Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1080 Sweeping an army (Part 2)

Countless enemies were stunned.

Although there were tens of thousands of them and they were only dealing with Wang Chen, it felt like they were facing an unshakable towering mountain range, and a sense of powerlessness arose in their hearts.

If muskets and bows and arrows cannot penetrate, are they still human?

And while these enemies were frightened, hesitant, and hesitant, Wang Chen's charge did not stop.


He waved his sword and shouted, and an invisible coercive force came out from the Qijue sword and swept across a hundred steps radius in an instant.

The enemies covered by this coercive force, regardless of their level of strength, were all shocked.

It’s like petrification!


Wang Chen swung his sword again, and flashes of lightning shot out from the sword body, forming a dense electric grid around it.

Hundreds of enemy soldiers had no time to dodge, nor were they able to dodge, watching helplessly as the lightning containing the power of death penetrated their bodies.

Especially those warriors holding large shields or wearing iron armor were shocked on the spot.

A large piece fell down in unison!

Wang Chen's surroundings suddenly emptied.

He continued to charge forward and swung his sword again: "Wind!"

The wind suddenly rises!


The flames rise!

Countless fireballs burning with flames, supported by strong winds, sprayed forward like detached artillery shells, mercilessly bombarding all enemies standing in front of them.

These fist-sized fireballs explode instantly when they hit the target, forming a more powerful splash attack.

Once the extremely high-temperature flame attaches to a person's body, it will immediately cause burning damage, melt the armor and burn through the flesh, and can burn a tough warrior into a blackened skeleton in the blink of an eye!

Such an attack was far more powerful than artillery. A group of elite thousand guards blocking the enemy's central army was blasted through in just ten breaths, causing extremely heavy casualties.

Explosions, screams, wails, and calls for help came and went one after another. It was a complete scene of purgatory on earth.

But Wang Chen's attack was not interrupted or suspended because of this. His charging steps were still steady and fast, and the sword he swung left and right cast endless spells, harvesting the lives of his enemies with devastating force.

The Chinese army is getting closer and closer to the enemy commander!

Suddenly, more than a dozen figures appeared in front of and to the left and right of Wang Chen, forming a blocking force.

These blockers who have just appeared include men, women, old and young, Taoists and monks. They wear different clothes and hold various weapons. Each of them exudes a different aura.

Waves of fierce momentum quickly gathered and headed towards Wang Chen.

There is no doubt that the masters and strong men among the enemy cannot sit still!

However, Wang Chen remained unafraid, and quickened his pace and rushed forward, taking the initiative to face these new opponents.

"How brave!"

A burly man rushed over holding a shield. While roaring angrily, he swung the battle ax in his hand and struck Wang Chen in the head.

Astonishingly, he is a fifth-level martial arts master!


In a flash of lightning, Wang Chen passed by this powerful martial artist.

He was unscathed, and even his charging posture had no impact or change.

The burly man stood frozen on the spot, with a look of astonishment on his rough face and a blank look in his eyes.

The next moment, his whole body and the shield in his hand were split into two halves!

This fifth-level martial arts master paid the price with his life, but he didn't even take a single move from Wang Chen.

The other masters were all horrified.

Although they had just seen Wang Chen's powerful magic, they thought that with so many people united, they were enough to take down the legendary Grand Master of Zhou Dynasty.

They never expected that Wang Chen's spells were not only terrifying, but his melee fighting strength was even more outrageous!

But it was too late to regret, because Wang Chen had already killed them in front of them!


The shrill screams suddenly resounded across the battlefield, and as the surging sword light unfolded, each of the masters and strong men were cut into two pieces, or flew away with blood spurting out.

The few monks who were left behind were so frightened that they instinctively turned around and ran away.

As a result, he was swallowed up by the sword light within a few steps!

However, their sacrifice also bought some time for the enemy commander. Hundreds of heavy cavalry hurried from the right wing and joined the ranks to intercept Wang Chen.

Immediately afterwards, countless broken limbs flew up, and blood burst out as people roared and horses neighed.

Wang Chen seemed to be a whirlpool of death. Any enemy who came close to him would be involuntarily drawn into it, and then be chopped into pieces by the indestructible sword light.

No one can be an exception!

After defeating the heavy cavalry that came to the rescue, Wang Chen had already reached the front of the Chinese army.

Wang Chen saw the enemy commander sitting on the luxurious chariot at a glance!

The commander-in-chief looked to be in his twenties or thirties, his appearance had an obvious exotic style, and his face was pale at this time.

Although there are thousands of elite warriors around him!


Wang Chen raised his big sword expressionlessly, once again activating the power of this fourth-level spiritual treasure.

Although the power of the Qijue Sword has been reduced to one percent by the rules of this world, with the blessing of Wang Chen's own magic power, its edge is still unrivaled.


When the enemy commander screamed in terror and the surrounding warriors rushed forward desperately, Wang Chen suddenly swung down the Qijue sword in his hand.

A ray of sword light then slashed forward, passing hundreds of steps in an instant, cutting through all the enemies blocking the front, and finally struck the chariot of the enemy leader heavily.


This majestic and luxurious chariot suddenly burst into pieces. The enemy commander sitting in the vehicle and the surrounding guards had no time to scream, and they turned into flying wreckage.

The enemies who witnessed this scene were all speechless.

Their commander died like this?

His death was extremely tragic, and his death was worthless!

But Wang Chen's killing didn't stop, it just changed the goal of the battle.

He rushed towards a group of Taoist priests and Celestial Masters on the left wing of the central army, and raised his sword again.

At this moment, this big sword has turned into the scythe of death in everyone's eyes. The fear of death caused the monks to collapse instantly, crying and screaming and running for their lives.

The scene was chaotic.

In fact, it was not just these heavenly masters who collapsed, but also more samurai warriors.

"Run, run quickly!"

Someone let out a heartbreaking scream.

Single-handedly sweeping through thousands of armies, Wang Chen turned into a demon in the hearts of these people.

And how can mortals fight against the devil?

Flags fell one after another, and along with the chaos among the Chinese army, the enemy troops who participated in the siege of Hanhai Dao Palace fell into chaos.

The collapse is irreversible!


The first update is sent.

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