Qiu Yuanfeng's mouth twitched!

The madness in my heart has been completely dissipated by Jiang Fan!

It's just that he still doesn't give up!

"Even if all of this is designed by you, so what? He has lost his mind. He is a monster with no memory, no man and no ghost in his life! If I let him die, he must die! Kneel down! I don't want to. He will kneel down to me when he dies!"

However, Jiang Fan remained indifferent, just looking at him pityingly!

"You are really stupid and hopeless! I've said so much, don't you understand? Forget it, let you witness it with your own eyes!"

"System! Use memory recovery agent! Goal, Wan Wu!"

Memory restorer: who am I? where am I? What am i doing?

Note: Injecting this item will restore the forgotten memory!

This thing is surprisingly Jiang Fan's prop from the moving maze world!

Along with Jiang Fan's silent remembrance, a white glow that only Jiang Fan could see suddenly fell on Wan Wu's head!

next moment!


Wan Wu suddenly covered his forehead!

Qiu Yuanfeng was startled, but only felt cold all over his body!

"Wan Wu! Suicide! Suicide immediately!!"

It's just a pity, no matter how he yelled, Wan Wu turned a deaf ear to everything, and suddenly roared!

next moment!


The chain that locked his neck suddenly exploded!


Wan Wu's feet were soft, and he fell to the sky!

But Jiang Fan had already stepped forward and gently supported him!

At this moment, Wan Wu breathed smoothly, apparently only the memory suddenly recovered, unable to bear it, and then fainted!


at this time!

Two piercing brakes outside the door of Cao's house suddenly sounded!

In the next moment, Qiu Mingyue had already strode into Cao's house, accompanied by Leng Qing and Yu Mingzi and others!

"Jiang Fan!"

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Qiu Mingyue couldn't help but smile!


Jiang Fan also smiled, but he could tell from the ups and downs of his chest, he was obviously relieved!

Jiang Fan simply disagrees with Qiu Mingyue pretending to be kidnapped!

But Qiu Mingyue just cuts first and then plays, and only tells Jiang Fan when he is almost fainted!

So Jiang Fan had to take advantage of the trend!

Seeing that she is indeed okay now, this is finally relieved!

And the three of Yumingzi had already flew to Jiang Fan's side, took Wan Wu directly, and then left without staying!

"Qiu Yuanfeng!!"

Seeing that everything was settled, Qiu Mingyue finally looked towards Qiu Yuanfeng firmly!

At this moment, Qiu Yuanfeng's face was sluggish, and without the slightest feeling of pride, the whole person was lying on the ground, like a dead dog!


Completely lost!

He has never lost once in his entire life like he did today!

The most important thing is that what he lost before was nothing but wealth and power, and this time, he lost only one thing——

His life!

"Hehe...Kill me!"

Qiu Yuanfeng suddenly smiled bitterly and looked at Qiu Mingyue blankly!

It's just that in those eyes, there is a rare trace of apology, a trace of regret...

Qiu Mingyue's hands trembled!

She had imagined in her heart the scene of killing Qiu Yuanfeng to avenge her parents countless times, but when it came to this day, looking at the dead dog-like man in front of her, she suddenly felt cruel!

In any case, she called the man's father for nearly twenty years after all!

Although this man is vicious and poisonous enough, he does treat himself very well sometimes!

She still remembers that when she was eight years old, she was poisoned by food. Although she was sent to the hospital, the elevator failed that day. It was this man who ran up to the twelfth floor with his breath!

She also remembered that when she was twelve years old, she had a high fever, and it was this man who left a bill of more than one billion yuan and spent the whole night in front of her hospital bed!

She still remembers...

"You, why did you kill my father! Why did you kill my mother! Say it! Say it!"

Qiu Mingyue suddenly clenched her fists and roared suddenly!

Qiu Yuanfeng was startled. At this moment, he didn't know why, he didn't dare to look into Qiu Mingyue's eyes!

But immediately, he suddenly laughed in a low voice!

"Why? Of course it is for the Qiu family's family business! Qiu Yuanshan is a waste! Why does he inherit the family business? And you! You bastard! I should have killed you long ago!"

"Damn! You're going to die anyway, you'll be buried with Lao Tzu!"

He suddenly sprang up with a hideous look, and rushed towards Qiu Mingyue!

It's just that he just sprang up!


Jiang Fan had teleported in front of him, a sword pierced his heart!

There was no surprise on Qiu Yuanfeng's face. Instead, he took a step forward and made the sword stabbing deeper!

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

But the hideous color on Qiu Yuanfeng's face had long since disappeared, so he spoke softly!

"I'm sorry for her, Qiu Lu knows, everything about me, take care of me, take good care of..."

I didn't finish talking, this hero who once betrayed the Jiang family and caused countless troubles to Jiang Fan, has slowly closed his eyes!

Qiu Yuanfeng is dead.

At this moment, Jiang Fan couldn't tell what he was feeling.

He never expected that Qiu Yuanfeng's last words would be this!

Perhaps after nearly two decades of getting along, this cruel and ruthless hero finally didn't get through the hurdle of family affection.

Or maybe it was death coming, and he suddenly felt regret.

But what can't be changed is that from beginning to end, he really didn't think about actually killing Qiu Mingyue.

Looking at Qiu Yuanfeng, Jiang Fan felt the ease of disappearance of some opponents, some unexpectedly absurdity, and some relief of revenge, but there was no joy!

"Jiang Fan! He, is he dead?"

Behind, Qiu Mingyue sounded a little trembling.

"...Well, it's dead."

Jiang Fan spoke softly.

Qiu Mingyue was silent.

for a long time.

"Jiang Fan, can you give me his body? He, after all, he has raised me for so many years, I don't want him..."


Jiang Fan did not hesitate.

"Thank you."

Qiu Mingyue looked coldly.

"Take his body, we return to Los Angeles!"

"Yes! But President Qiu, aren't we with Mr. Jiang?"


As Qiu Mingyue said, he had already walked out of Cao's house first!

Jiang Fan looked at Qiu Mingyue's back and wanted to chase him, but now, he couldn't get away at all!

Seeing that the body of Qiu Yuanfeng and Qiu Mingyue left with cold feeling, Jiang Fan finally looked at Bao Dabao coldly!

"Fan, Brother Fan..."

Bao Dabao trembled and looked at Jiang Fan pleadingly!

However, Jiang Fan was just silent.

Bao Dabao panicked!

Suddenly knelt down fiercely and hugged Jiang Fan's leg!

"Brother Fan! I, I shouldn't betray you! I was wrong! I am not a human being!"

"I beg you, let me go!"

"Our house, I am the only one left!"

"And I'm very useful! I can help you take care of Xiangzhou!"

"You believe me, I will never betray you again!"

"Brother Fan! As you said, we are brothers! Right? Right?"

Facing the begging Bao Dabao, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of sadness.

"Dabao, I told you a long time ago, do you remember it now?"

"What did you say? What, what?"

"Only those who are gracious will have a good end!"

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