.

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