God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 978: Genius among geniuses

"Student Wei Fuling, you sit down first, let's proceed to the exam!"

"is teacher!"

Wei Fuling sat down nicely!

Soon, the exam continues to begin!

Only this time, just halfway through the test, Wei Fuling shuddered suddenly, and then suddenly looked terrified!

The medicine strength of the commanding ruler of love has finally passed!

damn it!

What happened to me before?

What am i doing?



Thinking of his own righteousness just now, the scene where he wanted to sever his father-daughter relationship with his father, Wei Fuling almost wanted to die!

How much time and energy did Dad put in for himself!

Own, how can I say such ruthless words!

It's Qiong Yao better than Qiong Yao!


When she thought of this, she immediately took out her mobile phone and wanted to make a call!


"Wei Fuling! What are you doing?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"What does it have to do with you! I—"

Before Wei Fuling finished speaking, he suddenly thought of Jiang Fan's horrible ruler, and he stunned directly!

"I, I, I look at the time!"

"Concentrate on answering questions!"

"Oh yes!"

Wei Fuling verbally agreed, but felt hated and angry with Jiang Fan in his heart!

She glanced at the phone, and on it, the high-definition screensaver of Takeaway Star was shining!

Damn Jiang Fan!

Brother Takeaway Star, if you are here, you will be fair to me, right?

Idol, I must contact you!

Thinking of the things the takeaway star did for the fans, Wei Fuling felt like a fire in his heart!

I am the number one fan of Takeaway Star!

He will definitely help the fans and fight against the bully Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan!

You wait for me!

At the same time as Jiang Fan was invigorating the exam!

Capital, Zhou's family!

Zhou Yuande and Zhou Yuanwang are sitting together drinking tea!

After Jiang Fan made an uproar at Zhou's family last time, the relationship between the two became more tense, but on the surface, it suddenly became harmonious!

However, everyone knows that these two people just want to let each other's men and horses go to death by Jiang Fan in the past!

"Patriarch, this tea, can you still drink it?"

Zhou Yuande smiled!

"Good! Really good!"

Zhou Yuanwang also smiled!

The two talked a few more unnutritious words before Zhou Yuande spoke slowly!

"Haha, Patriarch, I don't know if there is any news about Zhou Mao in Los Angeles in the past few days?"

"No, it's not just Zhou Mao, and there is no news from Zhou Sheng!"

Zhou Yuanwang shook his head directly!

Zhou Mao and Zhou Sheng, together with Zhong Qing, were preparing to assassinate Jiang Fan!

At that time, the Zhou family sent someone to find Zhou Ning, wanting him to contact Zhou Qing, the person in charge of the Zhou family's outer door, and use Zhou Qing to kill Jiang Fan!

But I didn't expect that the two people sent there didn't know how to commit Zhou Ning's taboo, and they were all killed by him!

Although this kind of thing is rebellious, Zhou Ning itself has been abolished!

And even if the martial arts cultivation base is nowhere to be improved in the future, it is still a twelfth level peak anyway! It can be considered a lot of combat power!

The two just scolded Zhou Ning angrily!

Then I thought of the idea of ​​using Zhong Qing to set up Jiang Fan!

Almost all the good news came back before!

Based on the information they currently have, Jiang Fan already has a deep impression of Zhong Qing, and I am afraid that it will not take long before he surrenders!

When the time comes, while the two of them are in bed, Zhou Mao and Zhou Sheng will directly let them take action. Jiang Fan will definitely die!

But now, these two **** are silent!

"Could these two boys run away because they were afraid to die with Jiang Fan?"

Zhou Yuande frowned slightly!

"No! Don't forget, they came back the news that Jiang Fan was crippled and healed!"

Zhou Yuanwang shook his head directly!

When they thought of this, both of them suddenly moved their eyes!

It's not impossible to recover from a disability!

But it's definitely not something someone like Jiang Fan can do with no background!

Even in the four major families, it is difficult to do it!

Otherwise, Chen Qingxuan, the elder of the Chen family at the time, would not have broken his finger for decades, and had not repaired it!

So how did Jiang Fan do it?

And how did his strength come from?

While the two are thinking about it!

The door suddenly opened, and Zhou Yuanwang's son Zhou Yancun suddenly walked in!

"Father, Juyou International just called!"

"Oh? What's the matter? Is there news from Zhou Sheng?"

Zhou Yuanwang's face was shaken!

"There is no news about Zhou Sheng, but they said, the people from the Wei family, go!"


"Wei Family?"

Both Zhou Yuanwang and Zhou Yuande's expressions changed!

"Yes! And Jiang Fan's class, a new transfer student, girl, surnamed Wei!"

"Damn! The Wei family!"

Zhou Yuanwang and Zhou Yuande's eyes were fierce at the same time!

All fools know that the Wei family must send someone to Los Angeles to contact Jiang Fan!

"When did the Wei family go?"

Zhou Yuande asked suddenly!

"I don't know the details, the other party only said that it was what happened yesterday!"


Zhou Yuanwang and Zhou Yuande looked at each other and showed thoughtful expressions at the same time!

"Wei family seems to want to fight our Zhou family too!"

"Yes! Our Zhou family is already very popular, and Jiang Fan's previous actions have made people look down upon the Zhou family! It seems that these guys can't sit still!"

The eyes of the two old guys flickered!

"Does the disappearance of Patriarch, Zhou Mao and Zhou Sheng have something to do with them?"

"This... Before the Wei family left, Zhou Mao and the two had already lost contact!"

"Patriarch, with the Wei family's ability, it is easy to conceal a few days' itinerary! Also, if they really rushed to Jiang Fan, would they keep Zhou Mao and Zhou Sheng?"

Zhou Yuande sneered!

Zhou Yuanwang raised his brows!

That's right!

However, if you agree, wouldn't it be that Zhou Yuande has the upper hand!

"Yeah! It's reasonable, but Zhou Mao and the two are only temporarily out of touch. It can not be ruled out that they have encountered other things. Wait!"

"Yes! Everything depends on the Patriarch's arrangements!"

Zhou Yuande said respectfully, but he smiled coldly in his heart!

Fool, wait a few days, don't you still have to listen to me?

However, the Wei family is really troublesome. It seems that they have to teach them a lesson!

"Patriarch! The Wei Family——"

Zhou Yuande had just spoken, at this moment!


The door of the room was suddenly kicked open!


"who is it!"

Zhou Yuanwang and Zhou Yuande both shouted angrily!

Zhou Yancun has a murderous flash in his eyes!

However, the next moment, all three of them were stunned!

"Zhou Jing?!"

It was Zhou Jing who came with a pair of white eyebrows!

"Haha, Patriarch, Second Grandpa, Uncle Yan Cun, how are you!"

Zhou Jing walked in slowly with a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth!

"Zhou Jing, aren't you retreating with your ancestor? Why did you come out at this time?"

Zhou Yuanwang frowned!

"Oh, I just broke through the fourteenth level under the guidance of the ancestors. If I have nothing to do, I will come out and go around!"

"Level Fourteen?!"

Several people were startled, and all showed a hint of surprise!

Those who can reach level fourteen at this age can count on one finger in the history of the Zhou family!

That is simply the genius among the geniuses!

In the future, Zhou Jing is absolutely possible to become a new master!

And maybe, he will become a big man like Tianding Shiji!

"Haha! Good! Good! Zhou Jing, you are indeed the genius of our Zhou family!"

Zhou Yuanwang laughed!

Even Zhou Yuande was overjoyed!


"Is it a genius? It's your shit? The Zhou family was made like this, so you are actually embarrassed to laugh?"

Zhou Jing looked disdainful!

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