Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 842: Ram was so pale

   Piggy's must-go goal was rescued by Zhuo Yangmen line, fans started to appear at Allianz Stadium. Although Munich fans are not as demanding as Meilinger, they are also reluctant to accept the defeat of the home team.

   Not much time later, large mottles appeared on the stands, like scars.

   Bayern are still doing their best to attack, Real Madrid is very defensive counterattack. Unlike the defense of ordinary mediocre teams, Real Madrid's defense is not just a single arrow to threaten, Zhuo Yang, Cristiano Ronaldo and Bell can all become terminators.

   The goal rescue just now is Zhuo Yang's most photographed place in this game so far. Although all three goals have his credit for organizing, none of them scored, nor did he have a direct assist.

   Today, Real Madrid's faceless person is the only two yuan water master Ramos, and two assists to interfere with Bell once, and C Ronaldo. In important data, Zhuo Yang only had one shot in the first and second half, and none of them hit the frame.

In the first half, trapped by the pig's desperate entanglement, Zhuo Yang mainly worked in the midfield of Lakong Bayern. He pinned most of the attention of the pig and Akuan Cross, so Zhuo Yang did not show himself. The magic flute actually got a lot of space and played quite well.

   In the second half Bayern made a big offensive. After the premise of the piglet, Zhuo Yang and his relationship were reversed and became mainly defensive containment. Real Madrid did not need him to spend more energy on the offense at this time.

   But Zhuo Yang is always Zhuo Yang, the number one figure in football today, and a strange man on the turf.

   However, the first performance was Erwa, 25-year-old Thomas Mueller.

   In the 65th minute, Bayern got a corner kick. After Goetze opened, Hama grabbed a point in the middle of the penalty area and pushed the ball straight up and down, confiscated by Casillas. Then the two sides gathered their soldiers and horses, but Mu Erwa and Dasha Carvajal stood together, suspecting a conflict.

  Boarten came over to help Erwa, and he reached out and pushed away. At this moment, with the cover of Little Boateng's huge body, Erwa quickly slapped a silly face.

   this time can cause trouble, just under the eyes of Shui Ye, he saw it really, and immediately threw himself up to make a big fool. Once Erwa committed a second, who was he afraid of? This posture is to be pumped together with Shui Ye.

   Zhuo Yang and the pig were so tired that they were guilty of Venus, and they finally separated the gang of insurgents. Their faces were sprayed with spit.

   Zhuo Yang blacked his face and reprimanded Erwa: "How can anyone be as hands-on as you are and really be your father?"

  Who knows Erwa jumped and shouted and complained: "Brother Zhuo, I'm afraid you don't know how bad that dog day is. He has black feet down on me a few times. He was a bad seed when he was in Leverkusen."

How did Zhuo Yang not know that there are many small moves by Dasha Ka, and the small defenders in La Liga have this style, but they can play concealedly at a level. Many times their purpose is not to hurt people, but to make their opponents like Erwa was so angry.

   Portuguese referee Pronka is certainly not the father of Erwa. His father is a good technical manager at Madaba. But magically, Pronka didn't see Erwa's palms at all, let alone a red card, he didn't even give up a yellow card.

   The second reason for Erwa was because he came and went quickly. When he saw that he had escaped the'death penalty', he immediately hid his face and forgot any hatred. As for the UEFA's additional penalty after the game, that is next season.

  The referee of Pronka’s missed judgment this time cannot deny his excellent performance in law enforcement today. The life-and-death battle between Bayern and Real Madrid is not hot, and neither side's movements are small, but under the penalty of Pronka, the rhythm of the game ensures maximum smoothness, and only Dante and Pepe Each took a yellow card.


   In the 72nd minute, Real Madrid's truly unobtrusive De Tu retreated to the back line, stealing Goetze's breakthrough, and personally launched a fast attack counterattack, passing the football to Zhuo Yang on the left.

   The performance began.

   turned around and passed Akuan, then the ball bypassed Ronaldo and ignored him.

   President Luo: "..." At this moment, he never ran Zhuo Yang with the ball.

  Hama failed to shovel, Zhuo Yang aimed at the penalty area on the left side of the goal and went straight. Dante is gone again, and he has no problems with assists, but it is a good tradition for Brazil's centre-back to not return in time.

  Boarten is at the far end with Bell, and the only person who can follow Zhuo Yang is Bayern's right-back, Ram.

   Zhuo Yang and Ram are old friends, and almost made teammates of Fort Mady. The two of them are also old rivals, and they cherish each other.

Ram's technology is very comprehensive, and the high ball quotient and high IQ also make up for his shortcomings in the body. If it were not for several serious leg injuries in those years, everyone thinks that Ram's achievement should be higher than now, although he is now It is already very high and is the top linebacker in international football.

   Even Guardiola often pulls him up and kicks the lower back, and Ram also feels like a master.

   and Ram's style, height, and age are very similar to Maddie's player Sasha Ritter, who is also a full-back full-back, he is called'poor version of Ram'.

In the fifth round of the Bundesliga in the 05-06 season, Maddie played against Bayern at home. In order to chase Zhuo Yang, Ram caused a cruciate ligament rupture in his right knee. That was the most serious injury he suffered in his career and directly led to his absence. Most of the season.

   Ram is very smart in defense. He has not rushed to steal or destroy Zhuo Yang's foot ball, nor has he not been able to collide physically with Zhuo Yang. Ram always stayed away from the inside of Zhuo Yang, always following side by side, that is, stuck the line that Zhuo Yang adjusted inward.

   Speaking of speed, Ram will never lose to Zhuo Yang, and he has also studied with Grandpa Armin Harry.

   The two loved each other and ran to the left side of the Bayern penalty area. This time because of Ram's shot, the hip New Neuer did not blindly attack, but kept the front post to seal the angle.

Zhuo Yang knows that it's time to really fight the skill with season finale stage, the field has struggled for more than seventy minutes, just now the two also came Forty meters of floor oil sprinted, and the hot gas that came out of both mouths was like a fire.

   Zhuo Yang slammed the brakes towards the outside, then turned and pulled the ball, then stopped and swayed with me.

   Ram is really unequivocal, so the movement of the knee joint has not been thrown away by Zhuo Yang in one step. Although it is a little embarrassed, it is still firmly stuck between Zhuo Yang and the narrow angle of the goal.

   Zhuo Yang drew the ball in the direction of the court in two consecutive steps, trying to expand the shooting angle, Ram followed two consecutive steps.

  The ball behind the heel flashed to the bottom line again. Neuer couldn't stand the torment, and he rushed out.

  The ankle changed direction, Zhuo Yang avoided the extension of Ram's foot again, and the ball was widened again to widen the angle, and Ram was finally shaken away halfway.

  Noy was thrown close to the bottom line and outside of Ram. As long as Zhuo Yang turned around, all he could see was an empty door of ∠45° in 0.5 seconds. This is enough for him.

   left midway in the last round just for today's game, but I haven't scored yet.

   Zhuo Yang turned and shot, but at the moment he lifted his foot, he saw Ramsha's white face and his dull eyes.

   Fuck, don't scare me, man.

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