Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 985: Practice in istanbul

Into the pouring rain of Vienna, Zhuo Yang didn't know where to go.

Just now, he ended his grievances with the Habsburg family and let everything go to the past.

After ending his six-year love affair with Christine, or perhaps twelve years, he made all this ashes. From tonight, the name "Coco" will only exist in eternity, in memories.

Starting from tonight, there is no more Koko in the world, only Christine Josephine Habsburg-Lorraine.

When he left, Kou Kou collapsed and wept on the carpet. He just said to her in English: Farewell.

The word ‘Farewell’ in English means ‘goodbye’ as well as ‘goodbye’, but Farewell is more formal, written, and old-fashioned, and does not have the meaning of ‘goodbye’.

Farewell's context is similar to the ‘spoken’ in Chinese, or, farewell.

Coming to the conference hall where the Habsburg tribe gathered, Zhuo Yang calmly informed Koko's father. "My Excellency, I am sorry, I have cancelled the marriage contract. From now on, the grievances of the Habsburg family and I will be cancelled.

Duke Frank Joseph was still in shock, and the Habsburgs were still surprised, Zhuo Yang left the Merlin Palace without looking back.

This is the royal court of Habsburg. In the palace of the prominent family, the lone Zhuoyang walked like a king.

After saying that to Grand Duke Frank Joseph, Zhuo Yang walked straight into the dark rain curtain of Vienna, even when passing by George von, he did not look at him more.

When originally going to the conference hall, Zhuo Yang also planned to teach and warn the Grand Duke George Feng of Hungary, because today's things are a little bit strange, obviously George Feng has a small move in it, and he once said that he would try to stop Zhuo Yang and Koko marry.

Zhuo Yang planned to lift George Feng by the neck and told him: If I found out that you were in the middle, I would kill you.

But after saying that with Grand Duke Frank Joseph, Zhuo Yang lost interest in all the truth. He was tired of all this, and he was tired of all the grudges and hatreds related to the Habsburg family.

He didn't want to talk to any of them anymore, nor did he want to have contact with any of them, including George Von, but also Coo Dad and Midea. Zhuo Yang wanted to quickly forget all of them and fled here as soon as possible.

The heavy rain instantly drenched Zhuo Yang, which is nothing compared to the pain of his inner loss. It was not too late, but the sudden storm caused the night in Vienna to fall early, and Zhuo Yang was lost in the wind and rain, and I do not know what to do.

The original familiar Vienna became very strange, like an unreal city, as unreal as 2014.

Zhuo Yang didn't even know how he came to Vienna Airport, whether it was a taxi or coming, he had no impression at all. When he arrived at the airport, he moved to a clothing store like a zombie and bought a suit just because it was dry.

On the spot, he took off his wet clothes and put on his suit. He didn't realize that the shirt inside was also soaked. Taking out the contents of the old suit, he threw it in the corner of the store.

Zhuo Yang just wanted to leave Vienna quickly. It didn't matter where he went. He didn't want to know where he was going. He just bought the flight with the latest departure time. He didn't even ask about its destination, or maybe he asked, but Zhuo Yang didn't remember. .

It was not until three hours later that he got off the plane and walked out of the airport, only to find out that it was Istanbul.

There is no rain and almost no wind in Istanbul. The clear night sky makes the wind and rain in Vienna that Zhuo Yang just experienced become more unreal.

In the heavy rain in Vienna, he turned off his phone and lost contact with the world. He wanted to disappear in Istanbul or anywhere else.

Istanbul is a beautiful city. I heard that it is still a romantic city. Zhuo Yang has forgotten who listened, but all the beauty and romance have nothing to do with him. He just wanted to hide here and find a dark corner to hide.

Sabine Nagochen ISG Airport Hotel is on the Asian side of the strait. Zhuo Yang thinks this is good, because he not only left Vienna, but also left Europe. Europe, which has struggled for twelve years, is like Vienna tonight, making Zhuo Yang feel strange.

For a room on the top floor, Zhuo Yang asked the hotel reception desk: Where is the bar?

Half an hour later, Zhuo Yang had drunk himself in the corner of the bar. He has never drunk so much wine in half an hour, nor has he drunk himself like this once.

But he was still drinking, and he no longer used a small glass to drink one by one, but his mouth was facing the mouth of the rak, one by one.

It was only early October, and in just a month and a half, Zhuo Yang experienced too many collapses. From the failure of the transfer to Manchester United, to the collapse of the love of good friends one after another, and then to being suspended, was disqualified from the award.

But these collapses add up, and are not destroyed by one-ten-thousandth tonight. Zhuo Yang personally buried his love tonight, and finally turned the world into a ruin.

These things have no relationship between cause and effect, but there must be an accumulation of emotion between them. Without the failure of the transfer and the collapse of his friends, Zhuo Yang might not lose control at Pis Juan Stadium. Without the strong negative emotions brought about by football, Zhuo Yang's destruction tonight may not be so decisive.

But everything may be a long process, from the moment he became famous in the world, actually began, until he was lost in a strong self, lost in this muddy human world.

Zhuo Yang was like a drop of crystal clear water, and fell into the mud. After struggling, he was lost.

Zhuo Yang was drunk. During the drunkenness, he did not think about football and piano, nor his love. He remembered his father and mother, and they were still looking forward to his early marriage.

Reminiscent of his parents in his hometown, Zhuo Yang cried grievously. He cried like a child. Tears flowed into the wine like rain in Vienna, and he swallowed them back to his stomach.

There is no understanding in this world, no one to comfort him, and no one understands his guilt at this moment.

People, UU reading was born lonely, life is just a purgatory.

Life is also a practice.

Drunken and confused, a dark fragrance floated, and the fluttering blond hair appeared before his eyes.

"Zhuo Yang, really you! Why are you here alone?"

Listening to the familiar voice, Zhuo Yang looked at the gradually clear face in front of him, and a happy smile appeared on the tear-stained face.

He reached out and gently touched her cheek and the corner of her mouth. She was as demented as he was, and let him touch herself.

Zhuo Yang stroked her face, feeling the smoothness of the back of her finger.

He said: "Let's get married. Reisha, will you marry me?"


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