At the king's royal council, everyone was arguing. The main conflict was whether to allow reinforcements to enter the city, if they were indeed reinforcements.

If Jaehaerys knew about the dispute at the royal council, he would probably sigh that there were still people who understood!

The Warden of the West, the Duke of Casterly Rock, Lord Tywin Lannister's brother, Kevan Lannister, and Ser Tyget Lannister had led 1,000 knights and the same number of servants to the outskirts of the city outside the Lion Gate in the afternoon.

That was the beginning of the Golden Avenue. Another 10,000 infantry and knights were heading straight to King's Landing along the Golden Avenue. Their speed was so fast that it was jaw-dropping. Tywin was indeed a veteran general who was well versed in the art of speed.

Ser Kevan sent an envoy to the Red Keep before dusk, asking to enter the city to coordinate defense.

After receiving the letter from the messenger, the king immediately convened a royal meeting, where the ministers were divided into two groups:

One group, represented by Grand Maester Pycelle, supported the Lannister army entering the city, while the other group, represented by King's advisor Rosart and intelligence chief Varys, believed that Lannister had ulterior motives and was indecisive, and was likely to have secretly surrendered to the rebellion.

The two factions were arguing, and the other important officials were just watching the show quietly. Don't ask, because if you ask, everyone is right, and His Majesty is the king who makes the final decision...

"My lords, think about it. If Lord Tywin really wanted to rescue, why didn't he immediately raise an army to respond when His Majesty called for him!"

"Why didn't he attack the rebels from behind when His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was fighting the rebels?!"

"Why didn't you keep silent when you raised the army, and only report to His Majesty after arriving in King's Landing?!"

Varys could no longer keep his usual smile at this moment. For the first time, the octopus spider showed a ferocious look, as if he was not looking at his colleagues, but a group of idiots!

Pycelle had some wrinkles on his face, and his beard that grew to his chest was half gray and half white. His bachelor's necklace was very heavy, and the amount of precious metals such as gold and silver on it far exceeded other things.

"Lord Varys, you can't lose your mind because of jealousy and resentment. We all know that Lord Tywin is loyal to His Majesty. Besides, in this critical moment, who else can save the country except Lord Tywin?"

"Your Majesty, I believe you also know that although Lord Tywin has had some disagreements with you..., he has always stood firmly on your side in the face of national issues. If you didn't disagree, his beloved daughter and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would have become a pair of fairy lovers..."

"Of course, I'm not saying that you did something wrong. After all, your foresight, foresight, and preparedness for danger in times of peace are also admired by Tywin and my ministers..."

Aerys II hoped to be recognized and applauded by others throughout his life. Unfortunately, he hardly did many things that people applauded, leaving behind only the infamy of cruelty and irritability, and even this infamy eventually ruined many of his descendants' merits.

The king sat on the Iron Throne placed at the highest point of the throne room.

It is an iron lump covered with spikes, sharp corners and twisted metal. There are also many spikes on the back of the chair. Sitting on it will only make people feel uncomfortable, and people cannot sit against the back of the chair. People who sit on it must always worry about not being hurt by the spikes and barbs on it. The once "cruel" Maegor died under its spikes, and the young king Viserys I was scratched by the barbs, resulting in serious infection and finally died.

Compared with these two kings, although the Iron Throne often scratched Aerys II, even if it did not cause serious consequences, it was a great blow to him, because there has been a rumor circulating in the market that "the Iron Throne will cut people who are not worthy of being a king."

In this regard, although Aerys II executed several people who gossiped, it was ultimately difficult to stop the mouths of the people.

If we talk about who knows Tywin best, it must be Aerys II. They have loved and hated each other for many years and are very familiar with each other. If there is a chance, Aerys will definitely want to kill Tywin, but unfortunately, he has never found an opportunity for so many years.

Aerys is indeed moody, but he will not kill without reason. Killing Rickard Stark and his heir Brandon Stark also gave them a reason for treason and conspiracy to kill the crown prince, but the means are indeed extremely cruel.

He had verbally violated Joanna Lannister, the beautiful wife of Duke Tywin, many times, and also wanted to take the opportunity to anger Tywin, so that he would do irrational behavior and justify the other party. Unfortunately, as a man, Tywin could even endure this.

If you say that Tywin has no hatred for him, Aerys will never believe it. He believes that Tywin must be holding back bad things, but what does it matter? He knows Tywin too well. The latter wants to eradicate all his bloodline, but his most beloved heir is in his hands!

"Come here, is the little lion behaving well today?" King Aerys II asked the squire.

"Your Majesty, Ser Jaime has been on duty today and behaved well. After his shift, he returned to his room in the White Sword Tower... and hasn't come out yet!" The squire Dalegi replied. He was a clever young man with a pair of eagle eyes that saw through everything. He had been the cupbearer of the late King Jaehaerys II and the squire of King Aerys II.

It stands to reason that he should have been canonized as a knight by King Aerys II long ago, but he had been wasting more than ten years on this great career of being a squire.

"Go wake him up, don't let the cunning little lion sneak away!" Aerys II decided to take a look at his hostages before making the final decision.

During the waiting period, the King's Hand, Earl Colton Chester, stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I heard that you asked the fire wizards to bury wildfires everywhere in the city. This is absolutely not allowed!"

Aerys held his chin with his hand and squinted at Rosat, feeling annoyed, "How did the Prime Minister know about this?"

"Your Majesty, Lord Rosat and a group of wise men come in and out all day long. As long as they are interested, who can't find out? Not only me, but everyone here knows it well. In my opinion, wildfire is extremely dangerous. Once it gets out of control, the entire city's military and civilians will be swallowed by the fire of hell..."

"Prime Minister, rest assured, Advisor Rosat and His companions will ensure that wildfires are only started when necessary!"

"Your Majesty, even if they are temporarily safe, this move is no less than putting a noose around the necks of the people of the city. I think it is unnecessary!"

"Humph! You are a minor noble, and I promoted you to the high position of Prime Minister, not to let you talk nonsense. You have neither a good strategy to retreat nor the ability to manage the world. You just chatter all day long. What use do I have for you!"

"Your Majesty, thank you for your love and for not treating me as humble and lowly, but I am sorry that I cannot obey your order to burn the city. If you must do this, I can only betray your trust." The Prime Minister took off the necklace symbolizing the King's Hand.

"In this case, come! Drag this man out and burn him to death!"


At the same time, Jaehaerys found the chief blacksmith of the Red Castle. He wanted to make a weapon of his own.

After learning the Ape Swordsmanship, although there was no opportunity for actual combat, it was still very necessary to choose a long sword that suits him.

The chief blacksmith of the Red Keep, named Ion Walker, is said to have learned the technology of forging and casting Valyrian steel from Qohor or other free trade cities, so he was naturally targeted by Jaehaerys.

Jaehaerys was indeed not strong enough to pick up a two-handed greatsword, so he commissioned Ion Walker to make a slender half-hand sword for him.

This is a long sword between a two-handed greatsword and a one-handed sword. The sword guard and hilt are made of soft steel and dragon bone respectively, and the sword body is only two fingers wide, all forged with Valyrian steel.

Due to the influence of film and television dramas, Jaehaerys has always thought that weapons made of Valyrian steel are very rare, such as the "Blackfyre" and "Dark Sisters" that have been passed down from the Targaryen family but have disappeared, the giant sword "Ice" of the Stark family, the "Broken Heart" of the Tully family, and the "Long Claw" of the Mormont family, etc.

All of them are treasures that have been passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years, but when he opened the royal treasury, his faith suddenly collapsed. Who dared to believe it? There were more than a dozen weapons made of Valyrian steel, large and small?

He saw a slender dagger with a dragon bone handle and a two-handed sword as long as a person, all made of Valyrian steel!

That's right, according to incomplete statistics, there are nearly 200 weapons made of Valyrian steel in the entire Westeros continent. The royal family has been in power for 300 years, so what are a dozen weapons?

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