The magic weapon of the cultivator can only be used by the cultivator!

This is an iron law!

And the only ones that can be used normally are the body protection jade pendant and the pill.

"Master Yuguangzi, you look carefully, is it right?"

Jiang Fan's complexion condensed!

This pair of armguards was the thing that impressed Wang Yi the most. After all, he was caught by the other side's neck at the time!

" can't be wrong! But the stripes here are a bit wrong, if so..."

As Yuguangzi said, he took the paintbrush and changed it a little!

Suddenly, the overall feel of the painted armguards has changed!

Full of agility!

And Wang Yi's expression moved even more!

"Yes, that's it!"

Jiang Fan let out a long sigh of relief.

In other words, the one who attacked the Jiang family this time was really a cultivator!

I'm not afraid of the other person's background, I'm afraid of not knowing the other person's identity!

Now that there is a big goal, it's easy!

"Can you tell which sect belongs to?"

"I can't see this. There are too many sects for cultivation, and there are too many scattered people, and each sect has its own methods. Even the most qualified cultivator now, I dare not say that I can recognize all of them. The technique of the sect."

Yuguangzi shook his head helplessly.

The others frowned.

"Cultivator? What are they doing with Curtis?"

"Could it be that this old guy stole something from someone?"

"Impossible, how many sects of cultivation have we only met?"

"Is there anything in him that the cultivator wants?"

A group of people are clueless and anxious.

But Jiang Fan suddenly sneered.

He finally understood why this cultivator wanted to kidnap Curtis!

"You are right, he does have something that a cultivator wants!"

Jiang Fan slowly spit out a foul breath!

"What they want is Curtis' summoning technique!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone was shocked!



Jiang Fan nodded.

"The monster corpses that we traded with those cultivators were all summoned by Curtis!"

"Such a huge benefit, no one will not be jealous!"

"Don't forget, it was for these things not long ago that the Casting Sect and the Jingling Sect went to war!"

"And grabbing Curtis is equivalent to mastering the source of these monster corpses!"

"The other party, I'm afraid it was premeditated!"

Everyone was stunned!

That's right!

Only this kind of answer can explain why the other party has to catch Curtis!

As an adult, he can see through the purpose of the other party at a glance!

Everyone was refreshed!

"But sir, even if we know the purpose of the other party, we still have no idea who Curtis was taken away!"

"No! There are still clues!"

Jiang Fan had completely recovered his calm at this moment, and he spoke while rubbing his brows.

"Since the other party knows Curtis, it must be the trading partner of Jing Lingzong! And it must be the trading partner with backing!"

Jiang Fan suddenly looked at Yuguangzi!

"Jing Lingzong's trading partners, especially those with backers, arrange all the information of these people and give them to me!"

"Yes! I will do it right away!"

Yuguangzi agreed and immediately started writing.

The others' expressions moved.

"Master, Jing Lingzong's trading partner is indeed suspicious, but Qingyunmen, is it more suspicious?"

The Cloud Tower of Qingyunmen knows the Jiang family far more than ordinary people, and they found the Jiang family along this line!

But Jiang Fan shook his head.

"It can't be Qingyunmen! It's even more impossible to leak news from them!"

"The last time Yunlou came over, I already gave him a clear analysis. Qingyunmen has been drawn into this benefit alliance by me. It will be the largest distributor of the Jinglingzong in the future. Once the Jinglingzong gets bigger, it will benefit from it. The most are them!"

"Not only will these people not leak, but in order to prevent others from picking up leaks, their mouths will definitely be stricter than Jing Lingzong!"

"The problem will only lie with the trading partners of the Jing Lingzong!"

Jiang Fan's tone is very certain!

"In that case, is there really something wrong with the trading partners of the Jing Lingzong?"

Wang Yi frowned.

"Yes! And I suspect that there may be more power behind this! Let a grandmaster take action casually, this is definitely not the little sects that trade with the Jing Lingzong, or even the first-class sects of the Casting Sect. It can be done!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke out, the rest of the people were suddenly shocked!

"Better than Caster Sect?"

"What kind of power does that have to be?"

"If it is true, I am afraid it is no longer under the seven giants!"

"Damn it! The Zhou family hasn't solved it yet, and now such a force has popped up again!"

The crowd looked solemn.

But Jiang Fan's face was still dull.

"Don't make noise, go and rest!"


"Brother Fan, how can we have a rest?"

"Yes! This is the situation now..."

Before the crowd had finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already looked at them coldly.

"What's going on now? It's just a provocation by a big power! Don't say it's just like the seven giants, the Council of Illumination and Solomon's Key are both played by me. It's just a big power, it's a fart!"

Everyone trembled!

Then suddenly there was a sense of pride!

Jiang Fan was right, the seven giants and four families, which one was not tempered by Jiang Fan!

And let alone them, on the Bermuda Islands, two of the six major forces were destroyed, and the rest of the four parties have all become Jiang Fan's followers. With such a strength, even if the other party is also a behemoth, what can it be!

For a time, everyone completely regained their confidence!

"Yes! There are adults, and the rest of the forces are a shit!"

"Listen to Brother Fan, go and rest!"

"Fulfill your spirit, **** it!"

Everyone stopped staying and all returned to the room!

Seeing the others go back, Jiang Fan finally frowned.

At the end of this time, Jiang Fan was ready to deal with the Zhou family, but he didn't expect this to happen!

Normally, since the other party wants Curtis to summon monsters, he will definitely not worry about his life!

It's just that the business of Jing Lingzong is in full swing at this moment. It is the critical moment. Without Curtis, and Justin is not a weapon, the blow to this business is simply huge!

The most important thing is that Curtis is his friend!

Yes, unknowingly, Jiang Fan has gradually taken off his guard against this group of people. From the very beginning, he has regarded them as his true friends!

For friends, Jiang Fan never stingy to give!

To deal with Zhou's family, just wait a little longer!

As for this, in case there are any variables...

Oh shit!


I have paid so much for you, you must take care of you!

Jiang Fan sighed deeply, then suddenly turned around and entered the villa!

At this moment, there was no one in the villa, and Jiang Fan had already uttered a low voice!

"System! Perform the rescue mission of Poseidon!"

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