God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 996: You tell me this is a fist

"Okay, all get up! Pharaoh, arrange the plane and go now!"

Jiang Fan said directly!


"Xiaoyue, Curtis, follow me!"

After all, it was Yue Jianhan's family, and he had to be taken with him no matter what, as for Curtis, this was Jiang Fan's sweet flattery!

"Long Yan, come here!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly called Long Yan, tucked a few pieces of straw paper over him, and whispered again!

No one knows what Jiang Fan said, but looking at Long Yan's excited look, it must have been a big benefit!

"Brother Fan, don't worry, as long as I am not dead, I promise that Miss Qiu will not lose a hair!"

Long Yan whispered!

What Jiang Fan handed to him just now was the secret method of "Nine Yin and Nine Yangs"!

Jiang Fan only passed this exercise to him now!

As for Bao Dabao before, it was just "Nine Suns True Scripture"!

The task Jiang Fan gave him was to protect Qiu Mingyue!

"Not one less hair? You don't know that after a woman washes her hair, can the fallen hair block the floor drain?"

Jiang Fan looked contemptuous!

"Yes, yes! I won't brag about it anymore!"

Long Yan was smiling!

"Okay, the rest of you take good care of your house!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he took a group of Yue family and prepared to set off!

It's just that I just walked to the gate!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

A voice full of anger sounded directly!

Jiang Fan looked up and saw that it was Wei Ting!

At this moment, Wei Ting looked indignant and looked at Jiang Fan's eyes, full of endless anger!

Who is Wei Ting?

Although it was only outside the Wei family, even Wei Qifeng praised him because of his martial arts talent, and it developed him into a confidant!

Among the younger generation of the Wei family, even the inner sect children are extremely respectful to him!

Even if you leave the Wei family, in the entire capital, when others see him, they must honestly call "Ting Shao"!

But yesterday, just yesterday!

He was kicked in the **** by Wei Fuling from behind, and Jiang Fan was licked in front of him!

It's a shame!

He has never suffered such humiliation in his entire life!

Only with Jiang Fan's blood can this shame be washed away!

And seeing Wei Ting, everyone's expressions changed!

Fourteenth level!

And looking at the breath, it has definitely reached a medium level!

Such a master is even stronger than No. 2 on the front line!

And Wei Ting looked a little ugly when he looked at everyone!

At the same time, I was secretly shocked!

Jiang Fan's subordinates are so powerful!

Unless you don’t understand martial arts, any of them are actually above level ten!

This kind of strength is already comparable to a first-class family!

This Jiang Fan, who is silent, has developed to this level?

But so what!

In front of him, this super master, all of them are chicken dogs, vulnerable!

"Jiang Fan! Today! I will let you die without a corpse!"

Wei Ting reached out his hand and pointed at Jiang Fan, solemnly vowed!


"Yes! The courage is commendable! But why do you?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Why? Just rely on my strength!"

Wei Ting was full of aura and smiled proudly!

"Strength? Your strength..."

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth curled up, his eyes suddenly fierce!

Great power!

Nine Yin and Nine Yangs!

Wind power!

Ling Bo microsteps!

In an instant, Jiang Fan has completely exploded his strength!

Everyone just feels that the heart is pumping!

And Jiang Fan has disappeared!

Do not!

It was not disappearing, but the speed reached the extreme, as if teleporting, already in front of Wei Ting!

Then, with a heavy punch, he directly blasted out!

Everyone can clearly see that the air in front of Jiang Fan was squeezed into dense ripples at the moment Jiang Fan's punch was blasted!

But their movements can't keep up with their own sight at all!

Even Wei Ting's arrogant smile still stayed on his face!

next moment!


The sound of a cannon popping out of the chamber suddenly spread to everyone's eardrums!

And Wei Ting, Wei Ting with a confident smile on his face, was already like a small stone, suddenly flying upside down by Jiang Fan's punch!


The person was still in the air, and Wei Ting had already spouted blood!


"Boom boom boom boom!"

A series of explosions resounded across the sky instantly!

Wei Ting smashed seven sycamore trees, four trash cans, and six cars parked on the side of the road one after another along the way. Then he rolled over eighteen somersaults and hit the curb with one head!

Until then, Jiang Fan shook his hand, sneered, and slowly said the second half of the sentence!

"Your strength...too weak!"

The crowd looked dull!

"Handsome! So handsome!"

"Master is so handsome and brutal!"

"The point is, this fist is too exaggerated, right?"

"You told me this is a fist? The Rockets don't have this power either!"

"No more! This is simply the legendary railgun!"

"Look at what that hapless boy was beaten into!"

The crowd opened their mouths wide, looking at Wei Ting blankly!

At this moment, the mid-level master of the fourteenth level, with his mouth full of teeth, the domineering true Qi that penetrated into his body was blown away!

The entire chest is directly sunken!

There was blood everywhere!

It's worse than the dog thief caught!

And this is the reason why Jiang Fan was afraid of killing him and didn't move his facial expressions!


Wei Ting was lying on the ground, breathing hard!

At the same time, unspeakable stormy waves appeared in my heart!

If it weren't for the strong strength of the fourteenth level, he would have been beaten to death by Jiang Fan's punch!


Just a punch!

He didn't even miss Jiang Fan's punch!

This monster!

He, his aura is obviously only eleven!

Cross the three levels to kill the opponent, Nima, Tianli?

What is the reason of heaven!

But more than shock, it is fear!

too frightening!

No wonder Jiang Fan feels confident even if he rushes into Zhou's house!

And for the Wei family, so dismissive!


He really is, with such strength!

Everyone, everyone underestimated him!

"You...you...how can you be so strong?"

Wei Ting reluctantly groaned!

"So, yesterday I kindly asked you to go out and fight, but you didn't listen! You should really thank Wei Fuling. If it weren't for her, you would have been abandoned yesterday!"

Jiang Fan shrugged!

"You, don't be proud, I..."

Wei Ting wanted to say something cruel!

After all, although we are defeated, we must not persuade you!


"Save it, you will die if you talk too much!"

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes, and a trace of killing intent flashed across his body!

Wei Ting was stunned, and then immediately shut his mouth honestly!

He could feel that Jiang Fan was really not joking!

"Number two! Bring this idiot in! Yuguangzi, follow along, don't let him die!"

"Then, do you need to treat it?"

Yuguangzi hesitated!

"There is no need for treatment, just make sure he doesn't die! When I come back, I have to ask the Wei family for a ransom! The old Wang is familiar with this set of procedures, so just ask him if I don't understand it!"


Wang Yi and others looked excited!

Blackmail the seven giants!

This transaction is really exciting to think about!

And Jiang Fan has waved his hand!

"Go! Yangcheng!"

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