Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 986: Wear a wedding dress waiting for you

Zhuo Yang woke up from a headache, still not knowing where he was. Unfamiliar room, unfamiliar room decoration, and unfamiliar bed.

He didn't think that it was Istanbul until he stood naked in front of the large window with a headache and looked out, saw the vast sea surface, smelled the salty taste of the sea breeze, and heard the faint sound of proclamation in his ear.

As a result, Zhuo Yang gradually remembered Vienna, the bar and the rak, and also Rezakova.

But he couldn't remember how he returned from the bar to the guest room, nor could he remember what happened in this suite on the top floor.

There is no impression at all.

Heared the ears and listened to the movements in the suite. Apparently no one but him. What about Reza? where is she?

Zhuo Yang turned around and looked at the empty room. There was a brand-new suit hanging on the hanger outside the bedroom door. The new white shirts neatly folded on the sofa stool, even the leather shoes and sock belts were new. His watches, wallets, passports, and other personal belongings were placed on the shoe bench next to it.

Zhuo Yang didn't know whether he stripped himself before going to bed, or whether Reza stripped him like this, and couldn't remember at all, let alone what happened after stripping.

He wanted to find a trace of what happened on his body, but there was nothing. He couldn't remember anything but the head hurts.

Just one night before, Zhuo Yang’s body belonged only to Koko, but on this morning in Istanbul, he was not sure whether it was the case. Maybe still, maybe no longer.

Thinking of Coco, Zhuo Yang was sad again. It's sad that he doesn't want to think about it again, or maybe he is escaping his unbelievable'betrayal'.

Maybe I should ask Reza, where did she go? Zhuo Yang picked up the phone on the shoe bench and found that it was still off, he hesitated again.

Forget it, let's wait for her to come back. If there is anything happening by then, it should be clear. Oh, yes, last night... I seemed to say to Reza... let her marry me...

Did she agree?

Zhuo Yang patted his temple hard.

After drinking two bottles of Ham mineral water in one go, Zhuo Yang waded into the bathtub and closed his eyes.

Love and marriage are not the same thing. Some people get married after they love, and some people gradually have love after they get married. Love, I already have it, and it is the best in the world, now I don’t need her anymore.

Only married! I am looking for a woman to get married quickly. It doesn’t really matter who it is, because I am not married for love. After they got married, they gave birth to a baby every year, five or six in a row, and let their parents play at home all day.

I don't need love anymore. I just need a woman who is willing to marry me, as long as she is willing to give me a lot of children.

In this way, maybe my parents will no longer be disappointed with me, and they will forgive me and take care of their grandchildren.

Reisha is a good marriage partner, she is very beautiful, and the children he and I will also be very beautiful, genetics are still very important.

It's really interesting, I even proposed to Reza, but did she agree? She should have agreed, why should she not agree? Hasn't she been waiting for me alone for so many years?

Why don't you promise to take me down! Did she take it off? Is there any...

Thinking of this, Zhuo Yang has a feeling of being a thief. He didn't realize why he was guilty.

After an hour of soaking, Reza still didn't come back, but she had a better headache.

Zhuo Yang came out of the bathtub, besides being dizzy, he felt refreshed. It's not always a matter of being naked. Diao Erlang looks like a rogue, and Reza is a little bit abrupt when he comes back.

Did you do it...

Wearing underwear and trousers, and then wearing socks and shoes, Zhuo Yang is still used to putting on the body at last. Without waiting for the harassment of the familiar female gangster, Zhuo Yang was at a loss for a moment before he picked up the new shirt on the stool.

There is a stack of stationery under the shirt.


Zhuo Yang, I am waiting for you in the United States.

I don’t know if you remember, you proposed to me last night. Did you know that I have been waiting for this moment for 12 years, from 22 to 34. When you proposed to me, it was my happiest moment in the past 12 years.

I am really happy. I love you, Zhuo Yang. Every year, every day, every minute and every second for 12 years, I love you.

You were drunk last night, very drunk and drunk, so I don’t know if you still remember the proposal, and you can’t be sure if your proposal is drunk or nonsense. But I long for it to be true.

I don’t know what happened to you, or what happened to you and your fiancee, I don’t want to care about other women at all, I only care about you, I only love you.

As long as your marriage proposal is true and you have no regrets after waking up, I will definitely agree with you. How could Reisha not agree with you? I was really happy last night, the happiest day of my life.

I'm going back to the U.S. first. I originally booked the morning flight.

You know where to find me. Zhuo Yang, I love you, so I don’t want to make you embarrassed or force you. If you regret to say a marriage proposal after you wake up, forget it, and treat last night as a beautiful encounter, like I met you on the campus of Hanover 12 years ago.

If you have no regrets, please come to the United States to tell me and tell your Reisha that you want to marry her.

Zhuo Yang, my lover, no matter what choice you make, I will respect you because I love you.

I am wearing a wedding dress waiting for you!

Edith Antoinette Reshakova who always loves you and always stays true to you


Fuck, what did you do? You said it!

The question that Zhuo Yang wants to know most now is whether to do it or not, not to marry or to propose. If you do, this **** is a landmark event, it is a watershed, there is no turning arrow when you open the bow, something that still persists in the subconscious mind doesn’t If you don’t do it..., why do you Don't do it? Am I not tempting?

Why are women so inexplicable? Proposal has nothing to do with whether I drink or not. Will I stop drinking when I get married?

Women always have a lot of farts, and they say that they have waited for 12 years, but you can’t even wait a whole morning? Need to run out and buy me new clothes? I changed my body this night...

You honestly wait for me to wake up, and then give me a clear word if you don't do it, and then we get married directly in Istanbul.

Then, just follow me back to China and start having children, one by one.

Zhuo Yang's cranky circles around him are avoiding the question of whether to go to the United States.

At 4 pm, Zhuo Yang, hungry and hungry, walked into Sabiha Gokcen International Airport and boarded a flight from Istanbul to Los Angeles.


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