Suzhan Mingzun left Gaotianyuan with nowhere to go.

He squatted on the upper reaches of the Feihe River, looking at the flowing water, with a blank face!

But at this moment, he saw a pair of chopsticks floating in the river!

Suzhan Mingzun immediately thought that this is someone from the upper reaches!

He walked up the river, and suddenly saw an old couple hugging and crying together!

Beside the old couple, there is a beautiful girl!

This old couple is Dashanjin Jianshen’s son, Anshi, and his wife, Shimei!

And that girl is their daughter, Qi Inada Hime!

Suzhan Mingzun found out after inquiring that a powerful monster had appeared here!

This monster eats one of their daughters every year!

And today, it happens to be the moment when the monster is about to eat their little daughter Qi Inada Hime!

The name of that monster is-Yachi Orochi!

Suzhan Mingzun fell in love with Qi Inadaji, so he promised to help them kill Yaqi Orochi, but let Qi Inadaji marry him!

Anonymous immediately agreed!

So Su Zhan Mingzun asked the Fu Mingshi and his wife to build a wall, with eight large holes on the wall.

And he let the couple brew eight barrels of spirits and put them in each of the eight holes!

After Yaqi Orochi came, he immediately smelled the aroma of wine, so he plunged his eight heads into the hole in the wall to drink!

When the Orochi Orochi drank too much, Suzhan Mingzun immediately jumped out and chopped off the eight heads of Orochi Orochi!

But when he slashed towards the tail of Yaqi Orochi, the ten-fist sword in his hand was cracked!

Suzhan Mingzun pulled off the tail of the snake and saw a sword hidden inside!

Suzhan Mingzun immediately picked up this sword and returned to Gao Tianyuan, and dedicated this sword to Amaterasu!

The Great God Amaterasu named this sword Tiancong Yunjian!

However, in later generations, when Dongying Wuzun Wa Jianming was deceived by the Wuxiang Kingdom’s national construction, he entered the wasteland. At this time, the Wuxiang Kingdom’s national construction set fire to the wasteland, and Wo Jianming used the Heavenly Cloud Sword to chop down the surrounding miscellaneous materials. Grass made a fire belt to escape, so this sword is also called Kusana sword!

And this grass naruto sword, along with the Yata mirror made by the **** of smelting Issuridu, plus the eight-foot qiong gou jade made by the jade **** Yuzu, it became the three artifacts of the East!

Suzhan Mingzun offered his sword, returned to Weiyuan China, and then took his wife Qi Inadaji to travel around the world.

Finally, one day, they came to a land that was not under the jurisdiction of the gods, and Suzhan Mingzun decided to settle here.

But when he just started to build the palace, a purple-red colored cloud suddenly appeared and slowly rose into the air!

So Suzhan Mingzun called this place, Izumo country!

Then Suzhan Mingzun spread his branches and leaves here, and his descendants began to expand their territory toward the surrounding area!

And the descendants of Suzhan Mingzun are called Guojin God!

And when Suzhan Mingzun’s sixth-generation grandson, the Great Lord God, appeared, he finally unified Weiyuan China!

Became the master of the entire Dongying!

The mother-in-law Qiandao spoke meticulously, and Jiang Fan was also fascinated by it.

But after listening, he faintly felt that something was wrong!

"Mrs. Qiandao, isn't it right? Isn't Dongying's ruler a descendant of Amaterasu? Why did he become a descendant of Suzhan Mingzun again?"

Qiandao smiled:

"Don't worry, Mr. Jiang, you will understand right away! What you really want to know is at the end of the story!"

Jiang Fan shrugged his shoulders, and Qiandao's mother-in-law has already continued to tell!

The identity of the Lord God of the Great Kingdom is very complicated. His mother is one of the other gods, one of the three gods of good fortune, and the daughter of Gao Huangchan Lingshen!

And he is the sixth-generation grandson of Suzhan Mingzun!

But at the same time, he is still Suzhan Mingzun's son-in-law!

After Suzhan Mingzun established Chuyun Kingdom, he went to live in seclusion in the land of Huangquan!

And because of being chased and killed by 80 brothers, the main **** of the great country fled to the land of Huangquan!

Here, he met Su Shili, the youngest daughter of Suzhan Mingzun!

In the end, the lord of the great country left the country of Huangquan with the principle of the must and the ten-fist sword, and began the journey of unifying Weiyuan China!

After Weiyuan China was unified, it was extremely prosperous!

The Great God Amaterasu also noticed this scene, so he wanted to occupy this place!

After several deliberations and trials, she finally sent Jianyu Thor to seize power!

Jian Yulei is really tyrannical, and no one in the Guojinshen family is his opponent. In the end, the entire Weiyuan China finally fell into the hands of Amaterasu!

As for Amaterasu, he sent Tiansun Qiongqiongchuzun to the earth to manage this place!

After listening to Qiandao's mother-in-law, Jiang Fan's expression suddenly changed before and after the combination!

"So, after Amaterasu conquered Weiyuan China, what about the rest of the country? Where did they go?"

Qiandao laughed!

"Mr. Jiang, you can guess!"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly!

The corners of the mouth gradually aroused!

"Since ancient times, power has changed hands, and the most feared thing is that people from the previous dynasty will come back!"

"Especially, that man's ancestors were still so fierce, enough to stir up the entire Gao Tianyuan, monster!"

"And in order to prevent this from happening, either just kill them all! Or..."

He took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled:

"Don't you mean to say that they are all sealed, right?"

"Mr. Jiang is really amazing!"

Granny Qiandao nodded, her face full of admiration.

And Hasegawa and Kameda finally reacted!

The two suddenly widened their eyes!

Looked at Qiandao mother-in-law in disbelief!

"Mother-in-law! Could it be that the suppression in the sea of ​​trees is... Guojin God?!"

"Yes! Almost all of Suzhan Mingzun's descendants are sealed there!"


Hasegawa and Kameda were shocked!

It feels like the sky is falling apart in my head!

As Dongying people, they are naturally very clear about the myth of Dongying!

However, they didn't even think that when they removed the cloak of myth and saw the politics behind it, it would be so cruel!

The gods of Amaterasu actually sealed Suzhan Mingzun's family!

"Su Zhan Ming Zun is the strongest God of War! Isn't it possible that they are not afraid that Su Zhan Ming Zun will rush out of the country of Huangquan and come back?"

"Suzhan Mingzun can't get out! There is the strongest restriction imposed by Izanaki, the stronger the strength, the more unable to come out! Otherwise, you think, Gao Tianyuan, why dare to seize the Weiyuan China at that time?"

Mother Qiandao sneered directly!

Hasegawa and Kameda were completely stunned!

And Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes:

"Then the so-called seal of demons is the one left by Amaterasu, who is responsible for guarding the seal?"


Qiandao nodded!

"The first person responsible for guarding them was Jian Yulei!"

"But that was already a thousand years ago, and now the guards there are from another line!"

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang can try to guess!"

Jiang Fan smiled and uttered three words directly!


Gong She Shan Shen said that the other party has ghosts and gods, and the only person who can drive them to do this is the Onmyoji in Dongying!

After saying this, Jiang Fan suddenly shook his head:

"To be precise, it is from Abe Seimei's line, Onmyoji!"

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