God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1597: The origin of mirror and jade

In the myth of Dongying, because Suzhan Mingzun made trouble in Gaotianyuan, Amaterasu was ashamed as an older sister, and hid in the Iwato of Tianzhi (it is a cave)!

As a result, darkness between the world and the earth!

In order to get her out, Sijin, the **** of wisdom, thought of a way!

He first asked the smelting **** Isshridu to work his life, fetched Tianjian Stone from the Tianan River, and then mined the ore from Tianjin Mountain, and finally forged a dazzling Yata bronze mirror!

And because of this mirror, Isshridu is also called the Mirror God!

Afterwards, the Jade God Jade Ancestor ordered to mine the beautiful jade on the Gaotian Plain to make a beautiful and exquisite eight-foot Qionggou jade string.

Then, he mobilized the eight million gods of Gao Tianyuan to uproot the sacred tree on Tianxiang Mountain, Zhenxian tree, and transported it to the front of Tianzhi Iwato!

In the end, the Yata bronze mirror and the eight-shaku-jung gou jade string were hung on the Zhenxian tree!

All this is ready, Tianyu is sold out!

She jumped onto a big wooden barrel and began to dance frantically on the barrel!

And jumping more and more anxiously, in the end, he simply opened his clothes and exposed his body!

Eight million gods were infected by her dance, and they laughed constantly!

Amaterasu was very curious among Tenno Iwato, so he opened a gap in Tenno Iwato!

Seeing this chaotic sight, Amaterasu was furious!

When he opened his mouth, he reprimanded Tianyu for being sold!

However, Tianyu is not afraid of being sold, instead, he said that Gao Tian turned out to be a more radiant and stalwart god!

Amaterasu saw the reflection of the Yata mirror on the Zhenxian tree, and was shocked, and couldn't help but open the sky Iwato a little more!

At this moment, Hercules Tianshou Li Nan pulled Amaterasu out!

Then close the Amano Iwato!

And the flag **** cloth sword Yuming also rushed up, and directly hung the zhulian rope (a rope with ears underneath, common in shrines, with ears underneath, and children’s shoes who often read comics) in front of Iwato. , Formed an enchantment!

In this way, Amaterasu can no longer hide in!

In this mythical story, Tianyu, no matter what his strength, was sold out, he dared to taunt Amaterasu. This courage was amazing enough!

And when he came to the heavenly Sun Qiongqiongchuzun, he met the earth **** Kanda Vigu from Weibara China. Under the leadership of Kanda Vigu, Qiongqiongchuzun finally arrived at his destination!

Kuntian Pigu left, and Tianyu inherited his name when he was betrayed. From then on, he changed his name to Kunyujun, and managed the sacred stove sacrifices for the royal family for generations!

This is the origin of the female monarch!

After listening to Qiandao's narration, Jiang Fan suddenly frowned!

"The strength of this gentlewoman is very strong?"

"I don't know. She stays at Ise Jingu all year round, and almost never shows up except during the big festival!"

Qiandao shook his head:

"However, she must be stronger than you think!"

Jiang Fan nodded, noncommittal!

After a moment of hesitation, he spoke again:

"How do you know these things?"

Qiandao smiled, but Hasegawa continued:

"My lord, my mother-in-law's surname is Ashiya!"

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up!

"You are a descendant of Ashiya Daoman!"


A smile appeared at the corner of Granny Qiandao's mouth, and her eyes looked more cordial when she looked at Jiang Fan.

After all, in this day and age, being able to know Ashiya Michiman's name has already made her grateful!

Many people may not know Ashiya Michiman's name, but when it comes to his old enemy, no one knows it!

That person is known as the strongest onmyoji in the history of Dongying-Abe Haruaki!

Abe Seimei's deeds are well-known in Toyo, but Ashiya Michiman's deeds are either unverifiable or some absurd talks.

The ancestor of Abe Haruaki is Emperor Takamoto, he is a true royal blood!

Therefore, it is reasonable and reasonable for him to serve for the emperor!

And Ashiya Michiman turned to the powerhouse Fujiwara's house!

The two had a fight, Ashiya Michiman failed to curse Abe, was exiled to Harima by the court, and finally died!

Whether this matter is true or false, there is no way to verify it!

However, in historical records, Ashiya Michiman was regarded as Abe's strongest enemy!

This alone knows that this person is absolutely powerful!

Jiang Fan really didn't expect Qiandao to be in Ashiya's line!

No wonder she can drive ghosts, and Hasegawa is still sealed with the Ugly Time Girl!

The two of them don't know how to do ninjutsu, but they are proficient in this method of Yin and Yang Dao. They turned out to be Onmyoji!

And Qiandao knows so much, it makes sense!

Ashiya Dao was full of the top onmyojis of the year, and they worked for the officials, so it is not surprising that Qiandao, as his descendants, knows so many things!


Jiang Fan let out a foul breath, and finally asked the question he most wanted to ask!

"So, what the **** is that Clan of Sealing Demons?"

Qiandao did not answer, but folded his hands and directly drew out a betting rope!

This rope continued to extend, and soon rose into the air, forming a ring around everyone!

And every half a meter in the ring, there is also a yellow talisman hanging on it, and a weird big belly ghost is drawn on that yellow talisman!

The ghost opened its mouth wide, as if to devour everything!

"This is the sound-swallowing barrier created by the ancestor Ashiya Dao. Here, all of our dialogue and aura will not be spread!"

Granny Qiandao explained, and then slowly spoke:

"The Demon Sealing Clan you asked just now, this matter has to start with the Great God Amaterasu!"

Amaterasu is the elder sister of Suzhan Mingzun. Because he was teased and despised by Suzhan Mingzun, he hid in the sky of Iwato!

What did Suzhan Mingzun do? Make Amaterasu like this?

That's too much!

Because of just such a younger brother, Amaterasu is very used to him!

And Suzhan Mingzun is more and more distributing!

He not only pulled Baba on the food of the gods of Gaotianyuan, but also slaughtered Amaterasu's horse!

Just forget it, Amaterasu loves weaving, so go to the weaving factory to weave when nothing is wrong!

And Suzhan Mingzun peeled off the horse skin, carried the skinned horse and ran to the roof of the weaving factory, and threw the horse in from the roof while the sun was weaving!

Not only scared Amaterasu to death, but also hit the textile machine!

The shuttle on the spinning machine was hit and flew, directly stabbing a weaver girl to death!

Amaterasu felt ashamed of the gods because of these messy things, and had no face to see people, so he ran to Tenno Iwato to hide!

Seeing Amaterasu hiding, Suzhan Mingzun felt that she was afraid of herself!

Contempt for Amaterasu!

Regardless of the heavens and the earth, he directly turned on the death mode!

All kinds of things to choose!

The demons danced wildly between the world and the earth, and the demonic wind was everywhere!

But he is too strong, no one can do anything with him!

Therefore, the **** Sijin waited for the gods to find a way to pull Amaterasu out!

After the sky came out, he immediately began to punish Suzhan Mingzun!

The punishment wasn't too severe, except for material things, it was just cutting off his beard, pulling out his hands and nails, and drove him out of Gao Tianyuan!

For a strong man like Suzhan Mingzun, it doesn't matter if you pull out your hands and feet nails. The point is, it's shameful!

And no one will bird him anymore!

He just feels lonely and cold!

And Suzhan Mingzun, who had nowhere to go, finally met at this moment, the strongest enemy who made him famous in the first battle----

Yaqi Orochi!

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