Game of Thrones: I'm flying a dragon on your face, how do you respond?

Chapter 66 The power of the world belongs to one person

Jehaerys and Queen Rhaella talked for the first time about why the Targaryen family was expelled from the Iron Throne. Of course, King Aerys II's absurd behavior was the main reason, but the deeper reason was that the great lords had too much power, many vassals, and many soldiers and generals!

The royal family had too little control over the small lords, so the execution of government orders relied more on the mediation of the great lords.

"The lord of the lord is not my lord!" Most of the small lords would fight for the feudal lords, not the king on the Iron Throne!

This situation has been around for a long time, since the rise of the Andal military nobles.

Before King Aegon the Conqueror landed in Blackwater Bay, as a non-Andal alien race, he had to rely on lords of all sizes at the beginning of his army because his own power was too small. In addition to relying on the three-headed dragon, he had to rely on lords of all sizes to finally complete the unification.

But a long history never means advancement. Once some great lords have thoughts that they shouldn't have, the Iron Throne can only call on other great lords to suppress the rebellion together.

For example, Duncan Targaryen, known as Prince Dragonfly, met and fell in love with Jeyne from Stonehenge after being engaged to the daughter of Lyonel Baratheon, the Duke of Storm's End at the time. He gave up his right to inherit the throne and broke off the engagement, which led to the Duke of Lyonel openly rebelling and claiming the throne!

Finally, the then King Aegon V married his youngest daughter, Princess Leyleigh Targaryen, to Lyonel's eldest son, Duke Mond Baratheon, and this quelled the rebellion!

This Princess Leyleigh was later Robert Baratheon's grandmother!

The great lords were too powerful and had seriously threatened the safety of the Iron Throne, and the Iron Throne did not dare to weaken their power without reason. This was very medieval!

In Jaehaerys's view, relying on the so-called loyalty of the great lords did not play a big role in restraint, especially in this "War of the Usurper"!

Aerys II asked Jon Arryn to hand over Robert and Eddard. Although there was a suspicion of exaggerating the charges, Arryn directly refused and raised the flag of rebellion. This is a bit unreasonable, right?

And King Aerys did not kill the Tully family members, right? But they rebelled for a marriage contract!

The Targaryen family is now hiding on Dragonstone. Although their strength is weak, it is also a good opportunity to restart the chess game. Without the constraints of the great lords, they can fully develop their own forces!

In the conversation, he said that in the future, the lords of Westeros should be mainly wooed, but at the same time, more support should be given to civilian forces!

In previous wars, weren't there many civilian orphans who died for the Targaryen family? Aren't there still thousands of the most loyal people on Dragonstone?

Dragonstone can completely regard them as the team of civilian forces and send people to train and cultivate them. Don't talk about bloodline and other things. They are all two shoulders carrying a head. Who really has a higher IQ than who?

At present, among the three islands in Blackwater Bay, except for Dragonstone, which is slightly stronger, the other two have been greatly weakened. Moreover, with the continuous infiltration of Dragonstone's economy, they have long lost the mentality and capital to resist and can only let it go.

Dragonstone has maintained troops for a thousand days, not for defense, but will definitely expand externally in the future.

Those who have made contributions can be awarded the title of Lord, but they will not be granted fiefdoms. They will be sent to manage. After the mindset is formed, this will be promoted. When they encounter resistance, the power of the royal family alone will be able to suppress all opposition voices!

At that time, the king will be the master of a country, and he will be arbitrary and have all the power!

Queen Layla was persuaded by Jaehaerys. She had never thought about this problem. Confined to the inertial thinking of this era, the latter's idea was simply treasonous and subversive!

Next, Jaehaerys told Layla about the future military strategic layout.

There is no way. There are too many things to worry about right now. Jaehaerys can't do everything in detail, so he can only put forward a general direction.

How to do it specifically still needs to be decided by Layla and her ministers. Whether he is passive or active, he must let go.

"According to my son, the next goal is..."

"That's right! It's Andas!"

Andas is located on the other side of the narrow sea. It is the homeland of the Andals. On the one hand, the Andals were defeated by the dragons of the Valyrians and had to move their entire clan to the continent of Westeros.

Most of this place is hilly, but there are also plains of considerable size near the coast.

The people of Pentos call it the flat land. It is rich in minerals and fertile land, suitable for farming and grazing.

And the most important thing is that this place has been plundered by the Dothraki. The people of Pentos did not build castles or military fortresses here. Instead, they often bribed the Dothraki cavalry not to plunder this place.

Such a chosen place has become a place for Dothraki to graze horses. It is really a waste of natural resources!

Choosing Andas as the first place to attack was also a helpless move.

Looking at the entire Westeros continent, Dragonstone Island has a powerful fleet, but its infantry is extremely weak. Even though Jaehaerys has created a group of people with high martial arts skills through dreaming, he has not found any outstanding generals in terms of strategy and tactics.

Whether it is the era of cold weapons or hot weapons, fighting a war is not based on impulsiveness. For this, he can only sort out the limited military theories he knows to see if he can pick out the seeds of natural generals.

In addition to the factor of generals, the number of infantry is also seriously insufficient. The number of infantry that Dragonstone can arm is less than 3,000 at best.

This number of people, thrown to the continent of Westeros, can't even compare with the inferior lord family.

For the great lord families like Tywin and Tyrell, recruiting 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers is like playing, while the inferior families like Frey, Hightower, Florent, and Bolton can easily summon 1,000 to 2,000 knights and squires, and the infantry can also be armed with 5,000 to 6,000 people at any time!

Of course, Dragonstone is not unable to hire mercenaries and free riders, but the latter's combat capability and fighting will are too far from the level he wants, and the latter is even more messed up in terms of discipline!

After all, a group of people who fight for money will fight to the death on the battlefield?

If the enemy offers a higher price, it is possible that they will turn against each other at the last minute!

What Jaehaerys wants to build is a professional army that obeys orders, has strict discipline, and can win battles, not the kind of militia that is temporarily recruited from the land and given a spear.

The Targaryen family now has a dragon, but Hela is too young to ride in a short time, and he must abide by the prohibitions of the gods. Before finding a solution, he cannot interfere in the war in the world.

If you want to continuously expand the military strength of the Targaryen family, you can only look outside.

You have to pick the softest persimmon, and Andas is a soft and sweet persimmon!

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