God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1422: What's your name and you don't have




With Jiang Fan's constant bombardment, everyone found that something was wrong!

Zhou Yuanhai's true qi recovered quickly, but the ion cannon wore off faster!

Zhou Yuanhai obviously discovered this too, and struggled harder!

However, on the one hand, he wants to maintain his body guard's true energy, and he doesn't have much energy to break free from Jiang Fan's restraint!

In other words, he was clearly waiting for death!

"no no!"

Zhou Yuanhai panicked and howled desperately!

But Jiang Fan is like a machine, not talking or making a sound, just silently, constantly, and constantly firing ion cannons!

"No! Help! Help!!!"

Zhou Yuanhai became more flustered, and finally screamed directly!

At this moment, seeing death getting closer and closer, his whole person has been completely filled with fear!

Hearing Zhou Yuanhai's screams, the crowd felt all trembling!

Compared to Jiang Fan's thunderous method of killing Zhou Yuanqi, Zhou Yuanhai's dying howl is even more frightening!

The grand master, in Jiang Fan's hands, could only wait to die!

How desperate it should be!


Along with the bombardment of the ion cannon, Zhou Yuanhai's body guard's true energy has completely disappeared!

And that bright blue light had completely locked his head!

"Do not!!"

Zhou Yuanhai suddenly let out a cry of despair!

next moment!


The beam accompanied by the ion cannon blasted out for the last time--


Zhou Yuanhai's head was almost like a watermelon, completely fried into a ball of powder!

be quiet!

It's quiet!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with fear!

Looked at this man who was like a demon, who had tortured and killed a grandmaster alive!


Jiang Fan put away the iron-blood suit and suddenly looked at Zhou Yantang with a smile!

"Don't, don't come here..."

Zhou Yantang trembled all over!

The previous fights with Jiang Fan had already planted the seeds of fear for Jiang Fan in his heart!

And Jiang Fan, who killed the Grandmaster at this moment, has completely become his nightmare!

"Don't be afraid, I won't kill you!"

Jiang Fan smiled and walked to Zhou Yantang's side, then lowered his head, and slowly whispered a few words in his ear!

"you you……"

Zhou Yantang looked at Jiang Fan with fear!

And Jiang Fan has slowly floated down from the roof of the house, and walked towards Qiuyuan Peak step by step!

Seeing Jiang Fan coming, the crowd cut a path directly!

And those masters of the Cao family didn't even dare to put a fart, they just surrounded Cao Shanqing trembling all over!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan didn't even look at them, just looked at Qiu Yuanfeng with a smile on his face!

At this moment, Qiu Yuanfeng was sweating and his eyes were dull, and his whole person seemed to be demented!

He never dreamed that a dead end against Jiang Canvas would become a joke now!

What's even more ridiculous is that this dead end was actually arranged by Jiang Fan for him!

In vain, he claims to be Jiang Fan's strongest opponent, but only now has he discovered that he is nothing compared to Jiang Fan!

"Ms. Qiu, why are you silent? Didn't you talk a lot before?"

Jiang Fan said with a chuckle.

"You, you, little beast..."

Qiu Yuanfeng's face was twisted, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Jiang Fan!

"Don't be so excited, watch out for the blood flowing backwards, and **** yourself off! Ah! By the way, you are missing one thing, the blood flow should not be so fast!"

Jiang Fan didn't get angry at all, but smiled viciously!


Qiu Yuanfeng trembled and placed a hand on his lower body subconsciously!

"Why? It hurts again? No? Isn't it all right after so long?"

Jiang Fan spoke with a grin.

"Beast! Little beast! I'm going to kill you!"

Qiu Yuanfeng was almost mad, and he suddenly drew a soft sword from his waist, and suddenly stabbed Jiang Fan!

Looking at the lightning-like moves, they turned out to be evil swordsmanship!

Qiu Yuanfeng actually got it done!

It's a pity that even if it is the same evil swordsmanship, he is far worse than Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan didn't even move his footsteps, already avoiding all Qiu Yuanfeng's moves in an instant, and then suddenly bent his knees and slammed Qiu Yuanfeng's crotch!


A muffled sound!


With a miserable cry of Qiu Yuanfeng, Jiang Fan jumped more than two meters high!

Then he smashed to the ground with twitching all over, and wailed in tears!

Everyone saw the scalp tingling!

And Jiang Fan is still laughing!

"Mr. Qiu, stop calling, you don't have one!"

"Bastard!! Beast! Beast!!"

Qiu Yuanfeng was hurt and angry, and coupled with the endless humiliation of being humiliated by Jiang Fan, his whole spirit almost collapsed!

At this moment, he just thinks he is a clown!

"President Qiu! How are you doing? Are you okay?"

At this moment, Qiu Lu hurriedly supported him!

When I saw Qiu Lu, Qiu Yuanfeng suddenly thought of something!

Then he laughed with surprise on his face!

"Jiang Fan, do you think you won? No! I still have Wan Wu!"

"So? He is only eleventh level, do you think he can kill me?"

Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously!

"Yes, he can't kill you!"

Qiu Yuanfeng smiled gloomily!

"But he can kill himself!"

With Qiu Yuanfeng's voice falling!


Wan Wu suddenly stuck a thin needle to his forehead!

As long as the force is applied, this fine needle, which is even more terrifying than a sniper rifle, will completely explode his own head!

"Hehehe, Jiang Fan, how is it? I don't want your friend to die, so just kneel down for me now!!"

Qiuyuanfeng laughed!

However, Jiang Fan just looked at him like a fool!

"You, what are you looking at? Don't you kneel down!"

Qiu Yuanfeng screamed frantically!

"Qiu Yuanfeng, you are really crazy!"

Jiang Fan suddenly sighed!

"The best thing you should do now is to threaten me with Wan Wu's life and let me let you go instead of making me kneel!"

"Hehehe, what nonsense are you talking about! Now the initiative is in my hands! You have to listen to me!"

Qiu Yuanfeng looked crazy!

"I said you were crazy! Do you really think that the initiative is in your hands?"

The ridicule on Jiang Fan's face grew stronger!

"What do you mean?"

Qiu Yuanfeng was stunned!

And Jiang Fan finally sighed!

"You don't want to ask me, why didn't I have any other reaction after seeing Wan Wu?"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, Qiu Yuanfeng's heart suddenly twitched!

He vaguely felt that he had fallen into another trap of Jiang Fan!

But he still couldn't help but follow Jiang Fan's meaning to ask questions!

"Why, why?"

"Because I knew that Wan Wu is still alive!"

"Impossible! How could you know!"

Qiu Yuanfeng was completely stunned!

"Well, then explain it!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Before, the Zhou family sent two Zhou Ming to kill you, but they died instead. I was very curious about how you had the ability to kill tenth level at that time, so I looked at the scene specially!"

"Guess what I found? That's right, it's the traces of Miaowu Tianluo!"

"And then coldly turned to us, it confirmed my guess!"

"Do you think Mingyue deliberately fell into your hands, just to send me a message? No, because I still need to let the coldness be sure, you brought Wan Wu to Huocheng!"

"And I know your character very well. Once you are sure that you are driving me to a dead end, you will definitely use Wanwu to show off your'achievements'!"

"And this is exactly what I need you to do!"

"You, you mean, you deliberately asked me to bring Wan Wu out?"

Qiu Yuanfeng looked dull!

"Correct! Because only by my side can I really guarantee that Wan Wu won't have an accident! So my dear Uncle Qiu, now, do you still think you have the initiative?"

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