Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 326: The young aristocratic man running away and the weird Aldo

Seeing that the young aristocratic man who behaved arrogantly and arrogantly, he stepped back a few steps before he was ready to crash into the side of the wall again.

This guy actually came for real! What if I don’t come and die by myself?

"Okay, okay! I just made a joke to you! Why are you so serious! I won't execute you and your family...

After looking at this guy in front of him, Bais, who was somewhat compromised, could only make a promise first.

Otherwise, I don’t know what this young noble man is going to give him a moth. After all, the power of this head mallet is really doing his best. Now he feels that his abdomen is like being brutally attacked by a big hammer. Like a heavy bombardment, this dull pain couldn't be relieved for a while.

It seems that the bitter trick is effective! If it weren’t for this King Bais’ love of talent, I’m afraid I would have died many times a long time ago, although my behavior is almost dead anyway, it’s better to let him understand that I’m a big deal and I’m not afraid of death. ! That way, I will be more cautious in his words and deeds now!

"Really? I thought that your Majesty Bais really wanted the life of your subordinates and family members! There is indeed a slight shocking feeling, whirr... scared me to death!"

Seeing Bais’s active compromise, the young aristocratic man who stopped using his life in exchange for the initiative, he wiped his head full of sweat, panting, and made Qi Bais afraid of playing threats and tricks, as if it was true. One set, just sitting on the ground face to face with him, just panting together...

"That's all! You should withdraw first! I will contact you for something in the future!"

"Then... the subordinates will leave!"

"Hey! Σっ°Д°っ wait! You haven't helped me up yet..."

Ta ta ta

After watching this Bais actually make another concession, the young noble man just ran away without looking back.

Beth, who was prepared to want him to help him up, felt embarrassed for a moment when he looked at his hurriedly leaving back. If he couldn't help it, he would just stay here obediently, waiting for his body to recover and thinking of a way to get up. ...

Ta ta ta

"Report to Lord Aldo! The front reconnaissance unit integrated the clues from the escaped soldiers, and specially obtained an emergency information!"

On the other side, the two fortresses were close to the capital, in a huge open area in the joint army garrison. A messenger brought a roll of sheepskin scrolls and reported to one of the huge military accounts.

Hoo hoo hoo, click

"Good! Show me!"


In the same way, there is a sturdy man wearing a cloth, still waving the giant axe in the open position, and even sweating down the weapon in his hand, and carefully observe the sheepskin scroll that he begs for. .

"Hahaha, that's the case! Didn’t expect that the army of these fanatics would actually have captured 3 fortress cities in the same day? Although I had expected it, I did not expect that as the veteran I admire most, Moss and his trump card The veteran regiment was actually the second loser, which really surprised me a little bit!"

"You said that apart from the monster-level army of the demihumans, why are they also humans and belong to the most elite Moss veteran regiment in our country. They will be ruthlessly attacked by this central army in a short period of time, and even our side From the north, I ran to the 2w men and horses to provide support, but it was destroyed in a moment?"

Zi La Zi La

And after reading the information like the same ten lines, Aldor showed a very interested and terrifying appearance, just dragging the big axe to the side of the messenger and asking like this. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

"No no... I don't know! Forgive me! Lord Aldo!"

Just seeing this uncertain and emotionally unstable situation made this messenger subconsciously tremble and retreat backwards, for fear that Aldo in front of him is like a rumor. Once his emotions are out of control, he will not hesitate to ask for it. His life.

"Cut it! I'm not a devil, why should I hide from me like this! That's all! This enthusiasm waits until that time and is slowly looking for the opponent's general to discuss it! Don't get out of here!"

"Yes Yes……"


Seeing this messy messenger, Aldo, who was still a little interested in himself, was very displeased to reprimand him, and let him rush out of his tent...

"Did you defeat those old heroes? I am looking forward to the fortress defense battle in a few days' time! In this battle, I will use the fame that you have created to give me all the honor and reputation of ruling this Urbas. Come on! Hahahahaha!!!!"

Hoo hoo hoo

After recalling the feeling of blood boiling just this Aldo continued to wield the big axe in his hand with great force...

In the early morning of the next day, the morning air in this town was still so clear. After all, except for some areas, most of it is no different from the grassland area. In addition to the area dedicated to combat, most of the internal civilian areas are still mixed. With countless original ecological forest greening. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

Therefore, it is the best soil producing area suitable for planting fruit trees and agriculture, coupled with the natural grazing grassland in the periphery, most of the animal husbandry here is to come back at night to let the animals rest, and rush out in the morning to walk around and let them run and play like stocking state.

Da Da Da, Dong Dong Dong

However, today is the first day after the war, and there are still a lot of people who come to repair the city walls and damage the infrastructure just to get up early, which leads to a particularly lively start in the morning.

"It seems that even if we get up for routine exercise, it will not be as early as the working hours of the people in this town!"

"Also talk about this! It is clear that Tongrenjiang wants to sneak up and run to exercise by herself, although it is good to care and love us! But healthy exercise time is still needed for all of us!"

"Yes! Your Highness Kirito! Just like what Sister Asuna said! Obviously hope that we have the corresponding self-protection ability, and you are too doting on the two of us, then this behavior will turn into a bad thing in turn. It’s up! Exercise is also necessary for us!"

"Hmm! We are also necessary! x9"

In a sense, this morning, there was a group of charming beauties of different appearances, running out on the street like a family of sisters. It was also the first time I saw the people in this town, and vice versa. It's a beautiful landscape...

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