Because of the jet lag, it was early morning in Los Angeles at this moment!

The whole city is quiet, with only a few iconic buildings shining a few lights.

Jiang Fan drove the spacecraft and landed directly in front of Jiang's house.

Then as soon as the spacecraft was retracted, Jiang Fan had stepped into Jiang's house.

"Wang Yi!"

Accompanied by Jiang Fan's low drink, an excited scream suddenly sounded in the Evil Spirit Well!


In the next moment, Wang Yi and others had all rushed out of the well!

Jiang Fan glanced briefly, and suddenly felt relieved!

Fortunately, there is no downsizing, everyone is here!

But in the next moment, two groups of real anger suddenly lit up in his eyes!

Although none of them died, almost everyone was injured!

Brother Douglas is okay, but Zhenzi's soul body has faded by 30%, Lu Bu's body is covered with scorches, and his chest is covered with dried blood.

As for Yue Jianhan, he was being held by Lu Bu at the moment, his chest was pierced by a sharp weapon, and his hand was twisted!

"grown ups!"

"Foster father!"

"Brother Jiang Fan!"

Everyone was excited when they saw Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan is back, it means that the Jiang family at this moment is solid, who will die!

And Jiang Fan had already stepped to Yue Jianhan's face and grasped his wrist!

next moment!

"Oh shit!!"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared!

Yue Jianhan is not only a superficial injury, he has lost too much blood at the moment, and there is a strange energy in his body rushing around, almost destroying all the meridians of Yue Jianhan's right hand!

Even though Xiaoyue is still alive now, his whole person has been abandoned!

Jiang Fan trembled, the fierce light in his eyes almost overflowed his eyes!

However, he suppressed his anger and checked the injuries of Lu Bu and Sadako.

Lü Bu was okay, his foundation was solid, but his true qi was incomparably disordered, and it was almost drying up.

Obviously it was caused by the unhealed injury, and the desperately hanging Yue Jianhan!

As for Sadako, her soul body is dim, at least half of her cultivation base has been lost!

More importantly, Jiang Fan just discovered that the ancient Aztec gold coin on Wang Yi's neck was missing one!

Obviously, Wang Yi died once!

Jiang Fan's eyes twitched, and his murderous intent was almost to the limit!

"Okay! Very good! No matter who it is, I want you to die without a whole body!!"


Jiang Fan actually bit a tooth in hatred!

"Master, Xiaoyue..."

Wang Yi looked worried.

"Don't worry, since I'm back, he will never have an accident!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand as he spoke!

"Boom boom!"

The seven cultivation tanks obtained from the ruins were all thrown out by Jiang Fan!

"Xiaobu, if you put Xiaoyue in, you and Zhenzi will also enter to recover!"

Long Yan suffered a mortal injury at the beginning, but after only soaking in the culture solution for a few hours, he recovered his life. Although Yue Jianhan's injuries were severe, they could definitely be cured!

Seeing the three of them enter the training trough, Jiang Fan finally looked at Wang Yi.

"what is the problem?"

"Master, it was too sudden!"

Wang Yi sighed, and then began to tell.

"At midnight today, we were about to take a rest. At this moment, a strange man suddenly rushed in!"

"The man asked if it was the Jiang family."

"I went to answer, but the man grabbed me."

"I felt that something was wrong, so I hurriedly used gold coins, and the person killed me directly!"

"Curtis and the others were furious, and immediately started!"

"But just as Curtis shot, the man said-found it!"

"Then I didn't see how he did it, Curtis got into his hands."

"After that, Xiaobu and the others made their moves one after another. As a result, the person raised his hand and thundered out a beam of thunder. Xiaobu and the others were seriously injured without a single blow!"

"The worst thing is Xiaoyue. The man seemed to be very jealous when he saw Xiaoyue's swordsmanship. He also said that it is definitely a big trouble for Xiaoyue to grow up. Not only did he slap Xiaoyue with a palm, he also crushed Xiaoyue's sword. , Stabbed the remaining half of the sword into Xiao Yue!"

"Later, Sadako reluctantly settled the man, and we entered the well."

"The man originally wanted to chase him down, but he smashed the well a few times and found that he was not impressed, so he left..."

Wang Yi's narration was intermittent.

And Jiang Fan looked at the middle of Jiang's house.

Just looking at it, his heart sank!

There are hardly any traces of hands in the yard!

This can only prove that the other party's attack did not leak half of it, and they all hit Xiaoyue firmly!

And the master who can control the energy to such precision must be the master!

But even if you are a master, you are dead!

"Pharaoh, you just said that the other party saw Curtis shot and said'found it'?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly.

"Yes, the purpose of looking at each other is for Curtis!"

Wang Yi's face is determined!

"Then do you remember what that person looked like?"


"Okay, you say, I paint!"


Following Wang Yi’s prompts, Jiang Fan kept making corrections, and soon, a lifelike portrait was completed!

The picture shows a middle-aged man with a square face, half-length hair, a round beard around his mouth, and a strong build. On his wrist, he also wears two arm guards!

"It's him! Master, it's him!"

Seeing the completion of Jiang Fan's paintings, Wang Yi suddenly felt refreshed!

"Immediately take this picture, send it to everyone, and check! Be sure to find out who he is!"

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth!


At this moment!


With a sudden brake sound, several cars have stopped to the door.

When the car door opened, Zhong Shu, Yu Guangzi and others had already rushed into the Jiang Mansion.


As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Uncle Zhong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uncle Zhong, are you all right?"

"It's okay, master, have you found out who it is?"

"No, but according to Wang Yi's description, the person has been drawn. I believe there will be clues soon."

"That's good, young master, no matter who it is this time, we must use thunder means! Don't want to subdue the other party anymore, otherwise there will be more imitators, and our Jiang family will never have peace!"

Uncle Zhong looked murderous!

Everyone was shocked!

It was the first time they saw Uncle Zhong like this!

The former butler of the Jiang family finally revealed a little bit of decisiveness!

"I understand, no matter who it is this time, he must die!"

Jiang Fan's tone is equally gloomy!

But at this moment Yuguangzi suddenly came over.

He hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Mr. Jiang, I've heard Wang Yi talk about this before, and that person's actions seem a bit like our cultivators..."


Jiang Fan was startled!

"Well! The ability to wave a hand into thunder seems to be the Five Thunders Fa-rectification, and in this air, the vitality of the world is obviously thinner than elsewhere. Of course, this is just my guess..."

Yuguangzi smiled embarrassedly.

But Jiang Fan's expression moved slightly.

Before listening to Wang Yi's account, he thought that the other party was a strong person who cultivated the internal strength of the Thunder system. After all, the cultivator has always been physically weak, and he should definitely not be able to crush Yue Jianhan's long sword!

But now I heard Yu Guangzi tell me that his ability to wave his hands into thunder really seemed a bit like a cultivator!

"Master Yuguangzi, have you seen this person?"

As Jiang Fan said, he directly handed the portrait to Yuguangzi.

Yuguangzi shook his head suddenly.

"Haven't seen...Huh?"

At this moment, Yu Guangzi suddenly looked at the arm guard on the man's hand.

"This thing seems to be a mustard bracelet!"

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