The half-hand sword of Jaehaerys was forged from a Valyrian dagger that had fallen into dust in the treasure house. Some people may ask, since there are so many magical weapons, why not use ready-made ones?

As the saying goes: Soldiers are deceitful and must be investigated! Those swords, short swords and daggers were either too long and heavy for him, or too short and too light, and could not fully utilize his strength!

So it would be better to invite a famous master to create an exclusive piece of equipment for you. After the sword is completed, it will be three feet long, thin and slender, with an overall weight of no more than 1 kilogram. It is slightly narrower than the standard half-hand sword of the Red Castle, but the sword body is specially forged. Triangular cross section, good for breaking armor!

Its toughness and strength are not inferior to the famous swords passed down from generation to generation. The dark blade of the sword has a hint of bright white lines, like a meteor in the dark night, so Jaehaerys named it "Meteor"!

The reason why famous swords are famous is that the material and craftsmanship are good, but the factor of the user is more critical. For example, Blackfire is the sword of Aegon the Conqueror, and Lightbringer is the sword of Azor Ahai.

Although the current Meteor Sword is not famous, when Jaehaerys becomes famous all over the world, Meteor will also be included in the world's famous swords!

James rubbed his groggy eyes and yawned. The king sent an attendant to wake him up, so he had to follow Dai Liji to report to the king.

But unexpectedly, I found that all the royal ministers were gathering in the hall, okay! Coming to the meeting again?

Alas, the Prime Minister was nowhere to be seen, and there seemed to be a strong burnt smell in the air, which made James feel shuddering.

"Look, the little lion is safe and sound!" Iris II said to the ministers.

The opponents were speechless. No one thought that Tywin Lannister would turn a blind eye to his eldest son. Even if his heart was as hard as stone, after all, he couldn't let the dwarf boy inherit the title of Duke, right?

Aerys II did not explain to Jaime, but just waved his hand to let him go back to rest, and at the same time arranged for people to watch his every move again.

James scratched his head. Although he felt baffled by the Mad King's actions, he was also used to it. On the way back to the White Sword Tower, he suddenly remembered his father's autographed letter, and he felt like he was struck by thunder!

(“▔□▔) He, his mother, seems to have overslept!

One day's ride from King's Landing, Lord Tywin was sitting on a high-headed war horse, wearing red steel plate armor as bright as fire, inlaid with gold swirl-shaped decorations, and a lion helmet on his head. It is set with a circle of sunburst-shaped diamonds, and the lion's eyes are two huge pigeon's blood rubies. On its shoulders, two golden lionesses fasten a long and heavy golden cloak. The horse armor is also plated with gold and is made of gold. Crimson silk is used as decoration, and the lion crest of House Lannister can be seen everywhere.

The armor is even more gorgeous than Rhaegar's ruby ​​three-headed dragon plate armor!

He recalled the autographed letter he sent to his eldest son through the secret passage. James must have found a safe place according to his instructions at this time.

He had been the Mad King's prime minister for 20 years and did not dare to speak about other parts of the Red Keep. However, Prime Minister Tarna was too familiar with him. Since he stepped down as the king's hand, there have been three prime ministers in just two years. Owen ·Marie Weiss, Jon Connington, and Colton Chested.

But they were all inactive people, and the current situation was turbulent. How could they have the heart to explore the secrets of the tunnels of the Prime Minister's Tower?

Varys might know something about it. That pesky spider often uses the tunnels of the Red Keep to find out secrets. However, there are so many secret passages in the Red Keep, and it is very possible for James to escape safely, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Soldiers are valuable and quick, so we can’t delay any longer!

"Pass my order, speed up, and make sure to arrive at King's Landing before tomorrow afternoon!" Tywin shouted, taking the lead in riding his horse and whipping his whip, and the well-trained Western soldiers immediately got busy.


Jaehaerys waited until the end of the Royal Council. He had seen the Prime Minister being dragged out and burned. The scene was very scary. It was more terrifying than the dragon mother riding a dragon in the TV series, breathing dragon flames and burning people!

He hid in the shadows and glanced back and forth among the crowd. Soon his eyes lit up. Rosate was walking in front of the crowd, wearing a bright palm necklace around his neck.

Rosat also saw Jaehaerys. Other important ministers would think that the "idle" prince was just here to join in the fun, but he did not think that His Highness the Third Prince was the kind of person who aimed for nothing.

From asking for wildfire production technology to showing extraordinary talent, everything proves that he is a real dragon!

It's a pity that there are two obstacles ahead. Otherwise, under his introduction, the Alchemist Guild will definitely be more prosperous, and it will not be the false and slanderous prosperity it is now!

But... what if they all died? Oh my God! Gods forgive me, I shouldn't be so vicious!

But my thoughts spread, twist and knot like poison ivy.

"Your Highness, what's the problem with creating wildfires?" Rosat said with a pleasant look when he saw that he was far away from everyone.

"Congratulations on becoming the Hand of the King! I do have some ideas... I need help from you or your guild." Jaehaerys didn't refute, he was just here to get people killed.

The Lannister army has not yet entered the city. At this moment, he still has room to maneuver. Everyone in the Alchemist Guild is talented and well-spoken. After the city is defeated, how many green onions will be left?

Of course, the most important thing is that it is better to use them for my own benefit than to leave them to the enemy. If the wildfire had not been buried everywhere in King's Landing, he would have wanted to set it all on fire. It is a pity to leave this strategic killer to the enemy.

"I don't quite understand what you mean, Your Highness..."

"Well, I want to move the Alchemist Guild to Dragonstone!"

"How can this be possible!" Rosat was shocked and angry. This prince is good at everything, but he just wants to do whatever he wants. He is a little out of touch with the world.

"The Alchemist Guild has never left King's Landing for hundreds of years. Do you know why?"

"It is because this place has a huge population and unparalleled trade conditions!"

"Wildfire... The manufacture of this material requires the full efforts of the royal family to ensure it. Your Highness, please forgive me for being frank. In addition to obsidian and castles, how much help can Dragonstone provide us?"

Jaehaerys did not think so much. In his opinion, aren't the main materials for wildfire fish oil and green amphibole?

Fish oil can be made with fish? With the sea at your back, you can have as much as you want. Although it is not clear where the green amphibole is produced, how expensive can it be with such a narrow application scenario?

In fact, he made an empiricist mistake. After all, this is not the world with extremely abundant materials and extremely developed trade.

There are thousands of tons of large trawlers everywhere, and some even have a displacement of tens of thousands of tons! One net can catch dozens or hundreds of tons of fish.

In addition to marine fishing, there is also offshore aquaculture, and even seafood aquaculture far inland. Can you believe it?

In mineral mining, he lives in a city with relatively rich mineral resources. Many years ago, when private mining was carried out, minerals were continuously mined from the ground, so he really did not have enough understanding of the backward productivity of this era!

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