Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1079 Sweeping an army (Part 2)

Under the walls of Hanhai Dao Palace, there were already piles of corpses.

The fierce battle lasted for seven days. Although the enemy troops repeatedly attacked the city wall, they were all beaten down by the fearless Taoist warriors. Both sides suffered heavy casualties.

But the problem is that the number of Dao Palace warriors is limited, but the enemies seem to be endless.

Not only did they surround Hanhai Dao Palace and bombard it, but they also blocked Hanhai City's support for the Dao Palace.

In fact, Hanhai City is also under tremendous pressure and may fall at any time!

Therefore, the only people Chen Mo and other Taoist warriors can rely on are themselves.

boom! boom! boom!

Today's first wave of enemies had just been repulsed. Cannonballs hit the city wall like raindrops, and debris and shrapnel flew in all directions. Many Taoist warriors who could not dodge screamed and rolled to the ground.

This round of bombardment was particularly ferocious as the enemy's advance of artillery shortened the distance between the walls.

Fortunately, the outer city wall of the Taoist Palace was built with the strongest black gold rock when it was first built, which could withstand the power of cannonballs, otherwise it would have been destroyed long ago.

Despite this, the Dao Palace warriors have little ability to fight back.

Because the heavy artillery placed on the city wall has long been lost, the most powerful weapon has been lost.


Chen Mo, who was huddled behind the wall, heard the enemy's charging roar again. He shook his stunned head, trying to wake himself up.

At this moment, a frightened voice suddenly came from the side: "Everyone, be careful, magic attack!"

Chen Mo subconsciously raised his head and saw countless fire spots appearing in the air, covering the location where he and others were.

Those were fireballs burning with flames!

Chen Mo couldn't help but laugh miserably.

The previous attacks from the enemy mages were all blocked by the Great Heavenly Master and a group of Dao Palace disciples.

But now the Great Heavenly Master is seriously injured, and most of the hundreds of Dao Palace disciples are dead. Who else can stand up at this time and block the rain of fire from the enemy?

Chen Mo closed his eyes and prepared to welcome death.

The surrounding Dao Palace warriors were similar to Chen Mo. They basically gave up resistance and chose to die for the Dao Palace.

At this point, there is no point in struggling anymore.

Then after a while, Chen Mo felt something was wrong.

He was safe and sound.


Chen Mo immediately opened his eyes, and his eyes suddenly widened.

The fire rain falling from high altitude was actually blocked by a translucent barrier, and the powerful fireballs bounced off or exploded after hitting it.

How can this be?

Chen Mo rubbed his eyes subconsciously, thinking he was hallucinating.

But this is not his fantasy!

"The formation has been restored!"

Someone let out a roar of joy. Although the voice was hoarse, it seemed to have given the surrounding soldiers a shot in the arm.

Someone else shouted: "Great Heavenly Master, it must be Great Heavenly Master!"

Chen Mo nodded.

Yes, besides the Great Heavenly Master, who else can restore the palace-protecting formation?

The next moment, an indescribable aura surged from the direction of the Dao Palace, sweeping across the entire city wall in an instant.

Chen Mo and other Taoist warriors suddenly felt like they were in the spring breeze. They felt warm and comfortable all over, and the wounds on their bodies began to heal.

It's like a miracle!

"Quick, quick, kill!"

Of course, the enemies who besieged the Taoist Palace also witnessed such a magical sight. Their leader roared angrily: "The first one to rush up the city wall will be rewarded with a reward of ten thousand taels, and will be granted the title of Marquis of Ten Thousand Households!"

The enemies, who were so excited by the huge reward, picked up the ladders with red eyes and rushed towards the city wall with all their strength.

Chen Mo clenched the weapon in his hand again, preparing to stop the enemy.

At this moment, a tall figure suddenly appeared beside him.

The person who came was wearing a green Taoist robe, and his appearance was extremely handsome. His whole person exuded a faint light, like a fairy.

Chen Mo's breathing stopped.

National Division!

He recognized the Taoist who suddenly appeared at a glance. He was the Great Zhou Guoshi who was supposed to be sleeping in the Taoist Palace.

Wang Chen!

Although this Great Zhou Imperial Master has been silent for many years, his reputation is still spread among countless people.

The supreme Empress Wu Fu was his disciple, as was the invincible God of War Ling Zhiyuan. The fire cannon he invented changed the situation of war and left countless legends.

Although Empress Wu Fu repeatedly denied it, many people believed that Wang Chen had already ascended.

What was left in Hanhai Dao Palace was just a body.

But this national master is still the spiritual leader of the Great Zhou Dynasty!

Chen Mo never expected that the Imperial Master that he and others fought to protect would actually appear in front of him alive.

Chen Mo was completely stunned.

And he was not the only one who was stunned. The Taoist warriors around him were all dumbfounded and lost the ability to speak.

Seeing such a scene, Wang Chen smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Leave the rest to me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he reached out and grabbed a big sword, then jumped off the high city wall.


Wang Chen landed firmly on the open space in front of the city wall, facing the enemy's thousands of troops.

At this moment, the enemy was also stunned.

After a while, a leader of the officers shouted sternly: "What are you doing standing still? Kill him!"

No matter how amazing Wang Chen behaves, he is only one person after all. If so many soldiers swarm up, they can drown him!

A group of enemy soldiers seemed to have woken up from a dream. They dropped the ladders in their hands, drew out their sabers and rushed towards Wang Chen with screams.


Facing hundreds of enemies who were attacking him, Wang Chen smiled coldly and suddenly thrust the sword in his hand into the ground.


The ground shook suddenly, and countless pieces of soil flew up, not only isolating the enemies who rushed towards Wang Chen, but also blocking the bullets fired at him.

The next moment, Wang Chen drew his sword and rushed forward, brazenly charging into the chaotic enemy army.

His figure is as fast as a ghost, and the sword he swings brings burning flames. Every slash is accompanied by fire dragons dancing wildly, causing tragic damage to the surrounding enemies.

Although Wang Chen cannot control the flying sword, this Qijue sword contains the natural power of heaven and earth, which can greatly amplify the spells he casts and cause great additional damage.

What's even more terrifying is the sword itself. With its weight of a thousand kilograms and its astonishing sharpness, no enemy can resist it.

Wherever Wang Chen went, there was a bloody storm.

And he moved forward bravely, stepping on the corpses on the ground, and rushed towards the enemy's central army!

Not only are the enemy's top generals there, there are also a large number of mages.

In an instant, Wang Chen broke through the blockage of an entire group of enemy warriors. The power of his sword surged, and the energy of his sword swept through everything around him.

And those bullets and arrows shot at him were bounced away by an invisible force!


The second update is sent.

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