As Jiang Fan spoke, a group of crew members quickly put down a small boat.

Jack, Barbosa and Elizabeth got into the boat directly and rowed to a beach not far away!

On the opposite side, the Ghost Ship and the Endeavour also put down their boats, and rowed towards the beach as well!

This is exactly the scene that Jiang Fan arranged according to the original plot!

Let the two parties negotiate!

Seeing that both sides had reached the beach, Jiang Fan took a deep breath, and then suddenly jumped off the boat!


Jiang Fan is like a real swimming fish, falling into the sea only a few ripples!

Tiadora was stunned!

She had never seen a human being so good at water!

"Where is he going?"

Tiadora suddenly looked to Holly to one side!

But Holly just chuckled and didn't answer at all!


Tiadora snorted bitterly!

But she immediately showed a smug smile!

Jiang Fan, you are determined to lose!

And Jack and others have already boarded that piece of white sand at the moment!

Opposite them, headed by the short-sized Beckett, Wiltner and David Jones were standing one by one!

As soon as he saw Wiltner, Barbosa snarled and roared!

"Asshole! So you betrayed us and helped Beckett find the people in Shipwreck Bay!"

No wonder that in such a secret place in Shipwreck Bay, Beckett found it directly!

It turns out that there is an internal response!


"Tsk tut, Captain Barbosa, you blame the wrong person, the real culprit is on your left!"

Beckett smiled!

Barbossa and Elizabeth were taken aback, and they all looked to their left!

There, it is Jack!


Jack chuckled!

And the next plot is the same as in the original book, the two sides exchanged Jack and Wiltner after flipping their mouths!

Jack was naturally handed over to David Jones!

And when he saw Jack coming by his side, David Jones gave a gloomy smile!

"Tell me, Jack, are you afraid of death?"

"...I won't tell you!"

Jack panicked!

Pray secretly at the same time!

Boss Jiang Fan, there must be something wrong with your plan!

I don’t want to really serve on the ghost ship and become a monster with an octopus face in the end!

But Beckett looked at Elizabeth triumphantly!

"Tell your pirates, you can resist, but the result will be all perished! Or you give up resisting, then only a large part of it will die!"

"Dreaming! You killed my father, I won't let you go!"

Elizabeth looked at Beckett angrily!

"He chose his destiny!"

Beckett pouted!

"Then you chose yours too!"

Elizabeth spoke coldly!

"We will fight to the end, and we will win! Because of us, Jiang Fan!"

"Jiang Fan?"

Beckett was obviously taken aback!

And Elizabeth had no more words, turned around and left!

"Jiang Fan? Jiang Fan is here?"

Wiltner caught up with Elizabeth and asked in a low voice with surprise!


Elizabeth also laughed!

Soon, both sides returned to their boats!

And Jiang Fan also jumped up from the water wet, and jumped onto the Black Pearl again!

"Jiang Fan!"

When he saw Jiang Fan, Wiltner's face suddenly looked happy!

"Hi, long time no see!"

Jiang Fan also smiled and said hello!

"Jiang Fan, what shall we do next?"

Elizabeth asked!

"Go to war!"

Jiang Fan suddenly looked at the group of pirate ships behind him!


With this roar, the Black Pearl has already rushed over!

On the opposite side, the Ghost Ship and the Endeavor are also sprinting like crazy!

Obviously, above the sea, whoever kills the other's flagship first will have the first opportunity!

A group of pirates hesitated for a moment, and then slowly followed, and at the same time they were all ready to run away!

"Hehe, Jiang Fan, you will definitely lose miserably! Have you seen those pirates? They won't fight sincerely. Once the Black Pearl sinks, they will definitely run faster than the hurricane!"

Flowers are almost blooming on Tiadora's smiling face!

However, Jiang Fan is also laughing!

"Dear Seagod, I know what these guys are better than you. They are indeed a bunch of bad guys, but they also have an advantage! Do you know what it is?"

"What is it?"

Tiatoma suddenly felt as if he had missed something!

And Jiang Fan has slowly spoken!

"That is, they are better than anyone in the tailwind fight!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Fan had already turned his right hand!

In his hand, there was an extra heart that was still beating!

"This, this is—"

Tiadora's eyes widened suddenly!

"That's right! This is the heart of Davy Jones! Otherwise, what did you think I went to the sea just now?"

Jiang Fan laughed!

Just now, he just sneaked into the Endeavor and took away Davy Jones' heart silently!

At this moment, the Black Pearl, the Ghost Ship and the Endeavor have all entered the opponent's artillery range!

"System! Submit allegiance mission!"

"Ding! The task submission is complete! Congratulations to the host for completing the side task-allegiance!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the ghost ship, the Flying Dutchman (with all crew members)!"


With a white light flashing, Jiang Fan has completely mastered the entire ghost ship in an instant!


With Jiang Fan's roar, the muzzles of the Black Pearl and the Ghost Ship opened at the same time, and they suddenly aimed at the effort!

next moment!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The deafening cannon fire resounded through the sky in an instant!

The sawdust on the Effort, which had not yet reacted, flew up, the various equipment on the deck was bombarded by a powerful explosion, and the bones of countless crew members were lost!


"Ah!! My legs!!"


"What's going on! What happened!"

"Ah!!! Help!!"


The piercing screams and the violent artillery fire were intertwined, and almost instantly, the Effort had turned into a sea of ​​flames!

Everyone was stunned!

I can't believe my eyes!

The ghost ship of the navy team actually rebelled!

But this is not over yet!


Accompanied by a deafening roar, among the neatly charging naval fleet, countless huge tentacles suddenly rose!

These tentacles shook frantically, tearing a warship to pieces almost instantly!

It's a sea monster!

"No, it's impossible!"

Beckett watched this scene blankly!

"Is David Jones crazy? Does he want to die! Come on! Kill me—"

It's a pity that before he finished speaking, his confidant ran over with a look of fear!

"My lord! Nothing! Davy Jones' heart is gone!"


Beckett froze!

Despite the explosion and rumbling around, he seemed to have lost his soul!

But a group of pirates was overjoyed!

"Hahaha! It turns out that the ghost ship belongs to us!"

"The Endeavor is dead! Go! Get rid of the **** of the East India Company!"

"Master Jiang Fan is mighty!"

"As expected of Master Jiang Fan! He is a veritable pirate emperor!"

"Flush! Flush! Hahaha!"

The pirates who were going to run away rushed to the navy frantically at a speed faster than the Black Pearl!

At this moment, the navy queue is in chaos!

"David Jones betrayed!"

"Asshole! Asshole!"

"Damn sea monster!"

"Not good! Effort is about to sink soon!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

With the desperate screams of the East India Company navy and the effortless sinking slowly, the battle is set!

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