Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1028 The Soaring Dragon Nine Heavens (Part 2)

boom! boom! boom!

Clouds of white smoke suddenly appeared from the front of the Xiliang Army's position, and the Yan Army's Qingqi, who were charging hundreds of steps away, suddenly fell to the ground like a scythe from the god of death.

However, the Yanqi behind them seemed unaware. They stared angrily, raised the spears they held high, and kicked the mounts under their crotches with the spurs embedded in the heels of their boots, keeping the latter in the most frenzied state. Fierce state.

Such a cruel approach is obviously extremely abnormal for a Yanqi who loves war horses more than his wife and children.

Because once the mount exerts all its strength, it is likely to fall to the ground, and it will be completely useless even if it is not dead.

But they have no choice!

The fire gun formation of the Xiliang Army in front has withstood five consecutive attacks by the Yan Army's cavalry, but it has always stood still.

In front of the military formation, the corpses of countless Yan soldiers were lying.

The problem is that if they do not break through the cannon formation, they will not be able to deal a fatal blow to the Xiliang Army.

It is impossible to win this decisive battle!

Seven days ago, the Xiliang army suddenly left Hanhaiguan in the west. On the same day, they broke through Dongwang City and captured hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the city.

Immediately afterwards, this large army defeated the three cities of Xiazhu, Baisha and Shiya.

This caught Yan Guo off guard.

Although Dayan has launched another expedition against Xiliang, all the armies that can be mobilized are still on the way, and the food, grass and baggage are ready, and a large part of them have been stored in advance in the four cities that have just fallen.

These precious materials have actually helped the Xiliang Army a lot!

Seeing that the situation was very bad, Yan Wuhui, the great general of the Yanzhu Kingdom, personally led 30,000 cavalry, and rushed to the important eastern town of Jialuo City day and night. Together with the hurriedly arriving four armies, they formed a 370,000 cavalry force. A huge army of people.

And blocked the invading Xi Liang army on Wudingyuan.

The two sides launched a war of unprecedented scale.

In terms of numbers, the Dayan Army had an absolute advantage, and with the continuous reinforcements coming from behind, the total number was more than half a million.

As for the Xiliang Army, including auxiliary troops and reinforcements, the maximum number does not exceed 150,000.

However, the decisive battle lasted from morning to noon. Not only did the Dayan army fail to gain any advantage, but they suffered tens of thousands of casualties.

The artillery and muskets of the Xiliang Army were so powerful that they not only hit extremely far, but were also very lethal.

Especially the cannon, which blasted out for several miles with one shot, causing blood and flesh to fly everywhere where the projectiles landed. Warriors of the fourth and fifth levels did not dare to use their spears lightly. The soldiers below were either killed or injured when they touched it. Even wearing heavy armor had no effect.

The current Yan army still has a numerical advantage, but many people are shadowed by the all-conquering cannons, and they can't help but tremble when they hear the roar of the cannons.

Afraid of flying cannonballs falling on my head!

However, Yan Wuhui, the general of the Zhu Kingdom, had no intention of backing down. This famous general of the Yan Kingdom personally supervised the battle, killed more than a dozen generals who escaped from the battle, and forced the Yan army to launch wave after wave of attacks.

Thousands of Yanqi braved the hail of bullets and relied on the huge sacrifices made by their companions to finally approach the fire gun formation.

Just as they were preparing to launch a final desperate charge, the Xiliang fire gunmen standing at the front suddenly retreated together.

Dozens of field artillery were immediately revealed, the black muzzles pointed at Yan Qi.

These Yan Kingdom knights opened their eyes and opened their mouths, and the fear of death appeared in everyone's mind.

boom! boom! boom!

More than thirty field artillery sprayed hundreds of shotgun shells at the same time, covering a large battlefield area.

The charging knights of the Yan Kingdom were suddenly blown to pieces, including their men and horses. The sight of blood and flesh flying everywhere was simply too horrible to watch!

Although they showed the bravery that a knight should have, in front of the roaring cannon, this kind of bravery not only had no place for bravery, but instead created the reputation of the latter as the god of war.

The Yan army was defeated again.

Over and over again, the continuous futile attacks with huge casualties made the Yan army feel exhausted and desperate. Even though there was an eyeing supervisory team behind them, their morale was still extremely low.

Some of the defeated soldiers even dropped their weapons and collapsed on the ground motionless.

At this time, the originally clear sky suddenly became overcast with clouds, and the howling wind rolled up the clouds and rushed toward the area where the Xiliang Army was located, and rumbles of thunder occurred one after another.

This sudden change in the celestial phenomena immediately attracted the attention of both warring parties.

On the watchtower of the Western Liang Army, Wang Chen's eyes swept across the vast battlefield and landed on the Yan Army's rear camp.

Although he was far away, he could still clearly "see" the mana rising into the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds and changing the weather.

There was obviously a large army of monks there.

Kunlun Taoist Palace!

A name instantly appeared in Wang Chen's mind.

He knew that it was the back-up plan of General Yan Wuhui of Yan State Zhu State!

On the cruel battlefield, the power of a few dozen monks was insignificant and could not play any role at all.

Even under the powerful aura of the military formation, they will even be deprived of the ability to cast spells!

However, the situation is different when the number of monks increases to several thousand and they form a large magic circle, commanded by a person at the level of a great heavenly master.

Wang Chen easily understood the other party's intentions.

The monks from the Kunlun Dao Palace joined forces to create a violent storm over the Xiliang Army, which would affect the performance of weapons such as firecrackers and artillery, thereby greatly weakening the strength of the Xiliang Army.

I have to say, this is a very clever method.

Because gunpowder is most afraid of moisture, once it gets wet in the rain, all firecrackers and artillery will turn into a pile of scrap metal.

By then, the Yan army will be able to swamp the Xiliang army just by relying on their numbers!

The Yan army undoubtedly understood the weakness of gunpowder. They also had their own artillery, and they had been hiding it in the rear without pushing it up.

Once the plan succeeds, the Xiliang Army will feel the taste of being bombarded!

Yan Wuhui is worthy of being a famous general of Great Yan.

But he neglected to calculate Wang Chen's strength.

Wang Chen stood on the watchtower, raised his head to the sky, pinched the magic formula with his hands, and shouted in a deep voice: "The wind is blowing!"

Since the other party wants to control the wind and rain, Wang Chen will help them.

With the addition of his power, the violent wind suddenly turned into a huge storm, carrying rain clouds swirling high in the sky, and instantly left the sky above the Xiliang Army.


Accompanied by lightning, heavy rain poured down, moistening the parched land.

Not a drop fell on the Xiliang Army's array.

In the camp behind the Yan army, thousands of monks were stunned and couldn't believe what had just happened.

They jointly performed the driven storm formation without any problems, and the effect was obvious.

However, the opponents easily used the wind to control their tactics and neutralized their tricks.

Such a result really makes people vomit blood!


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