Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 841: People working in pigsty

  Twelve years ago, Zhuo Yang just came to Hanover to study abroad and heard a very German joke.

Grandpa Hans sat on the hillside and said to his grandson, "Did you see that church? It was built by me, but no one called me Hans who built the church."

   pointed to the bridge in the distance again and said, "Did you see that bridge? I also repaired it, but no one called me Hans who built the bridge."

   "There is also a school where you went to school, which I also repaired a little bit, but no one still calls me'Building School Hans'."

   "But I just X once pig..."

   Amazingly, this joke was told by the piggy Bastian Schweinsteiger.

  The name of the piglet, Schweinsteiger (Schweinsteiger) in German, the first half of Schwein "Schwein" means "pig", which is also the origin of his nickname "piggy". In the second half, Steiger ‘steiger’ is ‘the one who climbs...’

   This is very speechless, and people can't help but question the good things done by the ancestors of the pig family.

In fact,'Schweinsteiger' is the old surname of Bavaria. Steig'steiger' means animal house in the old High German, so the correct meaning of the surname'Schweinsteiger' It is'the man who works in the pigsty', and the ancestors of the rich second-generation piglets are also born in hardship.

   piggy's open-mindedness and humor can also be seen from this, this joke made Zhuo Yang and piglet's relationship quickly close 12 years ago. Twelve years later, the brotherly friendship between them has long been known in football.

   Zhuo Yang asked Xiaozhu: Will you kick off retirement at Bayern? Piggy shook his head: I haven't considered such a distant thing yet.

   It will take another three months before the piglet turns 30. He is one year older than Zhuo Yang. Piggy said that he will only consider the question of withdrawing from the national team after the 2018 World Cup, that is, when he is 34 years old, and then he will think about the matter of retirement. Before leaving the national team, he will not leave Bayern.

   asked this question a few days ago, the two were sitting in the stands of LaCajaMágica Stadium, LaCajaMágica translated into Chinese has a very nice name-Magic Box, it is a tennis outdoor clay court in Madrid.

   Zhuo Yang has never been interested in tennis, and has never heard that Piggy loves tennis, but Piggy suddenly ran to Madrid during the busy season, and he was dragged to watch the 2014 Madrid Masters.

  The piglet is sick, Zhuo Yang never asks why, nor will he cure him, he will stay with him whenever he wants, just like petting his own son.

   He accompanied Piggy to watch a women's singles semi-final, with Russian star Maria Sharapova against Ana Ivanovic of Serbia. Zhuo Yang believes that the pigs come to look at the beauty, because the face value of the two players in the game is one-on-one.

In the game, Sharapova defeated Ivanovic in two 6:2 straight games to enter the final. Zhuoyang and Xiaozhu were intoxicated by Sharapova's ecstatic batting screams throughout the game. , Almost paralyzed the two dogs in the stands with laughter.

   Today, Piggy couldn't laugh. After 0:3 at home and 0:4 in the big score, he was pushed to the front waist position by Guardiola. It was dare not to think about it, but it was always necessary to find a little decent for Bayern.

  The entire formation of Bayern has been adjusted. Hamas soon came to serve as a single midfielder. Piggy and Aquan Cross were in front of him. Pizarro, Erva Muller and Goetze formed a front trident. Bayern at this time has a bit of Barcelona taste.

   After the adjustment, it was a big offensive, and Ancelotti took advantage of his defensive counterattack. In the chaos and limited battles, Ang Fat is indeed not as good as Mourinho and Simone, but when it comes to defensive counterattacks, Ang Fat, who has been immersed in Serie A for a lifetime, may not be convinced.

   Bayern, who had only three shots in the first half, gradually overtake Real Madrid in this data, but the score has not changed.

   In the 61st minute, Akuan moved in midfield and after Ram attacked from the right, Bayern's attack crossed Real Madrid's defense ribs.

  The piggy took the ball on the right side of the penalty area and wiped the two big men, De Tu and Pepe, all the way. Facing Casillas who abandoned the goal, the pig suddenly shot at the ground at a very small angle, and the football went straight to the empty goal.

   The ball speed is definitely not slow, just before the line is about to pass, Zhuo Yang rushes to the defense.

   But this ball was very difficult for him to deal with, because there were two err and Mu Erwa and Alaba who flew at the same time. The two people tightly sandwiched Zhuo Yang in the middle and desperately grabbed the position.

  The three of them were flying side by side and flying shovel at the same time. The goal was all football. Zhuo Yang wanted to make a clearance. Erwa and Liu Xing wanted to block the clearance space.

   If Zhuo Yang simply does the siege action, the difficulty is not great. However, under such a trap, there is a very high probability that the siege ball will still be hit by the two of them. It is not easy to kick in either direction. Even Zhuo Yang was lucky not to cause an own goal.

   The three people were like a runaway carriage, a troika, and the electric light and flint hit the door line together, and they rubbed in the net in a blink of an eye.

  Football was quietly pressed on the goal line without moving.

  No one knows how Zhuo Yang did it. How did he achieve such delicate control in the squeeze between the two, and what technical action was used to stop the football in the shovel.

  Shui Ye rushed to the big foot to make the siege, the danger was completely lifted.

   Little pigs lie on the bottom line and can’t believe their eyes. Zhuo Yang, Er Wa and Liu Xing are like fish harvested by trawl.

Twelve years ago, after telling Zhuo Yang the anecdote of his surname'Schweinsteiger', Xiaozhu also asked about the origin of'Zhuo', and was very curious to find out if China is in the pigsty with their family. The working person's surname is almost the same.

Zhuo Yang thought for a told Xiaozhu that his'Yang' came from his mother's surname, and that part of China's Yang surname originated from the official post of sheep grazing in the ancient times. Later,'Yang' evolved into ' Yang'.

   Later, the piggy was showing off, saying that the name ‘Zhuo Yang’ means ‘people who are very capable of grazing sheep’, excellent shepherds. Schwein and Zhuo Yang, the second general of pigs and sheeps of Maddie.


  With the help of everyone, Zhuo Yang untied the net and stood up and patted Alababa's ass.

   Just before sliding the ball on the right foot of the shovel, in order to prevent the Arab from being destroyed, Zhuo Yang first gave the Arab a buttock with an iron knee with his left leg and pushed him to the side. I don’t know if the child still hurts.

  Chinese fans call Araba "Austria Liu Xing" because they look like. Similarly, Neymar’s ‘Brazil Zhang Zhenyue’ and Azar’s ‘Belgian Yang Kun’ are all because of their appearance.

  Some people also said that Philip Lam looked like Zhang Wei, but he didn’t shout without being widely recognized by Chinese fans.

   Lahm means ‘lime’ in German. It’s not difficult to guess the origin of this surname. Presumably, the legs and feet of the ancestors of the Ram family must not be very convenient.

   Ram’s leg was severely injured several times, and I don’t know if it is related to his less elegant surname. However, today Ram's legs are fine. He committed other problems and scared Zhuo Yang.

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