"Custer, my old friend, thank you for your hospitality!" Benjen Stark hugged the barbarian, and the Night's Watch who entered the Haunted Forest usually had to repair themselves in Craster's fortress.

Of course, this kind of rest is not without cost. A double-edged ax is now held in Custer's hand and rubbed...

Benjen Stark takes six rangers and a bard and continues northward!

"Green Poet, this place is already deep in the Ghost Forest... You can see sentinel trees, large and small low shrubs everywhere!"

"If I were you, I would return to Castle Black here. No bard from the south has ever left the Great Wall so far... Believe me, if you turn around now, no one will question your courage!" Benyan rode On the horse, walking side by side with the green poet, he looked at the latter with serious eyes.

"Haha! Don't worry, Chief Ranger!" The Green Poet smiled heartily, "As long as there is danger, I promise to turn around and run away. You may not know... In my hometown, no one can run away from me!"

"Besides, we haven't reached the Fist of the Ancients, the Fangs of Frost and Snow, or the Long Lake yet..."

"I don't want to miss those beautiful views!"

"When I set off, I prayed to my gods that there would be no restrictions on this trip!"

Bunyan looked at the high-spirited bard and shook his head secretly. The young man really didn't know the heights of the world. If possible, he really didn't want to carry such a "burden" with him.

"Then you'd better pray to your god. His power can cross thousands of mountains and rivers, cross the towering Great Wall, and come to this barren land!"

Bunyan kicked the horse's ribs, and the lean black horse neighed, leading the knight through the densely branched hunting trails and stream beds. This road was jokingly called the "Ranger's Road" by the brothers in black. The rangers also raised their whips to follow.

Orser and Jeff Flower, who were walking at the end, waved to the green poet to hurry up and follow.

I don’t know how long I walked through the forest. When I first left Custer’s Fortress, everyone was still talking and laughing.

But as time went by, everyone was infected by the silence in the forest, and gradually became silent. The laughter became less and less, and the tempers became more and more irritable.

The group marched in the forest for many days. Not to mention the savages, not even a single wolf, bear, or moose common in the ghost forest was seen along the way!

This is very wrong!

"Stop!" Bunyan said with a sullen face, his right hand wearing a black leather glove resting on the hilt of the sword, constantly rubbing the shiny round head of the counterweight. In front of him was a village of savages.

According to the memories of the rangers, this place is called White Tree Village, a savage village inhabited by more than a dozen savages... although in Jaehaerys' eyes, this is really not much of a village.

There are only four dilapidated houses made of stones without mortar, and the open space is surrounded by empty sheep pens and a well.

The roofs of the houses were covered with turf, and the windows were covered with tattered furs.

There is a tall, misshapen weirwood tree above the house, with dark red leaves that look like human hands, and branches that are as pale as bones. The trunk is nearly eight feet wide, and its branches and leaves are luxuriantly expanding, shrouding all the buildings in the shade.

A face was carved on the tree trunk. It was a twisted and painful face, with two lines of red "bloody tears" flowing out of the empty eye sockets. The huge jagged mouth could swallow a person!

"Everyone, get ready!" Bunyan ordered, and then everyone got off their horses, drew out the swords from their waists, and were on guard.

Working in pairs, they searched the four houses to avoid missing anything.

The green poet and Bunyan were in a group. They stooped to avoid the low and cramped door and stepped across the low, black threshold.

The house has a solid mud floor, but there is no furniture or daily necessities. The straw pile in the corner of the house is messy, and there is a little charcoal ash under the roof exhaust vent.

Bunyan twisted the ashes with his hand and said, "I smell shit and urine..." Then he walked to the corner and reached out to poke at the straw to see if there was anything hidden underneath. He then searched carefully along the wall, but found nothing.

Soon, the rangers walked out of the house and gathered under the big tree. "There were no signs of fighting in any of the houses, indicating that the savages left on their own initiative..."

"Hey, look, there's something in that tree hole!" Orser shouted. He squatted down and stretched out his gloved hand to reach into the hole. The tree hole was filled with dried red sap and was scorched black by the fire. He pulled out a skull and another smaller skull.

Bunyan raised the skull with both hands, looked at the empty eye sockets of the skeleton, and said: "The savages will burn their dead. We have known this for a long time. Alas, it is a pity that we did not ask them why when there were still traces of people. Do this.”

He then put the skull back into place.

"When I saw this tree, I felt uncomfortable all over, just like... like I had seen the lion of the master's family before..." The bastard son of the Reach was wielding his sword next to the tree. "Look at this face. No wonder the First Men and Andals were scared when they first arrived in Westeros, and even I wanted to chop this damn thing down with an axe!"

"My brother, Duke Eddard of Winterfell, believes that no one can deceive the Heart Tree, because the old gods know everything here..."

"Clatter...crash" The biting cold wind blew the palm-like leaves of the weirwood trees, like a group of ghosts clapping their hands!

"How could this damn weather get so cold!" Orser tightened the black cloak tightly, but he still couldn't stop the knife-like cold wind from getting into the gaps in his clothes and armor!

The green poet... no, Jaehaerys looked playful, Yo-ho! Have we met the White Walkers so soon?

In the library of Dragonstone, there is an old parchment manuscript "Lies of the Ancients", which records that the White Walkers may be a northern tribe in ancient times and fought against the ancestors.

In fact, it was all the imagination of the doctor of the Citadel named Fomas. The Dothraki are nomads, and the White Walkers! They are not the same species as humans!

Jaehaerys is already immune to cold and heat, and can feel the rapid drop in air temperature, but this kind of cold air is automatically repelled by his aura when it approaches him.

"Okay, guys! The real enemy is here!" He smiled, and a yellow-brown talisman appeared out of thin air between his left fingers!

"The talisman has no regular shape, and it is spiritual with air." In fact, after building the foundation, Jaehaerys can already make talismans.

Taoist talismans are divided into two types: divine talismans and treasure talismans. A talisman refers to a text written in five-color essence; a talisman refers to the secret text of the names of the gods recorded in the talismans.

The talisman that Jaehaerys took out was called the "Six Ding Barrier Breaking Talisman". It was made of the pulp of vitex and sycamore wood cut down during the lunar eclipse, cut into long strips of talisman paper with a length of nine inches and a width of two inches, and then used orpiment and cinnabar to control the air to draw the thunder seal rune.

After the talisman was made, it was put into a brocade bag and then put into the storage space opened up in the dragon god statue by the pot sky technique. When it was needed, the mind turned and it was collected at will.

Jaehaerys used the air to control the talisman, exerted force on his wrist, and the barrier-breaking talisman suddenly turned into a flame and flew away.

"Pop!" The flames forced a tall and thin figure out!

"White Walker!" The rangers were shocked!

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