Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 327: The battle ended at 1 o'clock, and the situation with the other side

"Sand~Sand~Sand, huh~huh"

   "hiss~hiss~hiss! xN"

   Although these snakes were actually unwilling to retreat, they were orders from higher-ranking snakes after all. They had to retreat in the forest as they were, or lurking in a very inconspicuous way as instructed to wait for another attack order.

   "Boss! The subordinates are back! What should I do next?"

"Lightly tap our battle damage, charge from the edge of life and death to almost zero distance from the enemy's fortress, and obtain the necessary information from the subordinates who have survived. Of course, those who survived the battle for the longest time have to interrogate them carefully! After all, now We don’t have enough intelligence!"

"Especially for the enemy's style of play, the number of people, the amount of material storage, and the huge and obviously unnatural fortress, we need more detailed information to make a reference for victory! By the way, let these reckless compatriots have a good rest. , Prepare for the next stage of preparations!"

   "Understand! xN"


   After this confession by the snake man, who is called the boss, the snakes moved quickly to complete their tasks.

(To be honest! How did they do this kind of fortress area that appeared out of thin air! I remember the snakes once said that this is just a small mountain area. Could it be that they were just like the sudden flood before. What wonderful method was used to cause weird results?)

"It seems that the key is the clever Beast Mother Commander that the Queen has been mentioning! The weak light is instinctively using the physical body to advance, obviously it is just an unreasonable consumption of one's own combat power! First look around! Is it the case?"

   After slightly analyzing the current situation, the old stool quickly moved his snake body, and started his own intelligence gathering along the edge of the forest closest to the fortress...


   (Did you really retreat? And it was very simple, even with plenty of spare energy, but it was just enough to retreat...)

   Looking at the quiet scenery of a breeze blowing some sand and fallen leaves outside, it was like telling her that there were no enemies in the battlefield, making Aichan full of more uneasy doubts.

   "What do you do now? Master Xiaoai! They have been back for ten minutes! Do you want to reclaim some supplies now! Of course they won't directly step into the jungle, after all, they should still be lurking inside at this time!"

   It is also possible that because of the rare opportunity to recycle, let the beast ladies who know that they are lacking in consumable materials, so admonish them.

"Okay...but you have to be careful! In case they hide in the corpses and inconspicuous corners and attack your defenseless collection state, it is best to let some sisters make up for these things first, and then in the most alert environment Collect the necessary supplies, sisters at the top, remember to cover the surroundings of the recycling team!"

   "Understand! Let's start! xN"

   Following Aichan’s instructions, these beast girls smiled and slowly opened the key door with their arms, and began to mending the knife to warn the snakes, and at the same time, they recovered the weapons and consumables they could use...

  ‘Boom~Rumbling, Da~Da~Da, 唰~呲, Papa~Papa’

   (Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? They really came out, they seem to be recovering materials, the number of people... about 3 wu?)

And when the boss swayed into the grass close to the gate of the fortress, he saw the beast girl who came out very vigilantly using weapons to make up for possible enemy attacks on the surrounding roads. So long meant that they should be aware of their arrangement. That’s right, it’s just a matter of whether it’s going to happen or not, it’s up to both sides to hide and search, whether it’s just a piece...


   "Woo~ woo... It's finally done... So Brother Yun! Are you trying to torture us in every way? Or are you training us? I always feel that people are going crazy! 〒▽〒"

   "Yes... finally ended this long 10-lap marathon in the evening..."

   "I feel so sleepy..."

   In the evening when Ai Jiang and the others had an accident, Silica and the others were also very exhausted, panting and returning to the cloud that had just cooked delicious meals, and they were now in their temporary camp.


   and then collapsed on the ground as if collapsed. After all, the various difficulties on the way are like going through five levels and six generals, which made them feel uncomfortable, think about and find solutions for a long time.

   also had to repeat the process after solving the 9th time, and let the three little guys who finished, limp on the ground and complaining about the clouds.

( is true! It looks like an alternative obstacle marathon! It is impressive and learned a lot? After all, it is very meaningful in actual combat, and most of them are living neutral and hostile enemies. Naturally, the other party will not show mercy!)

"Okay~ okay! I have been watching your hard work, and I have also worked out the scoring board over there for you in the quiz of each, if you are interested, it will be long if you are interested. Take a good look at your performance and my evaluation! Then you will know where your strengths and weaknesses are!"

After watching these three fall asleep on the ground without the image of a girl, Yun pointed to them with a helpless look at the very conspicuous wooden sign beside it, which actually listed the difficult scenes they encountered. , And the scores and comments made on the question equivalent to action, just nailed it with parchment paper and nails.

   (There is still this kind of thing! Let's go and see! x3)

   Hearing the existence of such a thing made the three little guys forget their fatigue for a while, and slowly got up and ran over to observe carefully.

   (It’s so detailed! Almost all the incidents and situations we encountered are on it! Could it be that Brother Yun and Master Yun have been following us to watch our performance? x3)

Seeing such a detailed presentation made them involuntarily look towards the direction of the cloud where the thing came from. After all, although they knew that the cloud might be watching them nearby, they did not expect to be able to make such judgments and advice in every detail. Make them open their mouths subconsciously.

"You can almost see the place you need to exercise from above, but today you are also tired, so let’s eat some of my food first, and then take a good rest! Today, I will make an exception for you to watch the night. As a reward for today’s hard work, of course it’s not an example!"

   Seeing the three of them looking at him with surprised eyes, the well-knowing cloud kept one eye open and closed one eye, so he promised...

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