God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1398: Repay the money on the spot

However, Jiang Fan smiled in the face of Tiadora, whose eyes were hot.

"Release you... it's not time yet!"


Tiadora was taken aback!

Does this kid see that I have bad intentions?

damn it!

It must be that the look in my eyes was too obvious!

"Hehe, Jiang Fan, if you don't release me, you will lose!"

"Lost? How do you know?"

Jiang Fan looked curious!

"Isn't this obvious? Look at the comparison of the strengths of the two sides! Beckett not only has the most powerful Effort, but also the undead ghost ship, but your side? It's just a group of miscellaneous troops! No mine Help, you will lose!"

Tiadora hurriedly analyzed the situation!


"If you lose, you lose! So what?"

Jiang Fan shrugged his shoulders, his face didn't matter!

Tiadora was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"You, are you afraid of losing?"

"What am I afraid of? I'm not a pirate. What does this group of clutter have to do with me?"

Jiang Fan sneered!

Tiadora won't be anymore!

If Jiang Fan doesn't care about the life and death of these pirates, then there is indeed no need to release himself now!

But even if you didn't gather the nine pirate kings before!

Now the nine tokens are on Jiang Fan, as long as he opens his mouth, he can release himself!

This feeling of seeing freedom right in front of her, but can't get it, is a hundred times more painful than when she was first sealed!

"Jiang Fan! Listen to me, you don't care about the life and death of these pirates, but don't forget, release me and you will unblock the compass! You can also get five pieces of my collection! And..."

Tiadora hurriedly spoke, but Jiang Fan interrupted her before she finished speaking!

"I don't know what the compass does. Besides, your five collections are all random. Who knows what I can pick? If it's a few worthless items, then I'm losing a lot? "

Jiang Fan laughed!

Tiadora was taken aback!

But she was the Seagod who didn't know how long she had lived, and she knew too much about the human world, so she immediately reacted!



It turned out that I didn't want to release me, I just wanted to bargain with me!

But since you want benefits, you have to listen to me!

"Hehehe, Jiang Fan, do you want me to give you more benefits, right? It's a pity that you and mine have reached a contract and cannot be changed!"

Tiadora smiled weirdly!


"That's really a pity! It seems that it doesn't make much sense to let you go!"

As Jiang Fan said, he took out the nine tokens and took a look at them!

As soon as he saw the nine tokens, Tiadora trembled all over!


This is the props needed for freedom!

But at this moment!


When Jiang Fan played with Villanueva's glass bottle necklace, he seemed to exert too much force, and he actually pinched the glass bottle with a crack!


Tia Doma suddenly screamed, cold sweat bursting out of her head!

Once the nine tokens were damaged, she would have to be trapped in this body forever!

The panicked Tiadora couldn't care about bargaining anymore, and stared at Jiang Fan firmly!

"what on earth do you want!"

"What do I want, you should know best, right?"

Jiang Fan smiled meaningfully.


Tiadora flatly refused!

But she explained immediately.

"We have reached a contract, which is absolutely unchangeable! Even me, it cannot be violated!"

"Of course I won't let you go against it, but you can always work around it!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

"What do you mean?"

Tiadora was taken aback!

"Meaning, we can change the way, such as increasing the bet!"

"Increase the bet?"

"Yes! Didn't you say that without your help, we would definitely lose in this battle? Then I will use this as a bet. If I really lose, then I will release you immediately and unconditionally!"


Tiadora's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Then what if you win?"

"It's very simple. Of those five pieces of your personal collection, you must give me three legendary collections!"

"Impossible! Only one at most!"



Tiadora was dumbfounded, but Jiang Fan had never thought that Jiang Fan would have promised so happily!

its not right! How can this kid be so greedy...

She was stunned, and suddenly reacted, it turned out that Jiang Fan originally planned to only need one!

However, if Jiang Fan only said one thing at the beginning, maybe the price would have to be pushed to the gold level by Tiadora!

This is the essence of bargaining!

Asking prices all over the sky, pay them back on the spot!

Thinking about this, Tiadora became more angry with Jiang Fan, and he could hardly wait to tear him to pieces now!

"Okay! But the premise is that you can't take part in the battle yourself!"

Humph! Boy, my advantage is not so good!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan nodded directly as if he had expected it!


Tiadora was startled!

She originally thought Jiang Fan was going to do it herself, so she put forward this harsh condition, but Jiang Fan obviously didn't intend to do it herself!

Strange, does this kid have any hole cards?

do not care!

"Also! Whether you win or lose, you have to release me immediately!"

Tiadora made a second request!

"of course!"

Jiang Fan smiled with great joy!

Because since Tia Dorma spoke, the quest reminder has changed!

Salvation of Poseidon: Collect the tokens of the nine pirate kings and release Calypso, the Poseidon!

Current progress:

Jack Sparrow’s Siamese Coin: 1/1

Hector Barbosa's false eyes: 1/1

Xiaofeng's Jade Knot: 1/1

Armand's shot glass: 1/1

Chavale's cards: 1/1

Mrs. Qing's glasses: 1/1

Jocard's Tobacco Knife: 1/1

Sumbaji Anglia's snuff bottle: 1/1

Eduardo Villanueva's glass bottle necklace: 1/1

mission rewards:

1. Unblock the "North Pointer"!

2. Randomly select five pieces of Tiadora's private collection!

Task Remarks: The grades of the private collections of Tiadora are drawn, ranging from Dark Iron grade to Legendary grade!

Task Remark 2: Because the host and Tiadora have increased their stakes, once the pirate fleet cannot defeat the Beckett fleet, all rewards will disappear! If the pirate fleet defeats the Beckett fleet, among the five pieces of Tiadora’s private collection,

A legendary item will inevitably be drawn out!

It's done!

But at this time Tiadora sneered!

"Jiang Fan! This time you are determined to lose! Don't forget, there is a flying Dutchman on the opposite side! With David Jones and his sea monsters, this group of pirates has no chance of turning over!"

"Then let us wait and see!"

Jiang Fan clicked the corner of his mouth and turned around suddenly!


Following Jiang Fan's order, the Black Pearl rushed away!

The Endeavor and the Ghost Ship are also forward!

The fleets of both sides all followed behind several flagships and started to advance too!


Just when several flagships were about to enter the opponent's range, they stopped almost at the same time!

"let's start!"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly!

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