God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 979: You deserve it once hehehe

"Bastard! What did you say!"

"Zhou Jing! You don't distinguish between honor and inferiority!"

Zhou Yuanwang both shouted angrily!

Zhou Yancun's eyes were fierce, and he suddenly slapped Zhou Jing with a palm!

"If you have no respect, you should fight!"

Zhou Yancun was a dignified existence at the fourteenth level, and when he shot his hand, the palm of his hand was whistling like the wind, which was extremely terrifying!

However, Zhou Jing twitched the corner of his mouth and greeted him with a palm of his backhand!

When he shot his hand, a faint black energy flashed across his palm!


When the palms collided, a bomb exploded between the two!

Then each stepped back!


Zhou Yancun's eyes are full of incredible!

Zhou Jingming had just entered the fourteenth level, but the strength he burst out just now was much higher by himself!

This is incredible!

However, Zhou Yuande was shocked and suddenly whispered!

"Life and death! The ancestor actually passed this to you!"


Upon hearing Zhou Yuande's words, both Zhou Yuanwang and Zhou Yancun's expressions changed!

The two qi of life and death is the highest mystery of Zhou's martial arts!

Seeing Zhou Jing's move just now, it is obvious that he has just reached the point of turning life into death, and once he can turn death into life, he will become a master!

"Impossible! How old he is, how could the ancestors pass on his ability!"

Zhou Yancun shouted angrily!

"Hehe, for a waste like you, of course it's useless to pass it on to you! Maybe, you will go crazy and train yourself to death!"

Zhou Jing sneered!

"Okay! I'm not here to discuss martial arts with you!"

"As soon as I left the customs, I heard that you were stunned by Jiang Fan's bereaved dog. This time, I will help you!"

"Jiang Fan's head, I'll get it!"

Zhou Jing smiled proudly!


Zhou Yuanwang and the three of them all looked ashamed!

This kid is crazy!

Relying on his good aptitude and being favored by his ancestors, he didn't put them in his eyes!

However, it is precisely because of this that they can only swallow their anger!

"Zhou Jing! Don't make any claims! We have set up the game, and we just wait for Jiang Fan to die!"

Zhou Yuanwang suddenly spoke!


"Layout? My dignified Zhou family, when dealing with miscellaneous fish like Jiang Fan, when do I need layout? Ridiculous!"

The sneer on Zhou Jing's face is even stronger!

"you this……"

Zhou Yuanwang was so popular!

However, the ancestor really took this kid too seriously, if something happened to him, all of them would be implicated!

"Zhou Jing! I know you are arrogant, but Jiang Fan has a nuclear bomb in his hands! In case you rush him, be careful to die with you!"

Zhou Yuande said in a deep voice!

"Nuclear bomb? Hahaha!"

Zhou Jing laughed!

"It's just that you idiots will believe that the thing is true! That's all, chatting with idiots like you is really an insult to my wisdom!"

After Zhou Jing finished speaking, he turned around and left!

"and many more--"

Zhou Yuanwang still wanted to stop, but Zhou Yuande shook his head directly!

"Patriarch! What kind of temper this kid, everyone knows, you can't help it!"

"That can't really let him go! If something happens to him, the ancestor will blame it, you and I can't afford it!"

"I know, but although Zhou Jing is arrogant on the surface, he is very cautious in his actions! If not, he can really kill Jiang Fan! Besides, he is going, who can stop us?

"Oh! That's all!"

Zhou Yuanwang sighed!

"Father, what about our plan?"

Zhou Yancun asked suddenly!

"Don't cancel it yet, wait a minute! Jiang Fan is a wicked species, Zhou Jing may not be able to subdue him!"



The day's exam is over soon!

With the completion of the examination by the teachers of each subject, the results are finally released!

Just as Jiang Fan expected, let alone fifty points, not even forty-five points!

This is also thanks to Murongcui and Wei Fuling for pulling these bear kids!

Otherwise, this result is definitely more ugly!

At this moment, a group of students were staying in the class nervously and didn't leave at all!

Jiang Fan glanced around and finally spoke!

"Average grade, forty-three point five!"


"It's over!"

"Damn, I worked **** math problems for four days!"

"I get up at four o'clock in the morning to recite the text!"

"Efforts are all wasted!"

A group of students are sad!

"Okay! For your good intentions, I won't punish you this time, but remember, only this time!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

A group of students was stunned, and suddenly looked overjoyed!

Jiang Fan's punishment can be seen only by Wei Fuling's cheating father!

In case they are alone, they will all have to wander under the bridge hole by then!

"Right! Qian Yan, take this one well!"

Jiang Fan said, throwing a folded piece of paper directly at Qian Yan!

"what is this?"

Qian Yan looked curious!

"The voucher for the screening room of Ghana Cinema Zone A will be yours for the whole day tomorrow, unlimited drinks and snacks!"

"The voucher for the reservation, what's the use of this thing?"

Everyone was startled, but they all reacted immediately!

"Tomorrow, isn't tomorrow the day when "Yi Jian Wu Shuang" is officially released?"

"It's hard to get a ticket! I didn't get it at a high price!"

"Jiang Fan actually booked a screening room!"

"Long live Teacher Jiang!"

"Jiang Fan! Your performance is worth a great health care!"

"We will definitely not embarrass you next week!"

"Great! Takeaway star! Idol! I'm coming!"

Everyone screamed in excitement!

Especially Wei Fuling, his face flushed with excitement!

I even forgot my hatred for Jiang Fan!

After all, in front of idols, who can care about hatred!

"Okay! Go home, see you next week!"

Jiang Fan smiled and waved to a group of students, turned around and walked outside!

However, when he first came downstairs, he frowned and looked directly at a man who was half leaning against the door!

The man's face was yellowish and thin, and his expression was dark. He looked like a refugee who had escaped from Syria, and he was a fight against the sick young man #2!

However, what is extremely inconsistent with his figure is his aura!

An aura of up to fourteen levels!

Just because of his aura, this man is much better than Qing uncle!

"Jiang Fan?"

The man speaks slowly!

"If I guessed correctly, you are the thug sent by the Wei family? What is your name?"

Contrary to the man's expectation, Jiang Fan's face didn't even fluctuate at all!

This is not normal!

The man frowned slightly, was silent for a moment, and finally spoke!

"My name is Wei Ting!"

Jiang Fan nodded, then pointed at the outside!

"You are good at strength. Fighting with you will have a lot of destructive power! This is the school, so let's play in another place!"

"Ha ha……"

Wei Ting sneered directly!

He thought that Jiang Fan had something to rely on, but he didn't expect that he would actually do it himself!

A mere eleventh level, he was delusional to challenge the fourteenth level, it is simply a fantasy!

"Fight with me? Why are you fighting with me? It's a mere eleventh level, it's really overkill!"

Wei Ting smiled proudly!

"Jiang Fan! Remember! In the next life, don't fight against our Wei family!"

As soon as the voice fell, he was about to make a move!

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