Chapter 70 Placer gold subverts Pinoconi! Create grand death! Only one can live

【Xing: Would your family be so considerate? 】

Sha Jin continued to walk forward, and then saw himself again as a child.

“Hello, we meet again, Mr. with beautiful eyes.”

Little Kakawasha said.

Looking at himself as a child, Sand Jin couldn’t help but smile.

“Yes, we meet again”

“Have you found your parents?”

He asked gently.

Maybe he also wanted to see his parents, whom he had not seen for a long time.

“Of course, my sister is here too. The four of us just played hide and seek.”

Little Kakawasha said proudly

“I’m so happy. On the way here, my dad also took me to see Banana Skin Movie.”

“You want to say [film film].”

Sha Jin smiled and looked at Kakawasha in front of him.

“Yes, this is where many cardboard paintings are put together to become a moving mural.”

Little Kakawasha said excitedly

“Put me, my father, my mother, and my sister together and we become a family.”

Little Kakavasa said this, but the meaning behind his words was a little strange.

“Come and give it a try, sir. I see you looking so sad all the time in the amusement park. Please be happy.”


Faced with the boy’s words, Sha Jin relaxed slightly.

Under the guidance of little Kakavasha, he played the game and got a good score.

But when he turned around, little Kaka Vasya had already disappeared.

Sha Jin sighed helplessly.

“Oh, boring.”

He continued to pursue the figure of little Kakavasha.

The fictional sand gold who followed the sand gold seemed a little frustrated at this time.

“Why don’t you speak?”

“You’ve certainly piqued my interest…I admit there’s something about you that I don’t fully understand.”

Fictional placer gold admitted at this time that he is different from placer gold.

It is not that easy to see through placer gold.”

“You are very sincere this time.”

The placer gold is a bit surprising.

“Sincerity is one of the few precious qualities I have, so there is no need to emphasize it.”

“See that maze? I’ll know you inside and out before you even get out of there.”

The fictional sand gold said this, as if he now knows how to completely replace the sand gold.

“Our trip to the studio is not over yet, your revolving door continues, and I don’t mind making this process very long.”

The fictional sand gold points out the revolving lantern.

This is indeed a generous admission that the little kakawa complex is the past of sand gold.

Sand gold continues to chase and has come to the maze of Crocker Film and Television Park.

Here, he I saw words visible to the naked eye

【There’s no water here, just rocks】

【There are rocks but no water, only gravel roads. 】

And… the chatter between little Kakavafu and his sister.

Placer gold chases.

He soon came to a dead end. At the end of the dead end, he saw a pair of blood-stained shackles.

【Funina: Shackles? What does this have to do with placer gold?】

【March 7: Could it be that the placer gold was taken away and used as a slave?】

【Nasida: That’s true…but why is there blood on it?】

【Xing: Could it be that…did Sand Gold do something back then?】

【March 7: Didn’t he survive among thirty-five people?】

【Fu Loti: That’s true, but there seems to be no evidence to prove that he actually participated in that brutal fight. ]

These blood-stained shackles were exactly what he was wearing when he was taken away as a slave.

The memories of the past made him a little dizzy.

The fictional placer gold also appeared at this time.

“Remember something?”

“It has nothing to do with you.”

Obviously, Sha Jin doesn’t want to think about this matter.

“Need a tip?”

“This is a pair of shackles, put on you”

“I remember clearly the first [job] that man gave you and the first pot of gold you earned.”

The fictional sand gold didn’t give him any room to resist. He talked about the past and analyzed everything.

“You just wrap this bundle of chains around your fist, and that’s the only weapon you can find”

“Then in that maze, you……”

Fictional Sand Gold did not continue, but the meaning was already very obvious.

This is how Sand Gold killed the slave owner in the first place

“Shut up!”

Sha Jin forcibly interrupted the words of the fictional Sha Jin.

At this time, the fictional Sha Jin also had some unfinished thoughts.

He followed along and finally discovered Sha Jin’s strange emotions.

There were some things that he didn’t want to look back on.

“Oh, you don’t want to face that past?”

“Don’t you want to admit that your life is only worth sixty red copper coins?”

The fictional sand gold kept talking, and his words seemed to have no end.

“In my opinion, neither is the right answer and you refuse to face it just because it proves your weakness”

“How can a weak person take such desperate risks?”

Sha Jin looked back with a smile, and the smile on his face was obvious.

“That’s right, you like to take risks, but you just refuse to let go of some unnecessary things.”

Fictional placer is still deconstructing placer

“Even in this beautiful dream, you only dare to try death on yourself”

“Those entourage could have become a ghost card in your hand and become more useful.”

“There are as many stains as there are on the family, all it takes is a small sacrifice”

“Replace it with [Opal] and the problem is solved.”

The fictional Sha Jin said this.

Obviously, he didn’t understand why Sha Jin didn’t kill other people in his dreams.

【Esta: It looks like this fictional placer gold is so good!】

【Funina: Kill other people? Indeed, in this dream of Pinoconi, killing other people is indeed a means】

【Fulodi: So what they are pursuing is real death, but from what I mean, it seems that Sand Gold is preparing to try it on themselves.】

【Xing: You said that, and my back feels a little cold. So, am I at risk of being killed by placer gold?】

【March 7: Uh… don’t think about these unnecessary things, okay? Besides, there is no real death in this dream, right?】

【March 7: Didn’t it say that Liuying was still alive? Although it has not been found yet. 】

Fiction Sha Jin doesn’t understand, Sha Jin is too public-minded now

“It’s a pity that you are not as good as him”

“If you do it, you won’t end up like this, so why not do it? It shouldn’t be out of professional ethics, right?”

In this regard, placer gold has its own insistence.

“Those techniques are very efficient, but it’s not that I don’t know how to use them, I just don’t bother to use them. Do you understand?”

“What fun is there if the game isn’t fair?”

This may be Sha Jin’s own persistence.

He only wants to play the situation he wants to play.

Those who deliberately tilt the balance directly towards themselves will lose some fun.

“fair? hehe! As if your opponent is fair to you”

“The situation is obviously not good for you, why can you still be so confident?”

“So what exactly did the Masked Fool’s words awaken you?”

The fictional placer gold doesn’t understand.

Although he knows the past of placer gold and the present of placer gold, he doesn’t know the future of placer gold at all.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the fictional placer gold is so interested in placer gold, and it is so important to separate it so a place

“She gave me an answer that turned everything upside down.”

Sha Jin is extremely confident.

That’s the answer. Everything was wrong from the beginning.

There is no real death in the dream, so that’s enough.

“Subvert everything?”

“Ah! Do you mean to make everything disappear from the poker table?”

The fictional Sand Jin asked.

He was muttering, but then disappeared.

Everyone was looking forward to what Sand Gold would do. This was very important and very thrilling.

Sand Gold continued to pursue the traces left by little Kakawasha.

Now. The time has not come yet, and the result he wants has not yet arrived.

Soon, Sand Jin found the golden amulet he carried with him, and the words of fictional Sand Jin rang in his ears again.

“Your current expression is really hard to describe”

“The amulet your mother left for you is made of pure gold. Why have you never considered selling it?”

He is really haunted.

In other words, this fictional placer gold represents some kind of doubt behind it.

There is a person who is very interested and curious about placer gold.

So he wants to know more about placer gold.

“Obviously that way you can live a normal life with your sister for a while.”

“Looking back, that was the best choice.”

In this regard, placer gold’s persistence is also obvious.

“Mom only left us two pieces of jewelry: a necklace and an amulet, and there will never be a third one.”

【Funina: Speaking of which, before he came from Kati���Is it because of this reason that people took back the necklace?】

【Nasida: This is really… I didn’t expect sand gold to have so much persistence.】

【Star: Yeah! Although when we first met, he liked to pretend, but he didn’t do anything harmful.】

【March 7: Uh…why do I feel that this is not a good word?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It can be seen that the things my mother left behind are very important to placer gold.】

【Kamisato Ayato: After all, most people only have one mother】

【Kamisato Ayaka:……】

Listening to Sha Jin’s answer, Fictional Sha Jin also laughed directly.

“You’ve always said this, but you actually regret it, right? Not selling them?”

“Don’t look for something to talk about.”

The sand gold directly stopped the fictional sand gold.

Based on his bottom line of principles, there were some things that he did not want to discuss at all.

Because of this, he refused to let the terrible guy in front of him also discuss it.

“Ha, I know”

“You must remember what your sister said at that time: [You are a child blessed by the Mother Goddess. You can lead the clan to happiness. So always remember to protect yourself and never resent pain and poverty】”

Fictional sand gold chatters endlessly, repeating the past

“The words still ring in my ears, right?”

“You are a good boy and will never forget.”

He kept talking, making people want to punch him directly.

“So you will never forget how miserable the last moment of her life was, and how heartbreaking the screams of laughter behind you were.……”

“You just ran away without looking back and did as she asked.”

The fictional sand gold directly exposed the murder of his sister.

This kind of tearing apart other people’s scars is very unpleasant and very sad.

“Tsk tsk… I will regret it for the rest of my life.”

“That’s enough. Don’t you have anything else to talk about?”

Sha Jin is really intolerable.

If possible, Sha Jin wants to kill the guy in front of him right now.

“Haha, this is the second time you have interrupted me. You are really understanding.”

“I finally understand what you’re thinking…Huh, that’s crazy!”

At this moment, Fiction Sand Jin seemed to understand something, as if he had completely seen through Sand Jin.

“【In the end, I will subvert this dream and create the grandest death】”

“This is indeed your opinion, and it has always been implemented and never changed.”

The fictional Sha Jin repeated.

These are what Sha Jin said in Chaolu Mansion, before entering into the confrontation with Sunday.

It is these words that have always influenced Sha Jin.

Now, he still wants to do the same.

“From the star core to the loss of the robin’s voice, the two murders and Sunday’s negotiation, to the reminder of the Masked Fool, only these two unchanging words can arouse your interest.”

“And now you do hold it in your hands……”

“But whose death was it?”

All the ideas that fictional placer gold has destroyed placer gold have been completely debunked.

And the last sentence also means something.

That is one thing.

Is it the death of placer gold itself, or is this fictional placer gold going to replace it.

The answer Will be revealed soon

“We’ll find out when the dice rolls.”

Sha Jin said easily

“Okay, then leave a seat for me in the audience. I want to see how capable you are.”

The fictional sand gold is also curious.

In this dream, someone wants to control everything.

Naturally, the person who controls everything does not feel that he will lose.

After all, the power forcibly exerted on sand gold is so powerful

【Funina: Considering what I said before, Sha Jin, are you trying to prove something with your own death?】

【Nasida: It seems that he can only die with his own. After all, he now has the head drop of”Tonghe”.】

【Lottie: Does he want to create real death in the dream?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Let me correct you, there is no real death in dreams.】

【Funina: Precisely because there is no real death, there is a greater secret hidden】

【March 7: That is to say… after you die in a dream and don’t wake up, will you go somewhere?】

【Hoshi: Hmm… It looks like the truth about Pinoconi is about to be revealed.】

【The Dark Tower: Rebellion within the family, the truth about Pinocchio, and now everyone is looking forward to it】

【Screwgum: Someone betrayed [Tonghe], so where is the real [Tonghe] inherited?】

【Ruan Mei: I believe there will be an answer soon as to how this beautiful dream of Pinocchio turned from a border prison to what it is now.】

【Sand Gold: Hey! Am I taking it too seriously? It’s not an exaggeration to be rated as the most conscientious employee in a company, right?】

【Topa: I can break the foundation for Pinoconi and die in my dream. All I can say is that you really gambled too much.】

【Sand Gold: Hahaha! There will be an answer soon, right? Win or lose, can you raise your lowered level back? I’m here to help you.】


【March 7: Huh? Miss Topa was demoted? Is it because of what happened on Yalilo 6?】

【Star: This is true……】

【Topa: It’s okay, I just dropped one level and will be raised soon.】

【Topa: The key point now is that everything that placer gold wants to do seems to have been expected.】

【Sand Gold: Yes, they are also betting, maybe it is Sunday, maybe it is the people behind Sunday. They want to know whether I will die or their shackles will be cut off. 】

And the curiosity about fictional placer gold still continues.

“I’m still curious, if you could do it all over again, would you still want to be a child blessed by the Mother Goddess?”

This is a very confusing question.

Sand Gold smiled contemptuously and did not give an answer.

However, the disappearance of the fictional Sand Gold also began to hint at the upcoming appearance of Sand Gold

“It’s so quiet this time. Has he finally disappeared, or am I about to disappear?”

Sha Jin said to himself.

He continued walking and saw little Kakawa Fu again.

“I don’t know why, sir, you always give me a special feeling……”

“Makes me very curious and eager to try.”

Little Kakawafu said in surprise.

“I didn’t get to know you better”

“It’s time for us to say goodbye. Did you have fun?”

Hearing this, Sha Jin was also a little disappointed, but with a smile on his face

“Are you…going back?”

“Well, it’s time for me to go home. The sky is starting to get gloomy and it’s going to rain. I can’t let everyone worry.”

Little Kakawafu responded

“where is your home?”

Sha Jin asked.

He still wanted to see his family.

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