Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1027 Dragon Soaring Nine Heavens (Part 2)

boom! boom! boom!

One cannon after another spit out hot flames and fired solid bullets weighing dozens of kilograms.

From a distance of nearly five miles, it hit the wall of Dongwang City heavily!

Before this battle broke out, all the countries in the Cangqing Realm fought against each other, and attacking the city was undoubtedly the most difficult and cruel action.

If you want to capture a strong city, you often need to constantly sacrifice people's lives to pile it up, or carry out a long-term siege until the city runs out of ammunition and food. In short, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it is a great test for both the attacker and the defender.

But now, under the fierce bombardment of cannons, large holes were blown out of the walls of Dongwang City, countless rubbles flew everywhere, and the defenders wailed one after another.

The cannons that Wang Chen was the first to use were specially used to attack cities. They had large calibers and large charges. The shells used were several times that of ordinary field cannons, and their range and power were far beyond.

In order to transport these cannons, 500 packhorses alone were used, along with thousands of matching gunners and auxiliaries!

At this moment, they unleashed their firepower to their heart's content and announced the arrival of a new era of war.

After a round of shelling, the east wall of Dongwang City was already scarred, and a corner of it was collapsed. The artillery, ballistas and other weapons placed on the wall suffered heavy losses.

The Yan army guarding the city wall also tried to fight back with artillery. However, their artillery was not even as good as Wang Chen's first-generation product. The solid bullets it fired were only two or three miles away and could not threaten the Xi Liang army at all.

Instead, they suffered hundreds of casualties under the bombardment of Xiliang artillery.

Not only that, the morale of these defenders was directly shattered.

Only those who have personally experienced cannon bombardment can truly understand the horror of this weapon. As the party being struck, their souls and will have suffered an unprecedented impact.

They hid under the city wall and did not dare to show their heads again.

If the Xiliang Army takes the opportunity to attack the city at this time, it may be able to play a very good role.

But Wang Chen had no idea of ​​taking risks, and he was not eager for success. He ordered the divine machine gun battalion to continue bombarding until the city walls collapsed and the city gates were broken!

So the rumble of cannons soon sounded again, and the damaged Dongwang City Wall had to withstand a new round of tests.

Anyone can see that it is only a matter of time before this wall is breached!

The defenders of Yan State could not sit still.

Just as the second round of shelling ended, black shadows suddenly appeared above the city wall.

They suddenly jumped down, landed firmly on the ground, and then all flew towards the location of the divine machine gun battalion like arrows, at an alarming speed.

This is obviously the death camp set up by the Yan army to target the Xiliang artillery, using assault and beheading tactics!

Among them, the dead warriors who rushed to the front all blessed themselves with Gangsha armor, and they also wore armor and paid great attention to defense.

These pioneers are undoubtedly the main force in breaking the formation!

However, how could Wang Chen be unprepared for Yan Jun's tricks?


With the sound of a loud whistle, the gunmen guarding the gun camp immediately raised a long gun.


Clear gunshots came one after another, clouds of white smoke rose up, and bullets were fired at the invading enemy like raindrops.

After the first wave was fought, the second wave followed closely. Teams of gunmen came forward alternately, forming a continuous barrage of firepower!

Those dead soldiers of the Yan Army who rushed to the front immediately ushered in the first round of volleys.

Their Gangsha armor did work, and they were able to withstand the projectiles containing terrifying kinetic energy. However, they were stopped and their forward speed dropped suddenly.

Then came the second round of bullets.


A shrill scream suddenly sounded—someone had broken the defense!

The gunmen responsible for protecting the artillery camp use special heavy-duty flintlock guns, which are aimed at the enemy's masters.

These masters of the Yan Army who acted as dead soldiers withstood the first and second rounds, but could no longer withstand the third and more rounds of bullets. They were knocked backwards one by one, causing a bloody storm.

The lethality of the heavy-duty flintlock musket is astonishing. It can easily penetrate heavy armor. Once it penetrates the human body, it will cause terrible wounds. Even if it is not fatal, it will be seriously injured on the spot.

This elite Yan army was wiped out in just a dozen breaths, leaving behind more than a hundred horrific corpses.

Their closest point to the artillery camp was also two hundred paces away.

Didn't even touch the edge!

And such a result is obviously the last thing the defenders of Dongwang City want to see.

They seemed to have fallen into despair. They did not send out a second death squad and could only silently endure the shelling of the Shenji Battalion.

The problem is that this is just the beginning.

After most of the east wall of Dongwang City was blown down and the city gate was reduced to pieces, the Xiliang Army did not take the opportunity to launch an attack, but extended artillery fire into the city.

And used explosive bombs!

Now the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Dongwang City fell into greater pain and despair.

When cannonballs exploded in the city, and houses were blown to pieces and trampled, countless people fell into madness. They screamed and ran around like headless flies, trampling each other to death.

The Yan Kingdom defenders were also completely in chaos. Many officers were killed on the spot and could not organize a decent defense at all.

Everyone realizes that the fall of Dongwang City is inevitable!

When the new round of shelling by the Xiliang Army ended, a lowered flag was immediately raised high on the east wall.

The Yan army surrendered!

Back and forth, they only persisted for less than an hour, and an outpost fortress that Dayan spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build fell to its knees so easily.

In fact, we can't blame these defenders for their incompetence, because they are facing the Xiliang Shenji Battalion that has been prepared for two years. It has powerful weapons and advanced tactics that are beyond this era.

The most important thing is that the guard general of Dongwang City has died in the battle.

He died on the way to the Xiliang artillery camp!

The Xiliang Army won!

The city of Yan Kingdom was captured without losing a single soldier.

Everyone looked at Wang Chen with endless admiration.

"Enter the city!"

Wang Chen left the task of taking over the city to his generals.

Although he personally led the army to the west this time, he did not want these generals to adopt the habit of relying on him.

Xi Liang still has a long way to go before conquering the world.

And the first step we just took was obviously very successful.

The process of taking over Dongwang City went smoothly. Although there was sporadic resistance, it was quickly suppressed.

As for the captured Yan army, they moved to Hanhai City together with the people in the city. Wu Fu was responsible for the supervision and resettlement, and finally became part of Xiliang.

As for this scarred city, it will also be completely blown up!——

The second update is sent.

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