"One, two, three...ten!" Jaehaerys counted in his mind the number of White Walkers that kept pouring into the village.

When watching TV series, those ghosts are all made through special effects makeup technology. The actors wear special silicone headgear and contact lenses, and the result is that they are all ugly.

But these White Walkers in front of me don't have the weird shapes in the TV series. They have slender limbs, tall bodies, and their skin is as pale as the dead. There are wrinkles on their faces, but they are definitely not like dead tree bark.

They wore reflective armor and held ice swords and ice spears that emitted a strange blue light. Walking on the ice and snow was like gliding, leaving almost no footprints, and they were extremely concealed.

Following the White Walkers were a group of dead creatures with blue eyes, including savages, ice spiders, direwolves, bears, mammoths and night watchmen...

The rangers quickly raised their steel swords and formed a circle back to back. Benyan's face turned pale. He saw Weimar and Will in the crowd of ghouls!

"Will! Weimar!"

The night watchmen who heard the sound raised their heads, their eyes flashing with blue light. They passed over the corpses and ghosts and walked straight towards the rangers' team!

The Rangers held the steel sword tightly in their hands. No one was a fool. Wilma Royce's body was riddled with holes, and the wound on Will's neck that exposed bones all revealed that they were not alive!

The horrifying legends they had heard by the fireplace and fire have all become reality today!

"Hey, Stark, I'll leave these wights to you. Remember to use dragonglass daggers to attack their unarmored areas! Leave those white walkers to me!" Jaehaerys raised his hand and loaded one of them. A package of more than a dozen dragon crystal daggers appeared in his hand!

He tossed the dagger package to Benjen Stark.

"Green Poet...who are you?" Bunyan couldn't help but ask, "What is your purpose!"

"Haha, Stark, you just need to remember that I am not your enemy. As for the answer to this question... I will definitely tell you after you survive. For now, you should think about how to survive!" Jaehaerys showed a hint of excitement in his eyes!

I’m really looking forward to this big killing spree!

In order to survive the three disasters and five disasters, he has been suppressing the thoughts in his heart, so to outsiders, his behavior is quite strange. The inner demons have arisen!

It's better to block than to open up. What better way to vent to the opponent than these "evil demons"?

"I have a sword that can move mountains, break rivers, overturn seas, subjugate demons, and suppress demons!"

"Here comes the sword!"

There was a flash of light, and a three-foot-long sword flew out from the statue of the Dragon God. The sword was thin and slender, and the dark sword had a trace of bright white lines on it, like a shooting star in the dark night!

The lines are borrowed from the line, and the sword is not a sword cultivator's natal flying sword. It is purely because Jaehaerys made a small adjustment to the sword-managing method of the soul of the sword, and forced the Qi and the sword to combine. It is said to be a means of controlling a sword.

Jaehaerys held a long sword, and there was a dim sword light.

He stepped on the Gang Steps and used the art of lightening his body. Like a wisp of blue smoke, he floated towards the place where the ghosts were.

All the corpses blocking the way were killed by his sword, and the blue light in his eyes was instantly extinguished.

When Valyrian steel is forged, it is tempered and subjected to fire magic spells. It itself can restrain ice magic creations such as ghosts and corpses.

Iron Walker's casting technology was also passed down by the craftsmen of Qohor, without damaging the characteristics of Valyrian steel.

Of course, during the retreat, Jaehaerys used spiritual energy to bless the Meteor Sword from time to time, which was even more important.

In the words of Duobao Miaoshu, the Meteor Sword has become a top-level magic weapon. As for when it will become a magic weapon, it is estimated to be... a thousand years!

"Are you coming together, or one by one?" Jaehaerys challenged the White Walkers with his spiritual consciousness!

"¥#%##%%" The leading White Walker, who was obviously taller, stood up and made a harsh sound like ice breaking.

Jaehaerys shook his head. These idiots didn't know how to use their spiritual consciousness to speak. That's right. Hela had eaten a lot of multi-treasure fruit, didn't she give birth to spiritual consciousness? It seems that this has something to do with race.

The tall white ghost raised the ice sword that emitted a faint blue light, but did not dare to attack first.

He saw that Jaehaerys was different from ordinary people. His energy and blood were as strong as the rising sun, more powerful than the direwolves, bears, giants and even mammoths in the North!

It instinctively feels disgust, and even feels that fear has nothing to do with strength, but is being crushed at the level of life!

Jaehaerys was not in a hurry, his consciousness was spread all over his body three meters away. Even if other white ghosts did not follow martial ethics and launched a sneak attack, he would have enough time to deal with it!

The tall White Walker kept walking, quickly circling Jaehaerys. Its steps were light and silent, like snowflakes falling in the sky. Then it suddenly raised its head, with a bright blue light in its eyes, and stabbed Jaehaerys in the back with its sword!

Jaehaerys was as motionless as a mountain. Under the shroud of his divine consciousness, every move of the tall White Walker was under his control. He stepped lightly with his right foot and moved his body more than a meter away. Then he raised the meteor sword and moved a Missing the hit, the ice sword quickly turned into a horizontal slash and was blocked!

The ice sword collided with the steel sword, making a tooth-piercing sharp sound. Jaehaerys took advantage of the situation and slashed the sword along the edge of the ice sword, cutting straight into the White Walker's finger!

The tall white ghost vigorously vibrated the ice sword, trying to swing the steel sword away, but unexpectedly, the sword seemed to be covered with melted rosin, or it fell into a quagmire!

It was so angry that it swung its arms vigorously, but it still couldn't break Jaehaerys's steel sword!

Jaehaerys nodded. During the retreat, he had many ideas, but he couldn't conduct experiments because he lacked a suitable sparring partner.

After coming out of retreat, his body was already at the peak of the human body. He always defeated ten people with one force. Ordinary people were not worthy of being his opponents.

And these magical creations are really good experimental subjects. To be fair, the White Walkers are naturally more powerful than humans due to their racial advantages!

The concentration of magic power emitted by this White Walker is about the same as that of the early stage of the foundation building period, but its strength is enough to match that of a human monk at the peak of the foundation building period!

To make a simple conversion, if the strength of an ordinary adult is 1 Viserys, and the strength of a human monk in the foundation building period ranges from 2 to 5 Viserys, then the strength of this White Walker is at least 4.5 Viserys!

The sticky character formula has been almost tested, and he continues to experiment with sword formulas such as "entanglement", "control", "speed" and "shock".

The ape swordsmanship that he had obtained that year had already been integrated with Tai Chi sword, Wudang sword, Western sword and other swordsmanship!

At this time, the tall aliens had no words to complain about. Their race had a long life span and had plenty of time to practice swordsmanship, but they had never encountered such unreasonable swordsmanship. It saw that this man was playing a cat-and-mouse game!

In anger, its moves became more and more crazy, and nine out of ten were moves that would kill both sides, or even die in exchange for injuries! However, it gradually became covered with scars, and blue blood dripped on the snow, turning into bursts of white ice mist!

"Boring!" Jaehaerys curled his lips, "Seeing that you are working hard as a sparring partner, I'll give you a ride!"

The dark sword light flashed, and the tall alien trembled all over, freezing in place. The cold wind blew, and his white hair fluttered. Then his armor melted like dew, and light blue blood spurted out from a hair-thin scar on his neck!

The body of the White Walker gradually shrank as the blood was lost. In a few dozen breaths, it turned into a pool of ice water, with white smoke lingering around, revealing a pile of milky glass-like bones, but then it melted.

At this time, the blue blood remaining on the Meteor Sword turned into a faint blue light and was absorbed by the sword!

Jaehaerys looked at the Meteor Sword in surprise, feeling that its spirituality seemed to have increased a little. He smiled evilly and looked at the remaining White Walkers, "Hehe, come on! I'll give you a chance to kill me. Use all your strength and all means to make me happy!"

In the cold wind, the silver hair fluttered like a dragon claw orchid blooming in the wind!

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