"What, my son was accepted as a disciple by the Dragon God, and he will have the opportunity to become a god in the future?" Queen Leila looked at Jaehaerys in surprise.

"Indeed, the Dragon God had already appeared in my dream last night, asking me to go to the depths of Dragon Mountain and practice with Him!"

Jaehaerys was no longer a draft when he lied, and with the hatching of the giant dragon Hela...

Hela was the name he gave to the little dragon, a golden little female dragon, and Jaehaerys covered his face.

Hey, that, Jaehaerys riding a female dragon...!

He had already felt the deep malice from heaven!

Whether it was a female dragon or a male dragon, the name had to be nice, and it must not be named something like a little white worm or a bloodworm!

Let me ask, as the big sister of the new generation of dragons, who else can be called Hela except his little golden dragon?

If you are not convinced, the little claws will instantly crush the little hammer, believe it or not!

Although Queen Leila could not believe it for a while, even though she was very reluctant, she finally decided to let the child fly.

This was also a helpless move for Jaehaerys. Now that his consciousness has quietly reached the lower limit of the lower gods, he dare not openly disobey the ban under the attention of the gods.

Moreover, there are only three or four Dragon God Temples on the three islands of Blackwater Bay, but the incense is extremely strong. Once people taste the sweetness of having their wishes answered, they immediately become the most loyal supporters of the Dragon God.

At present, the speed of the splitting of consciousness can no longer catch up with the speed of the spiritual consciousness cultivation after the blessing of incense. When the water is full, it overflows. When things reach their extreme, they have a tendency to turn into a Yang God in advance!

And there are more Dragon God Temples being built like mushrooms after rain. By then, the cultivation speed of the incense splitting will be faster!

Jaehaerys does not want to be a partial god. If he obtains the godhood, he will coexist with this world!

To be honest, it is also his fault. Who made him float his consciousness mixed with incense to Dragonstone Castle one night in order to test the art of dreaming.

That night, many people had a dream. In the dream, the Dragon God told them in a majestic tone that they were the most loyal believers of the Dragon God! The Dragon God decided to give them power!

So the next morning, Queen Leila, who had no archery skills, stretched her muscles in the backyard, pulled a huge yew wood bow, and shot out long arrows, and the center of the target opposite was already filled with long arrows!

Princess Rhaenys suddenly replaced the blunt sword she used for practice, picked up a long sword that was almost as tall as her, and practiced with her master William in the garden.

And Viserys... How to say it, he took a long spear and poked at the sky wildly. When others asked him what he was doing? He said he was poking flies to practice spears... He also said that the most powerful spearmanship in the world is the Liuhe spear, but the first thing is to use a spear to poke flies, the fly falls to the ground without breaking the window paper, the wall without leaving a mark, and the spear pokes the incense head, the fire is extinguished but the incense is not broken.

Even the cook in Dragonstone was swinging a kitchen knife like a sword, slashing at the meat and vegetables on the chopping board, and her movements were as smooth as a servant who had practiced swordsmanship for ten years!

A groom holding a spear actually beat a knight without any chance to fight back!

And these people were still people who had no experience in using weapons the day before!

Now the whole Dragonstone is really full of martial virtues. There are dozens of archers alone... and a large number of people who are proficient in swordsmanship and spearmanship, which is equivalent to adding hundreds of knights who have practiced hard for many years!

As the dream spread, the incense of the Dragon Temple became more prosperous!

Who doesn't have a heart that yearns for the strong? Who doesn't want to get fame and fortune on horseback?

Jaehaerys thought that the incense road has now been put on the right track, and his real body can't interfere too much with the development of mortals.

It seems that he has been traveling for more than a year, busy with worldly affairs, how can he have time to practice well?

It's just the right time to take advantage of this opportunity. On the surface, I obey the prohibition of the gods, and secretly retreat to fight for the position of human immortal!

He thought about the future development of the plot. Since the War of the Usurper, there has been a Greyjoy rebellion, which is also a lot of thunder and little rain.

I heard that the Westerlands are constantly building ships, but he has heard that the docks are harassed by the Ironmen almost every once in a while.

Think about it, how can others sleep beside the bed?

As long as the Ironmen are not stupid, they will know that once a powerful fleet appears in the Westerlands, will they only attack Dragonstone?

In the most recent operation, the Ironmen drove longships to plunder everywhere along the coast of the Westerlands. While all places were exhausted from defense, they raided the dry docks of shipbuilding, killing and plundering many craftsmen. Although the Westerlands soldiers, under the command of Duke Tywin, also killed and injured many Ironmen and destroyed several Ironmen's longships.

But the lack of craftsmen made it impossible for the docks to start work again for a while, and Tywin said that even if the work was resumed, it was unknown when the Ironmen would invade again.

The Ironmen are hooligans and villains on the sea! Cunning and cunning, but adhering to the principle that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, Jaehaerys suggested that the queen write a letter to Balon Greyjoy, expressing her willingness to jointly deal with the threat of Robert and his allies at the cost of recognizing him as the King of the Iron Islands.

In the end, the two sides verbally reached a consensus that Westeros can only have three fleets and the Sunset Sea-Narrow Sea to help each other.

The Ironmen are not good allies, and going back on their words is commonplace for them!

But the temptation of being crowned king and restoring the ancient road is too great, and Balon Greyjoy finally entered the game smoothly. The most important thing is that Balon is not stupid. He knows that this is the best time to seek independence. If he gives up this opportunity, who knows when he will wait?

So on the first day of 285AC, Balon Greyjoy proclaimed himself King of the Iron Islands. He was crowned by Tallar the Three Drowned under the ribs of the Naga, who placed a driftwood crown on his head.

Then, Balon, who had secured his seat on the Seastone throne, destroyed all the Seven Sacred Septs, drove out all the monks, and announced that he would return to the ancient ways.

Afterwards, the Ironmen plundered everywhere. The Ironmen's longships could be seen everywhere on the entire coast of the Westerlands, and their roaring "Song of the Ironmen" could be heard everywhere:

"The keel hull, passing over endless waves, desolate peaks, lush plains... I am a shield and a spear! The dead do not die, and will rise again, even more powerful!"

The rebellion of the Ironmen posed a great threat to the coastal lords of the Westerlands, the Riverlands, and the Reach. The entire kingdom was forced to shift its strategic focus from east to west and strengthen the defense of the Westerlands. This year was later called the "Year of the Three Kings".

The instigator of all this expressed no guilt for this. Anyway, the rebellion of the Iron Islands was a matter of time, and Jaehaerys just accelerated it.

Just when Robert Baratheon was overwhelmed by the two fleets in the east and the west, and had no good solution.

Jaehaerys detailed his future development plan for Dragonstone to Queen Layla, and the most important point was to develop the power of the Dragonstone royal family.

Looking at the development of the "Usurper's War", it is still because the Targaryen family's own strength is not enough to fight seven alone!

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