Chapter 71 Goodbye! Kakavasya! May the Mother Goddess bless you! On stage, the performance begins!

After all, memories of the past will eventually fade.

And the tenderness that belongs exclusively to the heart remains warm at all times.

When little Kakawasha heard what Sand Gold said, he looked very confused.

“What a strange question”

“Home is where dad, mom, and sister are.……”

“In this dream.”

Little Kakawasha said this.

If Sand Jin heard these words, he would also be slightly startled at this moment.

“This amusement park, this dream, is really peaceful”

“Everyone loved it.”

Little Kakawasha said simply, looking at Sha Jin with confusion in his eyes.

“But sir, why don’t you like it?”

He didn’t quite understand.

But little Kakawasha’s words had completely awakened Sand Jin just now.

It can be said that they had completely shattered Sand Gold’s last illusion.

“Because they are not here.”

Sha Jin’s eyes also became lost at this moment.

Dreams are dreams after all, and they will not be reality after all.

In reality, they are already dead.

“So where are they?”

At this moment, the fictional placer appeared again.

He was as clingy as a dog-skin plaster that couldn’t be shaken off.

“I have no idea.”

As for the answer to this question, Sha Jin could not answer.

And the fictional Sha Jin continued to speak at this time.

“You clearly know. It’s just that the answer doesn’t make sense.”

Hearing this, Sand Jin sighed helplessly.

He seemed tired.

“Admit it, you’re tired.”

The fictitious placer gold tempted him, as if he was ready to completely drop the placer gold here.

He walked forward and stood directly next to little Kakawafu

“We are all tired, so we plan to stay here”

“Me…and him”

“”Your [past] and [future]”

At this moment, that identity is already so clear.

The sand gold at this moment represents the present.

This dreamland will carry everything about sand gold.

As long as he is willing to stay here, then everything will end

“How long will you stay here?”

Sha Jin asked


“We will be with you and stay in this dream forever.”

Fictional placer responded

“This is the greatest respect we can pay to someone who is determined to die.”

He knew what Sand Gold wanted.

And because of this, he wanted Sand Gold to stay.

“Taking the wrong approach is a ridiculous approach, but it is not uncommon for you.”

“Because [your life] has always been the first chip thrown out by you, and it has always been like this.”

The fictional sand gold continued to speak, as if he wanted to completely dismantle the sand gold.

“You don’t care who the real murderer is, nor are you interested in the so-called legacy”

“You just want to be a company employee who works impartially and suffers everywhere on the family’s territory. You are put in hot shackles and pushed to the center of the stage.……”

In the content of these words, placer gold is the complete victim.

“Then, he became the [third victim] of this grand event.”

The fictional sand gold is tempting, but sand gold doesn’t take it seriously.”

“I can do it and it works seamlessly.”

His plan is still ready to go ahead.

“Of course you can, your good luck will definitely help you at the right time, a star core and an envoy, it’s that simple, right?”

Fictional sand gold talks about his plan

“In this way, the company will be able to qualify for the table”

“And you can also escape from the endless whirlpool and get the relief you dream of”

“This is not the first time. This is the method you are best at and the one you desire most.”

“This farce started with a [death] and will also end with a [death].”

The meaning of fictional sand gold, sand gold already wants to choose a relief.

He has already had the intention to die.

【Funina: So this is really the plan! Sha Jin plans to use his own death to get the company to enter the market】

【Nacida: He was supposed to die like this, right?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It might have been like this in the past, but it probably won’t be the case now. After all, there is no real death in Pinoconi’s dreams.】

【Ke Qing: The most believable thing now is that you are transported to other places after death.】

【Black Tower: Sand Gold is also looking for a possibility, things are like this】

【March 7: But from the meaning of these words, it seems that Sha Jin doesn’t want to live at all!】

【Xing: But I don’t feel like Sha Jin is the kind of person who wants to die.】

【Doctor Truth: As a gambler, I enjoy the tension of pushing myself to the point of death. I believe there is nothing more exciting than this, right?】

【Doctor Truth: Or should I make a speech myself?】

【Sand Gold: Hahaha! Oh My God! It seems that everyone has been bypassed. Didn’t I say that? If you want others to believe it, you must first deceive yourself】

【Hanabi:Oh! Little peacock! You are so interesting!】

【March 7: What does it mean? Is the fact that placer gold wants to die also a lie?】

【Hanabi: Hahaha, that placer gold that was fabricated out of thin air has now been tricked around. He really thought Sha Jin wanted to die.】

【Sha Jin: If I don’t do this, do you think the family will give me such a good performance venue? They even evacuated people on purpose, haha, that’s really interesting.】

【March 7: Uh… that’s why I hate you guys the most】

【Sha Jin: The key point now is whether the Order of Nothingness can cut off the shackles on my body.】

【Huang Quan: If it’s something like shackles, I can help.】

【Black Swan: You are such a reliable envoy. I am looking forward to your performance. 】

The fictional Sha Jin became even more curious after telling the”truth” that Sha Jin wanted to die.

“Is that why Diamond chooses you?”

“All he wants is Pinoconi, no matter the means, no matter the cost, and it has nothing to do with the specific person.”

Sha Jin shook his head calmly. The company’s executives always asked for simplicity.

“Hahaha! It must be very hard.”

The fictional sand gold smiled, happy to know everything, and happy to be about to get it.

“You suddenly became very considerate. Did your conscience notice it?”

Sha Jin was slightly curious.

“After all, I was born from your self, so I know very well that it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to get back the chips you threw.”

“I can’t stop what you’re going to do, and we can’t change where you’re going.”

The fictional Sha Jin shook his head, expressing his inability to change.

It can even be said that he will soon be able to replace Sha Jin.

There is only one person who can survive this time, either Sha Jin or being assimilated.

“It’s hard to recover from overflowing water. All we can do is seize every opportunity and let ourselves win as many seconds as possible.”

Sand Jin said so

“Yes, it’s a pity that you can’t make only the right decisions in your life, although good luck is always on your side.”

“You will always win, you never said that, but why you? Why…does it have to be you?”

The fictional sand gold said, and suddenly began to involve more and tell more

“If the miracle of a lucky person is all based on the misfortune of all the people he loves, and even more people”

“If every rain you bring never symbolizes the forgiveness and grace of the Mother Goddess, but a meaningless death again and again……”

“So how many mistakes did you and I make to be born in this world?”

The fictional sand gold asked such a question from a completely different perspective.

This kind of questioning even has some tendency to accuse.

“Maybe when I reach that end point, our confusion will be answered.”

Sha Jin’s tone became calmer.

After receiving this answer, Fiction Sha Jin smiled with satisfaction.

“Okay, let’s go first, friend, I’ll wait for you in front”

“In your final moments, say goodbye to your child and try your best to die without regrets.”

The fictitious gold dust said, and then turned and left.

Hearing this, the gold dust smiled softly.

“Now… we are the only ones left.”

Little Kakavasha stepped forward

“Can you take a photo for me? Just think of it as a souvenir.”

For such a request, Sand Gold cannot refuse

“Well, come on.”

After Sha Jin took photos of little Kakavasia, he gave some suggestions.

The time to say goodbye seems to be coming soon.

“Then… Sir, are you going back too?”

Little Kakawasha asked curiously

“I can’t leave yet”

“I have one more… show here.”

Sha Jin hesitated and finally used this word

“Oh, you’re going to perform on stage soon, right?”

“Come on then, I’ll take you to the big stage.”

Little Kakawafu said, and walked towards the big stage with sand gold.

They came to the backstage together.

The red curtain was tightly closed, and only a trace of golden light could be seen from the center.

“Behind this curtain is the big stage”

“It’s time to go on stage soon, are you ready? I wish you every success with your show.”

Little Kakawa sent his best wishes.

Sha Jin took a deep breath and showed unprecedented tenderness.

“Thank you.”

Little Kakawa smiled again

“You still look nervous.”

Following that, he seemed to think seriously. After thinking about it,

“Then let’s [palm]”

“If you have the blessing of the Mother Goddess, you can relax.”

Little Kakawa was afraid that placer gold wouldn’t know, so he even explained it carefully.

“【Palm-to-palm is a small ritual. We put our palms together and read the prayer to Fingo’s mother, and she will bless us.”

“If you don’t know how, we can teach you.”

Sha Jin smiled after hearing this.

“It’s okay, I will”

“Of course I will.”

Sha Jin said, and his memory seemed to go back to a long, long time ago.

In that long time, the sky there was gloomy and it was raining heavily.

And under the heavy rain, there was a pair of siblings.

“We have to say goodbye here, Kakawafu”

“The Kartikas are coming.”

My sister said, she was ready to sacrifice herself.

But little Kakawafu didn’t understand at all.


“The Kartikas have already taken away all our money, food, and killed our parents…what more do they want?”

Little Kakawa sobbed, he didn’t understand


“The Katikas are bloodthirsty, cruel and greedy”

“They want it all, so they get nothing.”

My sister comforted me.

“It’s a ruse, a revenge”

“remember? Today is [Kakawa] day and it is also your birthday”

“They knew that the Awegin people would hold a festival on this day”

“With this rain, they will come and destroy our caravan and take everything they want”

“But the Katika people didn’t know that this time we would resist the men in black and would stand by our side.”

“The Kartika people have no chance of winning against them and will definitely pay the price for their arrogance.”

My sister comforted me. This was a designed situation.

“Without this rain, the Katikas would not have moved and we would not have had a chance to maneuver.”

“These are all gifts from the Mother Goddess, and you are [Kakawasha]. Your good luck will bless your sister’s success.”

Sister is ready

“But…but someone will die, and you will be in danger……”

“How lucky is this! why are you doing this……”

Little Kakavasya didn’t understand, and he didn’t want to lose his sister.

However, my sister is ready to sacrifice herself

“The Ewegin people must avenge themselves.”

“Mother Goddess is calling me, Mom and Dad are waiting for me, I must answer”

“But she gives you good luck and wants you to live”

“As long as you live, Avigion’s, your blood will never be drained.”

Sister doesn’t want to put Kakavasya in danger.

“So, run! Kakavasya, don’t be afraid, don’t look back! Go to the other side of the mountain!”

“The rain will always be with you and the rain will bless you!”


“And we will meet again under the next aurora of [Kakahua]……”

So saying.

My sister had already exchanged palms with Kakawasha.

A big palm, covering that small hand

“【May the Mother Goddess close your eyes three times……】”

“【Let your blood flow forever……】”

“【The journey is always safe……】”

“【The trick is never exposed】”

“Goodbye, Kakawafu.”

That was the last farewell of two people.

In that heavy rain, someone had already left.

What sounded after that was the interstellar peace broadcast

【Interstellar Peace Broadcast News: A spokesman for the company’s market development department confirmed that a small-scale rebellion broke out in Tsigania, the unowned star region, and the situation has been effectively controlled.……】

【The rebels came from a local clan called Katika. The clan has long been dissatisfied with the company and has had a serious negative impact on the local work of the Marketing Department.……】

【The Ewegin clan, now under the protection of the company, launched a large-scale attack that left 6,728 people dead and 3,452 missing. The injured have now been received by the medical rescue organization Trauma Front……】

【The spokesperson expressed deep condolences for this serious humanitarian disaster, and at the same time, delivered an important speech to all Star Citizens on this matter……】

【Finally, he said that the giant hammer of protection will fall for all lives, regardless of life or death, regardless of race, regardless of ideology, in order to defend our basic rights that we are born with.……】

This was the past.

His sister also died on that occasion.

Such a past can’t help but make people feel a little sad.

【Fonina: Were the Ewegins ever under the protection of the company? So that’s it】

【Navilette: Were the Ewegins able to defeat the Kartikas because they were under the protection of the company?】

【Nasida: But it’s obvious that there are limits to what the company can do.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It seemed like they went through a very brutal battle before defeating the Katika people.】

【March 7: In that battle, did Sha Jin’s sister stay there forever?】

【Star: They are great】

【Himeko: That’s right! They are brave warriors who resist massacre and injustice.】

【Black Tower: This situation is common in a disordered place. Without a strong leadership force, war and death are inevitable.】

【Screwgum: Sand Jin’s parents and sister both died in the hands of the Katika people. This is also a tragedy.】

【March 7: It seems like the company does good things occasionally.】

【Topa:……Why do you feel like our company is so bad?】

【Bronya: Uh……】

【March 7: Uh……】

【Sand Gold: Hahaha! Don’t worry too much, don’t worry too much, sometimes things are just like that】

【Sha Jin: Then, get ready for a perfect performance. 】

Sha Jin and Xiao Kakavafu finished high-fiving each other and were filled with emotions for a while.

“Kakava complex……”

He looked back and saw that little Kakawafu had disappeared.


After speaking softly, Sand Jin followed and came to the red curtain.

He adjusted it slightly.

“Okay, the actors are in place, it’s time for the show to begin”

“This performance is dedicated to you, I hope it will leave you with unforgettable memories……”

Sand Jin prayed devoutly, then turned around and looked.

Although there was still no one there, he was ready


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