Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 758 Treasure Land

"Both sides suffer? Just you? King Eagle Claw, you are not enough in front of me, but I don't want to kill you. You played very interesting just now. I will also give you five breaths. As long as you take five breaths, you If you can escape my pursuit, I will spare your life."

The face of the Eagle Claw King was very ugly. He did not expect that the trick he had just used to play with others would now be used on him, but there was nothing he could do about it. Who could make him worse than the old man?

"Okay, five breaths, I hope you won't regret it then." The Eagle Claw King is still very confident in his speed, and five breaths is enough time for him to leave.

"Don't worry, my old man is still very reputable. As long as you can leave, I will spare your life."


Without waiting for the old man to remind him, the Eagle Claw King rushed out so quickly that only a red shadow was left. In five breaths, the Eagle Claw King disappeared.

But even if the Eagle Claw King disappeared, the old man stayed there without moving: "Idiot, if you want to escape from my hands, you are still young."

There was an almost invisible thread on the old man's hand, and the direction of the thread turned out to be the direction of the Eagle Claw King.

The Eagle Claw King had been tricked by him from the beginning. The old man had no intention of letting the Eagle Claw King go, and no one could escape from his hands.

The Eagle Claw King doesn't even know that he was tricked now. Instead, he is very lucky that he escaped. The gap in strength between him and the old man is too big. He is no match at all. He also lost an arm. Fortunately, the impact is not big. , it can still grow after taking the elixir.

"What an idiot. You actually used my methods. Do you really think I'm the same as those trash? My speed is not comparable to them."

After finding a cave, the Eagle Claw King began to heal his injuries. Being injured here was a very dangerous thing and he could be killed at any time.

After controlling his injuries, the Eagle Claw King was ready to leave. He could not waste time here, he had to go find the treasure.

But when he walked out of the cave, he was dumbfounded. There was an old man fishing next to the waterfall. Who else could he be if he wasn't an old man?

"No, run."

His first thought was to escape, but how could the old man give him a chance to escape? The fishhook directly hooked the Eagle Claw King and caught him back.

"Eagle Claw King, what are you running for?"

The face of the Eagle Claw King was very ugly. He originally thought that he had escaped, but he didn't expect that he was still found.

"How did you find my location?"

"Have you ever seen a fish escape a fisherman's hook?"

The old man took off his own fishhook from the Eagle Claw King. It was a very good treasure. It would not be noticeable unless it was inspected. It was also very strong and could not be destroyed with his current strength. .

"I admit defeat. You are more skilled, but it is impossible for you to take me down like this. I will not give in. Even if I die, I will knock out two of your teeth."

The Eagle Claw King also has the dignity of a strong man. If he is caught by the old man, he can only say that his skills are inferior to others, but if you want to kill him, you have to pay a price.

"Of course, you can choose to fight me desperately. Maybe I will get hurt, but is it worth it? If you die, you will have nothing. I can give you a chance, surrender to me, and I will spare your life."


"There is only one chance. If you don't agree, then I can only kill you. Then we will see whether the fish is dead or the net is broken.

The Eagle Claw King, who was about to refuse, was stunned. The end result would definitely be his death and the old man getting hurt, but it wasn't worth it. He still had many years left to enjoy, so he couldn't bear to die like this.

But he was not willing to surrender to the old man's hands. He had the dignity of a strong man, and it would be an insult to others to treat him.

The old man didn't rush him, he just waited quietly for the Eagle Claw King's answer. He was very optimistic about the Eagle Claw King. He was a powerful fighter, but it didn't matter even if he didn't agree. He could find someone else. .

"What's the benefit of surrendering to you?"

"You can get a lot of things you haven't seen before, and I won't restrict your freedom. You can do whatever you want, and I won't ask you to do anything. You can even pretend that you haven't seen me."

"I can help you solve problems that you can't solve. For example, if you kill the top few on the demon list, I can help you if you are not suitable to take action."

The old man's conditions can be said to be very attractive, but he is not a fool. The benefits cannot be given to you for free. There must be some conditions.

"Tell me, what other conditions do you have?"

"There are no conditions. I only need you to do one thing for me in the future, a very simple thing."

Seeing that the old man didn't intend to continue speaking, the Eagle Claw King hesitated, but in the end he succumbed to the old man's hand. After all, life was the most important thing. If his life was gone, then there would really be nothing.

After taking control of the Eagle Claw King, the old man left without really asking him to do anything. The Eagle Claw King felt relieved and began to look for his opportunity.

In the past few days, Su Long has been wandering around the swamp. The swamp is quite dangerous. He also encountered many crises during this period, but he avoided them all. There are also many treasures in it, but basically they are all. It's some medicinal materials.

"Is it the end?" After leaving the dangerous place in the swamp, there was a cliff in front of him. Without any hesitation, he floated directly to the bottom of the cliff, as light as a swallow, without any hindrance.

Just when Su Long jumped down, space fluctuations appeared under the cliff, and a space vortex unfolded, sucking Su Long directly in.

Soon Su Long emerged from the space vortex, and he breathed a sigh of relief after his feet landed on the ground.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Su Long began to observe his surroundings.

Su Long is now in a small room with only a candlelight. Outside is a dark corridor, and the sounds coming from the corridor can be vaguely heard.

"It seems that I am not the only one who was teleported in. There should be teleportation channels elsewhere."

Leaving the room and walking towards the source of the sound, he soon came to the hall. The crystal lamp on the top of the hall was everlasting and illuminated everything around him.

There are two doors at the front of the hall. The doors exude an ancient atmosphere and give people a heavy feeling. Moreover, the people in the hall are all staring at these two doors, as if they want to take them for themselves.

"You ants, come here quickly. My senior brother is number 23 on the demon list. When my senior brother comes here, you will all die."

"Idiot, it's only twenty-three. My senior brother is Lu Yuan, who is twenty. If you want to die, you can try it."

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