Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 224 Agent Raccoon Qiu

It was not complicated for Bai Zhongqi and others to pass the customs. It was similar to the border inspection from Earth to Ruyi City. Basically, they filled in their identities and went through quarantine once, and there would be no problem. Bai Zhongqi is not worried that he will be penniless on Puping Asing. He has many ways to make some transactions so that he can have chips to exchange for what he wants.

As a guest who came to Puping'a for the first time, a Puping'a man named Raccoon Qiu took the initiative to come to Bai Zhongqi's side with a smile that could not be recognized by people on earth.

Puping people have a smile, which is different from the grins of the Primates. When Puping people smile, their mouths arch forward and their nostrils become larger, which makes them look a bit weird. This reminded Bai Zhongqi of an emoticon actor from country C who played X Kang.

"Dear guests, I am specially sent by Puping'a Trade and Service Federation to serve you. Because this is the first time for you to come to our planet, in order to welcome you, this service is free. However, if you appreciate my service If you are satisfied, you can financially encourage my services and add me as your civilization's trade agent." Raccoon Qiu bent over and looked extremely respectful.

Bai Zhongqi nodded slightly, understanding that Raccoon Qiu was actually an official broker. He has the officially recognized status of the so-called Trade Service Federation of Puping A Star, and can be employed by other civilizations as their trade representatives on this commercial planet, no matter what the needs of the civilization are, such as wanting to purchase some kind of Commodity, or selling a planet, the trade broker will find a suitable transaction partner for his employer and mediate it to benefit the employer.

But Bai Zhongqi also expected that those really capable trade brokers would not be able to act as trade brokers for a civilization whose origins they did not know, and they would not get much profit from it. Only those trade brokers who do not have much strength or experience will be keen on pursuing these civilizations of unknown origin and hope to make a fortune from them.

The "Eagle Shield Civilization" quickly obtained the customs entry permit from Puping'a Trading Star. After Bai Zhongqi's Bibo Boat was tested, it was allowed to land on Puping'a Star.

In fact, the Pupin people do not allow armed spacecraft to land on the planet's surface, so any spacecraft carrying weapons is prohibited from entering the trading star, or simply temporarily removes the weapon module. The Bibo boat also has weapons modules, and Bai Zhongqi unloaded the 15WM caliber railgun on the Bibo boat without any burden, and temporarily kept it in the cargo spacecraft piloted by Tashvi behind it.

As a temporary agent, Raccoon Qiu boarded Bai Zhongqi's Bibo boat. As soon as he entered the cabin, Raccoon Qiu's black eyes shone brightly and his heartbeat accelerated.

"This is a big fish! We must catch this guest firmly." Raccoon Qiu thought to himself.

As a means of transportation for the head of state of Iridium, the Bibo Boat is naturally very high-end inside. But in terms of luxury, the Iridium people may not be as good as some of the richest people on Earth. When Raccoon Qiu was in Puping'a, he had seen civilizations ranging from one thousand to five hundred, and many of them were luxurious and exquisite. Naturally, these things would not shock him. What really shocked him was the various functional equipment inside. These products can well reflect the level of a civilization.

Although Raccoon Qiu could not completely judge the level of these equipment, he could roughly tell whether his customer was valuable. From these things, Raccoon Qiu judged that the level of this civilization was definitely above level 20. A civilization that could reach this level must have a lot of business opportunities. Such high-level customers are generally beyond the reach of a small agent like him.

The Bibo boat landed at an airport in Puping'a star. Raccoon Qiu still said to Bai Zhongqi with a smile on his face: "Because this is your first time coming to Puping'a, you only need to pay the normal parking fee at the airport." I will pay half of the amount for you."

After paying such a large amount of money, Raccoon Qiu also felt very toothache, but in order to seize this possible big customer, Raccoon Qiu was also very careful.

Bai Zhongqi didn't seem to be particularly affectionate or friendly. He just nodded very plainly and said, "Thank you."

Raccoon Qiu led Bai Zhongqi and others into a car. Bai Zhongqi could tell at a glance that the technology of this car was similar to that of the Iridium floating vehicle. They both had automatic driving systems and floated in mid-air using a maglev system. It's just that the appearance and interior decoration of this car are very different from the Iridium floating car. Unlike the streamlined square shape of the Iridium car that is more similar to the vehicle on the earth, this car is more like some retro cars from the early 20th century. modeling. It does not pursue futurism like Iridium, but is extremely exquisite. Even the frame of the headlights has complex and exquisite lines.

"This car is a creation of the Romuk civilization. It is a popular motor vehicle in more than ten nearby star fields. The Romuk is a typical craftsman civilization. Although the civilization level is not very high, the things it makes are It is difficult for many advanced civilizations to compare with it." Raccoon Qiu introduced it to Bai Zhongqi.

Bai Zhongqi asked casually: "How much does such a car cost in Puping'a?"

Bai Zhongqi from Raccoon Qiu was interested in this luxurious car. Although this kind of recreational consumption would not be particularly large, it was also a good sign. He immediately said: "Such a car can be bought for only 0.085 pulun." arrive."

Bai Zhongqi remained calm, but he understood something in his heart. It sounds like 0.085 Pulun is a small number, but Pulun is actually a very large unit. It is a large unit used for trade. The real Pulun people living in Pulun use Currency is actually a pound, which is equal to one hundred millionth of a pound.

So, such a car actually costs 8.5 million yuan. Pulun and Puch are both energy currency units, and one Pulun is roughly equivalent to more than one kilowatt hour of electricity. From this point of view, this luxury car is basically at the same price as the luxury cars made on earth. But taking into account the huge disparity in civilization's productivity, the cost of producing such a car may not even cost 100 Puqi. At least the Iridium people can produce this kind of thing for less than 100 Puqi.

If a lower civilization purchases similar products, they spend a lot of precious energy in exchange for products made by a higher civilization, which is equivalent to their productivity being severely exploited by the higher civilization using scissors.

The existence of commercial planets is actually a way for higher civilizations to exploit lower civilizations by relying on their own stronger productivity and using less drastic means. But the lower civilizations are equally happy. They use the things they can make in exchange for the goods they cannot produce, and develop towards a higher level of civilization.

Bai Zhongqi always felt that this kind of thing seemed familiar.

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