God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 995: It's just a relative

"Do not impulse!"

Seeing that Yue Jianshan was about to pounce on Jiang Fan, Yue Jianchao and the others immediately grabbed him!

Jiang Fan's martial arts is really terrifying, and it is definitely not something they can deal with!

The purpose of their coming today is to take away Yue Jianhan and clean up Jiang Fan. There will be opportunities in the future!

It is a pity that these people still don't know that the gap between them and Jiang Fan is like an insurmountable gap!

"Jiang Fan, no matter what means you use, let Yue Jianhan go quickly!"

Yue Jianchao took a step forward and shouted directly!

"Did you misunderstand something?"

Jiang Fan just smiled!


"Yue Jianhan is the only tenth level in our Yue family!"

"Such a master, if you didn't hold the handle, how could he stay by your side?"

"You must have used some disgraceful means!"

"Yes! Just like you hired a group of gangsters to plot against me!"

The people of the Yue family shouted one after another!

But Yue Yang, who was hiding behind the crowd, had a sneer on his face!

Hey, Jiang Fan, let me see how you end up!

Jiang Fan is silent!

And Jiang Fan did not speak, and of course the others could not speak!

Especially Yue Jianhan, who talked less at first, now it has become a decoration!

According to his thoughts, he doesn't need brains at all by Jiang Fan's side. If the Master said to do, then he would be done!

Others, even if it concerns him, it has nothing to do with him!

And seeing this, the people of the Yue family were suddenly excited!

In their view, this is a manifestation of guilty conscience!

"Hahaha! Jiang Fan! You really have a problem!"

"Hurry up and let go of our sixth brother!"

"Yes! Otherwise, you will look good!"

"Also! Yue Jianhan has been a thug for you for so long, you have to compensate us!"

"Yes! At least five thousand...no! One hundred million!"

"Also! You have to apologize publicly to me at Blue Eagle!"

Yue Yang also screamed out from behind the crowd!

Jiang Fan suddenly sighed!

"You...I finally know why Xiaoyue is reluctant to go back!"

With this sigh, Jiang Fan's aura all over his body suddenly opened up!

For a moment!

A horrible aura like a tornado, suddenly skyrocketed!

If Yue Jianhan's sword aura just now represented the ultimate manpower, then Jiang Fan at the moment represented the unstoppable-Tianwei!

"Oh my God!"

"Master has actually reached this level?!"

Yue Jianhan looked shocked!

"What a terrible aura, although the real strength is only fourteenth level, it makes me feel like I will be killed in an instant!"

Cold sweat gurgled on No. 2's forehead!

"The terrible thing is not strength, but momentum!"

"I'm afraid Master Isaac won't be able to achieve this dominance of the world!"

"The most important thing is that the master never shows all his hole cards. Maybe, this is just the tip of the iceberg of his true strength!"

"It's just that one corner is so scary, then if it breaks out completely..."

Everyone's eyes widened unbelievably!

Looking at Jiang Fan is like looking at a thunder that is about to fall from the sky!

And a group of people from the Yue family trembled all over, almost involuntarily, they knelt down!


Yue Yang screamed directly!

"Mr. Jiang! Forgive me!"

"We didn't mean it!"

"Just kidding! It's all a joke!"

"We're just here to walk a relative, and get out of here!"

"Uncle Jiang! Let us go!"

The pants of Yue Jianchao and others are almost wet!

Especially Yue Jianshan, thinking that he was going to rush out just now, he wanted to slap himself 800 big slaps!

What is death?

This is called death!

Yue Jianhan was not intimidated by Jiang Fan at all! The thing about his apprenticeship is true!

Yue Jianhan, the bastard, he made it clear that he wanted to hug Jiang Fan's thigh!


If there is such a good thing, it is too treacherous to inform the family!

A group of people from the Yue family were crying, and they all looked at Jiang Fan eagerly!

Fortunately, Jiang Fan only scared them, he didn't even think about doing it!

"Get up, what on earth do you want to do here?"

Several people in the Yue family didn't move, but Yue Yang, with his eyes rolled, spoke first!

"Master, Master Uncle! We, we have nothing to do!"

"The Yue family is so bullied that they can't lift their heads!"

"And Uncle Liu didn't go back at all, so the uncle and the others came over, wanting to ask Uncle Liu to go back and take action!"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"The Yue family was bullied?"

"Yes! Our Yue family builds a family by martial arts, and there are many martial arts halls in Yangcheng!"

"Some time ago, the Ren family suddenly came to the door and said that they would buy shares!"

"The Yue family's martial arts gymnasium are all owned by their own. It's definitely impossible for others to get involved, so my dad just rejected it!"

"I don't know, the Ren family couldn't make a share purchase, so I found a master and started to pick our Yue family's martial arts gym!"

"As of yesterday, eight of the twelve martial arts schools under the Yue family have been selected!"

"If all were picked, the Yue family would be ruined!"

"My dad made the shot himself, but in the hands of the other party, he hasn't even gone through a trick!"

"No way, I booked a gambling agreement with the other party and will fight again tomorrow!"

"If we lose again tomorrow, the Yue family will withdraw from the martial arts industry! Everything will go to Ren's family!"

Yue Yang said everything before and after all in one breath!

"Interesting, what is the origin of this Ren family?"

Jiang Fan asked casually!

Although the Yue family established a family with martial arts, the talents have faded in recent years, and the strongest is only at level 9. Finally, Yue Jianhan was abducted by himself!

This kind of strength, and guarding such a large share of the industry, it is strange that others are not jealous!

"The Ren family is the second largest family in Yangcheng, but their strength has never been strong. It is beyond our expectation to be able to find such a master this time!"

Yue Jianchao said hurriedly, and by the way said the composition of the Ren family!

Jiang Fan nodded after listening!

"Where is the master Ren's family looking for? Where did it come from? Do you have any background?"

"This one……"

Yue Jianchao looked embarrassed!

"We, we don't know, we only know that his name is Xu Zhen, he is very strong!"

"All right, I'll take a trip with you!"

Jiang Fan said directly!

Anyway, I have been idle for the past two days, and the Jinglingzong should not come back so soon, and the Pang family has just arrived in the faint city, I am afraid that there is no chance to cause trouble!

As for the Bai family, hang them first. After all, I just gave them an ambergris, and I came home in a short time. I'm afraid they won't get much benefit!

It's best to wait until the ancestors of the Bai family are dying. At that time, they might have to go bankrupt and beg themselves!

The most important thing is that this matter is Yue Jianhan's business after all, and he has to have a snack!

Although Yue Jianhan was murderous before, but he still didn't make a move! If you change someone else, I'm afraid you'll be in a different place long ago!

This can more or less show that he still has feelings for this family!

So, it's better to help the Yue family!

Hearing Jiang Fan wanted to take the initiative to help, the Yue family almost fainted without excitement!

"Uncle Jiang! Great kindness, our Yue family is not unforgettable!"

"Yes, Uncle! Thank you so much!"

"Uncle Shi! You are my role model for Yueyang!"

"Uuuu...Uncle Master, we are so touched!"

A group of people hit the snake with the stick, and directly lifted Jiang Fan to the senior generation!

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